All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 184: The target of public criticism! (2-in-1, 5/10)

  Chapter 184 The target of public criticism! (2 in 1, 510)

  If you want to survive to the end, you still need to be strong!

   "I don't know if the person at a certain coordinate point will be displayed when the coordinates are exposed. If my coordinates are exposed and all my information is displayed, wouldn't I become the common goal of everyone!"

  If this is the case, it will be exciting!

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a timing floating window panel appeared in front of everyone!

  At the same time, everyone also gained some props.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have obtained three special materials for dungeons, one scroll of invincibility, one scroll of breaking stealth, and one scroll of teleportation! 】

  The time at this time is 00:00:01.

  As the dungeon started, everyone immediately opened the map to check the situation on the map.

  I saw a total of 1,000 red dots scattered on the map at this time.

  One of them represents their own coordinate point, and the remaining 999 coordinate points represent the positions of other contestants.

  As Tiandao reminded, the coordinates of all contestants will be exposed for 1 minute every hour.

  Now belongs to the initial hour, so within 1 minute of the opening, everyone's coordinates will always be in a state of continuous exposure.

  Chen Mo took a look at the situation of the coordinates, and found a cheating thing.

   The coordinates actually displayed the galaxy and the level simultaneously.

   In this way, he is definitely the target of public criticism.

   Sure enough, the dungeon had just started, and Chen Mo saw that all the coordinate points had a tendency to gather towards his position.

   Now the copy is outside.

  With the start of the event dungeon, relevant information such as the map and the coordinates of the contestants have all appeared simultaneously in the five competition areas on the Killing Mode side.

   "Can the contestants see this map coordinate information?"

   "I don't know, no one has participated in it."

   "Indeed, those who participated are probably dead."

   "The entertainment mode has been successfully participated by someone. If it is the same as the entertainment mode, it will be displayed."

   "So that's the way it is. Wouldn't it be cheating if the killing mode is also displayed? He's such a soft persimmon in the whole picture, who wouldn't come and take him first?"

   "Look at the movements of other people, this moving area seems to be heading towards our Earth contestants."

   "Well, I became the target of everyone when I came up. It's really dead, I can't die anymore, I don't think there is any need to watch it."

   "I guess he's scared to pee now, but it's too late to run now."

  At the academy alliance headquarters, the three leaders saw the situation on the map and felt that Chen Mo was already in danger.

   "It's a pity for a seedling that may have a great future."

   "No way, many paths in life are chosen by myself."

  In the dungeon, when Chen Mo found that everyone was coming towards him, he was not too nervous, but first checked the three dungeon special materials that were given away for free when he entered the dungeon.

  [Invincible Scroll]: A one-time item. After using it, you will immediately leave the combat state and gain invincibility for 5 seconds. If you actively enter the combat state during this period, the invincibility will expire in advance.

  [Scroll of Breaking Invisibility]: A one-time item. After use, all invisible units within a kilometer range can be forcibly released from the invisible state, and they will not be able to enter the invisible state again within the next 5 seconds! The hidden level of this scroll is to ignore everything!

  【Scroll of Instantaneous Movement】: A one-time item that can be used to instantly move to any position within a kilometer range. Instantly, the scroll will not be affected by any space barrier.

   "These three scrolls are quite strong, really good."

  Chen Mo put away all the scrolls.

  I was thinking in my heart whether someone would teleport over directly after approaching a thousand meters away.

  He directly summoned the skeleton army first.

   After swiping dozens of times, Chen Mo finally triggered the highest summoning amount that can be triggered at level 20 by 200 times.

  Looking at the 800,000 invisible skeleton monsters around him, Chen Mo felt full of security.

  At the same time, he released a permanent death knight and let him walk away from other professionals.

   This one is mainly used to ensure that even if someone can wipe out the 800,000 skeleton monsters around, Chen Mo himself can continue to stabilize the undead effect of his professional talent.

  After finishing all this, Chen Mo searched nearby for special materials in the dungeon with peace of mind.

  He wasn't in a hurry to go out to hunt people, he was going to get some special materials for the dungeon first.

  According to the tips of Heaven, these special materials should all have powerful effects.

  Some clues can be seen from the three scrolls sent by Heaven for nothing.

   Get more of these things, and you will be more confident in your shot.

   After all, they are the strongest of the second-ranked full-level powerhouses. Who knows what abilities they have, so don't underestimate them.

   And now the coordinates are only shared for a maximum of 1 minute at the beginning. Even if they approach this way, it still takes a long distance. Before they approach, the coordinate sharing has long since disappeared.

  The dungeon is very large, and it is not possible to approach it in a short while.

   Unless someone teleports over.

  Chen Mo didn't care about the dynamics of the 999 coordinate points on the map, and devoted himself to the state of searching for treasures.

  He now has a perception ability up to 2000 meters around his body, and at the same time, all the skeleton monsters share his perception. When he disperses the skeleton monsters, it means that the exploration range has been further expanded.

  With such double blessings, it is not too easy to find supplies.

  Only thirty seconds after the dungeon started, he found a dungeon item.

  [Unlimited Coordinates · Unbound]: It can be used after binding, and after using it, you can obtain the coordinate positions of all other contestants without a time limit.

   "Good guy, just turn on the perspective hanging, right?"

  Seeing this effect, Chen Mo laughed immediately.

  Although the effect is very strong, it does not improve the attack and defense. Chen Mo put it away for the time being, and is not in a hurry to bind it.

  After all, Heavenly Dao has already made it clear that there are only five items that can be bound in this dungeon.

   Still have to cherish the opportunity.

  Chen Mo put away the infinite coordinates and continued to search.

   After a while, his skeleton monster discovered another thing.

  [Crystal Orb·Unbound]: It can be used after binding, and can ignore all resistances to freeze all surrounding units for 5 seconds.

   "Strong control for 5 seconds! This thing is not bad, but I can use the time-space orb to force control, but I can put it away first."

  Chen Mo didn't choose to directly bind this thing either.

  Put away the things first, and think about which one to use to bind which one, which is the most suitable.

   Soon, 1 minute passed.

  As 1 minute passed, Chen Mo immediately sensed a strange fluctuation in the surrounding space.

  The next moment, an alien with a monkey tail and covered in thick hair appeared in front of him.

  Looking at the information displayed on his head, it is an alien who came out of the Hongluan galaxy.

   This alien has two sharp horns on his head, sharp nails on his hands and feet, and his face is similar to that of a human. Anyway, it still looks a bit weird at first glance.

   "You came here just after the coordinate synchronization ended? It seems that you originally had the ability to teleport, but you didn't want other contestants to find out, so you deliberately waited until the coordinate sharing ended before coming here, right?"

   "Smart people from the solar system." The other party spoke some strange language.

  Looking at the man's hair all over his body is very rough, but his voice is surprisingly soft.

   It's like a little boy's voice.

  Chen Mo couldn't help but feel goosebumps when he looked at the other party after hearing this.

  After praising Chen Mo for being smart, he looked at Chen Mo in surprise and said, "Since you are so smart, why did you choose such a dungeon to enter? I'm curious about this!"

  The reason why the other party came over and didn't make a move immediately was actually because of curiosity.

  This question is unclear, and he can't sleep.

  With the soul translation of the Dao of Heaven, people from two different galaxies can communicate without any obstacles at all.

   "I tell you, you will kill me." Chen Mo laughed.

"No, you are not a threat to me. It doesn't matter whether I kill you or not. I came here just out of curiosity. Tell me and I will leave. But next time I meet you, I won't show mercy. .”

   "Hehe, there is a saying on our planet called curiosity killed the cat. I don't know how the Tiandao system will help you translate it. I think you understand the meaning of this sentence."

   "Oh? You mean you still have the ability to kill me? It seems that you entered this competition area because you are very confident, so I really want to see it."

   It's not that the other party underestimated Chen Mo.

   It's like Chen Mo felt that he was very strong when he entered this dungeon.

  These people who entered this dungeon felt that they were very strong.

   And a person who thinks he is invincible at the same level, sees the inexplicable self-confidence of a person two levels lower than himself, he naturally becomes interested.

   And at this time the outside world.

  People all over the world are checking the situation in the second transfer zone.

   Seeing an alien flashing directly next to Chen Mo's coordinate point, everyone couldn't help thinking that the game was over! My own earth will lose another five-star professional.

   "It's over. As expected of the masters gathered in the Milky Way, they have the ability to teleport thousands of miles away, and this coordinate is really shared with everyone. It's a fart. It's impossible to run away."

   "Which cheater came out and said that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can survive to the end?"

   "That's what people call the entertainment mode. None of us have survived the killing mode. God knows what it's like."

   "It's really miserable for a level 20 unreincarnated opponent to reach the full level of the second transformation. He is not dead yet, I'm afraid he was beaten for fun by the opponent."

   "Fuck, I spent all my money on an eternal copper coin, thinking he could really perform miracles."

   "I lost 10,000 yuan, and those who didn't know it thought you bet 100 eternal gold coins."

   While everyone was talking, they soon saw a strange scene.


   copy inside.

   Chen Mo smiled immediately when he saw the extremely confident appearance of the man in front of him.

  He was not chatting with the other party for no reason. When the other party came over, he had already perceived all the abilities of the other party through the powerful perception ability of the pioneer.

   I have to say that if the other party dared to come over, he really had some brushes on him.

  He has ten kinds of immortality alone, as well as various single-target and group-wide damage abilities.

   This person's combat effectiveness can be described as extremely strong, and he is also very difficult to kill!

  I think so too, how can a person who has no self-protection ability dare to have such a close conversation with others so indifferently.

   At this time, he was not even more than ten meters away from Chen Mo.

   Perceiving the opponent's ability clearly, Chen Mo is not interested in dealing with him for the time being.

This guy has a lot of undead abilities and the same full-image flashing ability as himself, so he can't be killed easily. It's better to find out if there are special dungeon props that can break the opponent's undead ability, and then kill him .

   "I'm just telling you a reason, not that I can kill you. The reason why I entered this dungeon is mainly because I don't think I will die in it." Chen Mo said with a smile.

At this time, the other party looked at Chen Mo meaningfully and said: "You are indeed not an ordinary person. I have SSS-level perception ability, but I can't perceive any information about you. It seems that you really didn't enter the dungeon indiscriminately. It's just that you have What kind of life-saving ability can survive this dungeon with such confidence?"

   "If you keep your word, you should know it the next time the coordinates are shared. After all, next time you might still be unable to resist flashing up and killing me."

   "Hahaha, very interesting people in the solar system, I even like you a little bit."

   "It's dangerous to fall in love with someone casually."

   "Then let me see how dangerous you are when we meet next time."

   After speaking, the other party flashed away with a smile.

   "He is a particular guy, otherwise I would have to kill him by force. With so many undead abilities, I don't know how long it will take."

   Seeing the other party leave, Chen Mo had a clear goal for a while.

   That is to find the special props for the dungeon that can break the opponent's immortal ability.

   There are 800,000 skeleton monsters that last for an hour to help search, and Chen Mo's search efficiency is much higher than others.

  When ordinary people find one item, Chen Mo has already found five.

  In addition to the original infinite coordinates and the extremely cold orb, he found three more good things.

  A magic stone can seal all the skills of the opponent, so that the opponent can only use normal attacks.

  A scroll of self-injury, when activated, can allow the opponent to feedback all the damage hit on the initiator.

  A blasting orb, when activated, can cause 100,000 real damage to all enemy units within a kilometer range!

   Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Chen Mo always puts it away first.

   After all, if you leave it to someone else, it will turn into something that can be used against him.

   This obviously cannot be left.

  By the time these five items were found, half an hour had passed for the dungeon.

  The main reason is that there were very few special materials in the first hour.

  Even if Chen Mo has so many skeleton monsters to help search, there are still not many things that can be found.

   After searching for another half an hour, Chen Mo found two more good things.

   One of them is exactly the treasure that Chen Mo has been wanting to limit the ability of immortality.

  (end of this chapter)

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