Chapter 190 Double crush! (3 in 1, 55)

  Because the frequency of killing is high enough, the new rules are almost as good as none.

  Basically, there is no need to trigger coordinate exposure any more.

  1 hour passed quickly.

  Chen Mo killed four more targets without anyone knowing, and now the number of kills has accumulated to 25 points.

  The remaining number of people in the copy dropped sharply within this hour.

   There are only more than 700 left, which is three quarters of the drop.

   But obviously, Tiandao is not satisfied with this.

   With the arrival of a new hour, new rules appeared again.

  【Tiandao Tip: Four hours have passed in the dungeon, and there are still eight hours left. It is the hour, and everyone’s coordinates are about to be exposed. Please be prepared. The continuous exposure time of this coordinate is 100 seconds!

  The materials in all areas of the current dungeon have been re-refreshed, and the amount of refreshes is twice as much as before. Please explore more, there may be new materials refreshed in the areas you have been to before! 】

[Tiandao Tip: One-third of the event time has passed, but the number of participants is still more than two-thirds. If there are no new kills every minute, everyone's coordinates will continue to be exposed. Until there is a new kill, everyone's coordinates will be hidden again for 1 minute!

  And everyone's location will change randomly every minute, and the refreshed location will have at least two people whose locations are less than 1000 meters away.

   This rule continues until the existing number is equal to or lower than two-thirds! 】

   "Good guy is still here!"

  Chen Mo was very speechless about this new rule. If he was optimistic about a goal, but suddenly changed his position when he was halfway, would it be a waste of time on the road?

  Chen Mo thinks that the restriction transmission rules of dungeons should also restrict the rules of heaven, so that everyone will not be displaced.

   But obviously, this is not possible.

  As 1 minute passed, due to the fierce fighting in the previous hour, the number of people in this hour was much less, and the chances of everyone encountering it were also lower. There was no killing in the first minute.

  【Heavenly Tip: Your location will change randomly, please pay attention! 】

  The moment the reminder of the Dao of Heaven sounded, Chen Mo only felt a picture change in front of his eyes, and he had already appeared in a brand new place.

   Click on the map to see, good guy, he was directly teleported from a place closer to the central area to the edge of the map.

  He thinks Tiandao is very cheating. Didn’t we agree at the beginning that everyone should go to the center as soon as possible?

   Just because everyone was not fighting fiercely enough, they started to engage in this method.

  In fact, in comparison, Chen Mo was lucky in this teleportation, because his position was only transmitted far away.

   And many people passed directly to the position where there are other opponents nearby.

   After a while, there were various killing sounds.

   After ten minutes of killing, they finally fell silent for another minute.

   But as soon as the minute quieted down, the rule of changing positions randomly started again.

   This time, Chen Mo was still very lucky, he was still not teleported to a nearby location, and there were hundreds of other lucky people.

  As for the unlucky group of people, they have already started to kill each other at this time.

   Following two consecutive waves, the number of survivors in the dungeon plummeted a lot.

   After a while, six hundred people had already fallen.

   Now the new rules are finally no longer out to deceive people.

  Everyone can pick up props and develop well again with peace of mind.

  With the arrival of the fifth hour, there are no new rules this time, as if it is the calm before the storm.

  The virus running mode will start in the next hour.

  This hour, Tiandao didn't do any more tricks.

  Everyone is collecting items with peace of mind and getting ready for the next big battle.

  Chen Mo has already collected two or three hundred items in his backpack at this time.

   There are a few of them, which he thinks may still be used.

  For example, the ability to directly silence everyone around.

   Or the ability to add invincibility to yourself.

   The invincible scroll is only five seconds long, and the bound invincible orb can be used indefinitely, each time for 5 seconds, and the cooldown only takes 1 minute.

   But the cooldown of the orb does not eat any cooldown reduction.

   But no matter what, it can be regarded as an important life-saving item.

  Chen Mo found so many things, some of which were limited to resurrection, and some of which were limited to immortality.

  But there are no props to deal with invincibility.

   It can be seen that the priority of invincibility is still very high.

  Since it is called invincible, it is natural to have the cards he should have.

  According to the introduction of Invincible Orb, during the period of invincibility, even if you are in the poisonous rules, you can be safe.

   It can be said to be really invincible!

   In terms of offense, there are also some good props, such as props that can turn all damage you cause into real damage.

  Chen Mo himself doesn't need this kind of thing, but it's a big help if it doesn't prevent other people in the dungeon from picking it up.

   There is also a more insidious secret treasure of blood exchange.

  You can directly exchange your blood volume with that of the enemy.

   That is, you can bleed yourself first, and then directly exchange blood with the opponent in the state of 1 drop of blood, and you can directly kill in seconds.

   There is also a crit orb, if bound, it will definitely cause a crit.

  Chen Mo himself has a god-level crit aura, which is actually useless.

   But this thing is a lethal weapon for other professionals!

   There is also a blast damage orb in the dungeon, if bound, the blast damage can be increased to 10 times the original.

  Bound together with the critical strike orb, the increase in lethality is still very amazing.

   In addition to this, there are even scrolls of forbidden spells.

   Activated after binding, you can directly cast a wide range of forbidden spells, which is extremely terrifying!

  If there was no limit on the number of bindings, Chen Mo would bind all of them directly, and then bombed all the way.

  Now, he can only look at a lot of good things and slowly think about how to apply them.

  There were more than 300 materials, and there were more than a hundred different types. Basically, Chen Mo only picked up two of each kind, but did not pick up the third.

  He really wanted to pick up three copies and have a look.

  I don't know how the power will be improved.

   And after synthesis, will there be a corresponding formula for yourself?

  Then will this recipe be brought out of the dungeon with me?

  Can I spend money to make it in the future?

  Can the props I made outside the instance be used outside the instance?

  About these questions, they need to be verified before they can be known.

  At this time, while Chen Mo was looking for something, he was praying that he could find three copies of the same thing and do the first experiment first.

   Halfway through the fifth hour, Chen Mo found several more items, but none of them made up three parts with the items he had before.

  However, as he continued to search without giving up, he finally found the third item of an item he already had in the backpack at the fifth hour and forty minutes.

   "Invincible Orb, this is the third one!"

  Looking at the invincible orb in his hand, Chen Mo showed a hint of excitement.

  He immediately called out the synthesis interface, and put all the three invincible orbs into it.

  【Prompt from Heaven: This item is a special dungeon item, please add ten copies of other special item accessories to synthesize it! 】

  Chen Mo casually threw ten garbage special items into it.

   Soon the synthesis interface began to change.

  As everything merged together, Chen Mo immediately clicked to skip the composite animation.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【You have obtained the "Super Invincible Orb", please receive the item you synthesized! 】

  【This synthesis recipe has been recorded in the recipe list! 】

   "Is it really possible to record the recipe?"

  Chen Mo was very surprised, he immediately clicked on the synthesized items to check.

  [Super Invincible Orb]: When activated, you can gain invincibility for 10 seconds, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

   "It has become 10 seconds, what if we continue to synthesize?"

  Chen Mo suddenly became interested.

  He tried to use the token mode for synthesis directly.

   "I don't know if this thing can calculate tokens?"

  【Prompt from Heaven: Calculating the value...】

  【Tiandao Tip: Calculation error, sorry, special items in the dungeon cannot be synthesized using the token function! 】

   "Okay, I died before I finished my mission, and I died at the first step."

  Chen Mo smiled helplessly, but it is not bad to be able to synthesize items in the dungeon, so at least the things he can bind will be much more effective than others.

   "If you can find more invincible orbs, let me synthesize a super super super invincible orb, and make it invincible for half a minute, then I can really hit anyone I meet with peace of mind."

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

   It is already difficult to find three copies of the same thing, let alone so many.

  With the end of the fifth hour, Chen Mo also found three third identical items.

  He synthesized them all.

  Anyway, it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit, you can only bind five pieces at most, and it’s useless for him to keep the extra.

   Combine and see the effect.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Six hours have passed in the dungeon, and there are still six hours left. It is the hour and everyone’s coordinates are about to be exposed. Please be prepared. The continuous exposure time of this coordinate is 120 seconds!

  The materials in all areas of the current dungeon have been re-refreshed, and the amount of refreshes is twice as much as before. Please explore more, there may be new materials refreshed in the areas you have been to before! 】

  【Heaven’s reminder: Half of the event time has passed, and the poison running mode has officially started. There will be a deadly poisonous fog in the edge area of ​​the copy that will continue to shrink towards the center of the copy. Participants in the edge area of ​​​​the copy should stay away as soon as possible!

  Special warning! Contestants in the edge area of ​​the copy, please stay away as soon as possible! Otherwise, do so at your own peril!

  The poisonous mist is currently spreading at a radius of 1 meter per second! Please avoid it. 】

  This time, Tiandao didn't give any new rules for punishing people. It can be seen that the huge threat of poisonous fog is enough to force the contestants to kill each other in Tiandao's view.

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, everyone could clearly see a trace of lavender appearing on the edge of the small map, which indicated that the poisonous fog had begun to spread.

  The radius from the center of the copy to the edge of the copy is 55,000 meters.

  According to this contraction method, the temporary poisonous fog is still far away from the central area.

   It just means forcing the contestants to rush to the middle.

   After all, you now feel that the poisonous fog is still far away, but it will only spread faster and faster. If you don’t occupy the central area early to understand the situation in the middle area, you will rush past after you.

   Isn't that waiting to be beaten?

  Due to the random change of coordinates before, the group of people who were looking for Chen Mo did not find Chen Mo, but killed each other instead.

  Now everyone is basically too lazy to care about Chen Mo's whereabouts.

   After all, they have already started killing each other, so this bite of meat is not bad.

   What's more, Chen Mo's current location is still far away from the central area.

   Naturally, everyone is even less interested in him.

  Anyway, we all know that he will come by himself, so it is better to wait for him in the central area.

  As everyone began to approach the central area, Chen Mo also approached the central area.

   At this time, there are only more than 500 people left in the copy.

  Although almost half of them died, the remaining 500 or so are not too small.

  In addition, they were all rushing to the central area, and there were quite a few people encountered on the way.

   Soon there was another kill message prompt.

   Wait until the seventh hour comes.

  The number of people in the copy has only been reduced to more than four hundred.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current time is the seventh hour, and the spreading speed of the poisonous mist has been increased to a radius of 2 meters per second! Please avoid it. 】

   "It seems that the indentation speed is increased by 1 meter per second per hour. In this way, when it reaches eleven hours, the poisonous circle will probably shrink to a position only one kilometer away from the central area.

   In other words, the safe activity range of the final circle is only a kilometer?

  A circle of 1 million square meters is not small, but it is really not big.

  Just like the doom mage before, with his doom spell coverage, the entire safe area is his bombing range.

   There is no way to hide.

   At this time, the other contestants have roughly calculated this information, and the final circle of a kilometer square is indeed a bit small.

   Everyone is not very sure that they will survive in such a small final circle.

  They decided to kill in advance.

   I have to say that this idea coincides with Chen Mo's.

  He also felt that the final circle was too small, and it was easy to wipe out his skeleton monsters like this.

  This kind of combat environment is not very good for Chen Mo.

  So he also sped up his speed, preparing to kill everyone directly before the final circle shrank to such a small size.

  For a while, everyone had the same idea, which made everyone more inclined to fight.

   At this time, the three people who controlled the infinite coordinate props were as far away as possible from where Chen Mo was.

  They have confidence in dealing with other people, but they have no confidence in dealing with Chen Mo, an inexplicable existence.

   After so long, no one has obtained the fifth infinite coordinate prop, because the same props in the entire dungeon will only be released at most four.

   This is also the reason why Chen Mo searched so many, but it was difficult to get three.

  Because as long as someone else gets two of them first, Chen Mo will never be able to get the third of that item.

  As the threat of poisonous smog intensified, everyone's idea of ​​fighting became stronger.

   Soon, there appeared a series of reminders to kill.

  Chen Mo also joined the battle circle and killed a few more.

   With time comes the ninth hour.

  Chen Mo's kill count has reached 100 at this time.

  The number of people surviving in the copy has dropped to less than fifty.

   Outsiders, as long as they pay attention to this game, they are all shocked by Chen Mo's performance.

  So many second-rank full-star masters gathered together, but the one who killed the most people was a guy who had only been reincarnated at level 20.

   It really shocked everyone deeply.

   This is crushed by proper hard power.

   "It's too strong, how many other people can kill?"

  Everyone took a look at the number of kills of the current dungeon owner.

  Chen Mo is far ahead of the second place with 50 kills with 100 kills.

   "These aliens are only 50 strongest, and our earthlings are twice crushed!"

   "I don't know why he suddenly didn't teleport before, otherwise, he would have killed it long ago."

   "It's probably restricted by the props used by the people in this dungeon. I heard that there are many powerful props in this event dungeon, which is very disgusting.

  When using it in entertainment mode, people don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but if it is used in killing mode, it is related to the safety of life! "

   "This further highlights the awesomeness of this great man on our earth! He can be so successful in this dungeon with many strange abilities. Killing people at higher levels is like playing games. It's too strong."

   "I think at this time, people in the Yongxing system may have crooked noses."

   "Haha, that's not sure, maybe it's already knocking on the table and smashing the bench."

"Let them fight against us, let's develop ourselves, and suddenly come to do things for us, NND, now we finally have a big bull, they wait to die! Wait for the big bull to turn five, directly in the tower of eternity Kill the people of their eternal star system!"

"I think they have already started to look for clues about this person all over the world. Everyone will keep their eyes open in the future. When encountering various things about inquiring about this talented person, report more and report the news. Maybe it's a stranger The stars are inquiring!"


   At this time, at the headquarters of the Eternal Star System, Langu's nose was indeed crooked.

   At the very beginning, he could see that Chen Mo was amazing.

   But he coveted some hope.

  I hope Chen Mo will die in this dungeon because of his arrogance.

   As a result, they played triumphant songs all the way, and the number of enemies killed directly soared to the first place in the whole map.

   Even doubled the force of the second.

  As for the contestants of their eternal star system, the number of kills at this time is only thirty.

  If it weren’t for the inability to communicate in real time with the outside of the dungeon, the senior management of the Yongxing system would have called the person from the Yongxing system in the dungeon to find a way to kill Chen Mo.

  Even if you pay a huge price to recruit other people to shoot together.

In fact, they don't need to say more, the second-turn genius of the eternal star system in the dungeon, after seeing that Chen Mo is from the solar system, has already become murderous, but the distance between the two is too far, and there are other people in the middle Insert, he has no time to deal with Chen Mo.

   Otherwise he would have come and killed him.

  Of course, because she can't see Chen Mo's kill count like outsiders, she doesn't know Chen Mo's strength yet.

   Otherwise, she might just empty out the treasure in the backpack and ask others to do it together.

  Even if I die in this copy, I still have to drag this person in the solar system.

  After all, if she knew that this level 20 unreincarnated person could reversely kill a full-level full-star master, and even be the person with the highest number of kills in the whole map, she would definitely know the terrifying nature of Chen Mo's existence at once.

   Such a person, if he uses the Teleportation Land to enter their Eternal Star System during the fourth turn, wouldn't he be able to kill them directly?

  When I think of that situation, I have to kill him if I don't live.

  It's a pity that she doesn't know anything now, she just thinks that she can easily crush Chen Mo to death.

  Under the constant contraction of the poison, she finally found a chance.

  At this time, outside the dungeon, the people on Earth happily watched the excitement.

   "Haha, look, this guy from the Yongxing system is really reckless, and he came to find our people on his own initiative."

   "This guy can be regarded as a genius of the Yongxing system. If he is killed, the Yongxing system will probably feel distressed for a while!"

   "That's not true, after all, he is a top-notch powerhouse of the second rank, so it's not so easy to have."

   Just like the people on earth think.

  At this time, the senior executives of the Eternal Star System saw that the genius of their own galaxy took the initiative to kill Chen Mo without knowing anything. They were in a hurry, but there was nothing they could do.

  If they can communicate with the dungeon, they will never let people from their galaxy go to Chen Mo alone.

  Although they believe in the strength of this genius in their galaxy.

  However, Chen Mo's performance in this dungeon was too weird and unpredictable from the beginning to the end. This kind of weird and unpredictable is the source of fear for people in the Yongxing system.

   "We are going to meet soon, what do you say will happen."

  In the high-level meeting room of the Eternal Star System, the person sitting in the main seat looked at the information on the event map with a solemn expression.

"I'm afraid it's more ominous than good. This earthling is full of weirdness everywhere. Killing one or two is luck, killing ten or twenty is strength, but when he kills a hundred now, it will be crushed." !"

"Although I don't want to admit it, the opponent's performance is indeed like this. His combat power is definitely not just full-level and full-star at the second rank. He basically crushes these people who are full-level at the second rank. There are those who can last more than 1 minute under his hands.

   Among the hundred people, none of them persisted for more than a minute, and the most one lasted for tens of seconds. This is only possible when the strength is absolutely crushed! "

   "Damn it! While seeing the rise of a genius on Earth, do we want to see one of our geniuses fall?"

   "Not necessarily, according to the news uploaded below, the contestant is Yunzhi. She told her teacher in advance before participating in the competition. Her teacher agreed to her participation because of her strength.

  Her strength is quite extraordinary. According to the evaluation, it is no problem to go up to three ranks and get full stars. Maybe she has a chance to end this earthling! "

   "Is the full-level full-star combat power of the third turn? Is it counted as the contracted full-star pet?"

"That's not true. How can it be possible to contract a full-star pet! Three full-level full-star pets and contract full-star pets, the combat power is directly comparable to the top four ranks. This is at least two steps higher. How is it possible that Yunzhi is only a second-rank top? It can be done!"

   Just after saying this, everyone fell silent, and all of them focused their attention on Chen Mo, and there was a person in front of him who had surpassed two levels and killed the enemy like a chicken!

For a while, everyone didn't know how to evaluate it. One was a zero-turned-level 20 who killed a full-level star at the second turn, like killing a chicken, and the other was a superpower at the second turn who was comparable to a full-level full-star at the third turn. I don't know which one is stronger or weaker.

  (end of this chapter)

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