Chapter 245 Strategies to rule the city! (two in one)

   Near noon, Chen Mo and Elena were talking, and both of them had received a reminder from Heaven.

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully captured Stormwind City and completed the second part of the first phase of the mission. During this mission, the death rate of soldiers under your command is 0%, meeting the requirement that the death rate is less than 50%. The mission completion score is perfect. You Obtained 200 dungeon points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Because you have controlled the entire Stormwind City without bloodshed through your own ingenuity, you have achieved the super hidden achievement "Intelligent Control of the City" in this task, and you can get an additional 600 dungeon points for this task. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your current dungeon points are 2100 points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current task stage of the first stage has been completed, please arrange the rest of the time freely and wait for the news of the victory of the teammates of the other two teams...】

  "Looking at the meaning of Tiandao's hint, I'm afraid this first stage is not so easy to complete, and something will definitely happen to the other two teams.

  Heaven gave us the time to prepare, because we want us to take advantage of this time to continue to strengthen our strength. "

   Elena said after reading the tips from Heaven.

"That's right, I walked around the city before, checked it out, and found that there are many places that sell high-quality military equipment. These things should be enough to fully arm our mediocre rebel army before, and greatly increase their combat power. .”

   "It seems that the time given to us is used to do these things, but I'm a little curious. If you didn't use your method to take down this iron walled city, how would we take Stormwind City under normal circumstances?"

  Eileen just saw Stormwind City's terrain and guard strength before, and felt that it would be difficult to take down such a city without ten times as heavy troops.

   "There is an underground tunnel in this city, and there is a gunpowder magazine in the city. If you sneak into the city through the underground tunnel and detonate the gunpowder magazine, the entire Stormwind City can be blown up to the sky.

  Under normal circumstances, the difficulty of attacking Stormwind City is not actually the difficulty of siege, but a test of the ability to sneak in and whether you can capture the gunpowder magazine after sneaking in. "

   "It turns out that it is like this. I understand it if it is like this."

  If you just detonate the gunpowder magazine, the troops in your hands are indeed enough.

   Otherwise, she really couldn't imagine how to capture this impregnable city under normal circumstances.

   "Since the way of heaven has given us time to strengthen the entire army, let's follow this path. Although we don't really need them to participate in the war, but if we follow the way of heaven, we may not be able to get points rewards." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Well, but if the entire army is upgraded, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money." Elena thought about the cost.

   "It's okay, my current identity is Demon Marshal Kahn, spending money doesn't exist." Chen Mo said with a smirk.

   "What do you want?"

   "Just requisition directly, let them settle the settlement at the end of the month, and by that time, we will have already finished the dungeon and run away."

   "Chen, you are so bad!" Elena scolded with a smile.

   "This is wisdom." Chen Mo retorted.

   Soon Chen Mo called the model worker Tuscom over.

"Taskum, there are rebels making trouble at present, and there are still many people in Stormwind City whose armaments are not very good. You can order a batch of fine armaments from the forge shop and equipment dealers to distribute. We must plan ahead and prepare all the equipment armed."

  Taskum should have said yes immediately after hearing this, but he stood by and still didn't move.

   "What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Chen Mo looked at him curiously.

  Taskum's mouth twitched immediately, he didn't know what to say or not, he struggled a little and said: "Didn't you confiscate the circulating funds in the warehouse before, the purchase of armaments requires..."

   Halfway through, Tuscom felt that the city lord should understand.

Chen Mo immediately understood: "You need to worry about the issue of funds. You can just tell them to settle the settlement at the end of the month. The sooner you get things right, the better. It's best to finish the purchase within one day, because we can't Know when the rebels will come to Stormwind."

   "The subordinates will understand, and the subordinates will do it immediately."

  Taskum left the city lord's mansion, went straight to the forge shop and equipment dealer, and began to order sophisticated armaments.

  At this time, he found that the craftsmen in the forge were a little flustered and uneasy. It turned out that they had heard the news of the riots by the rebel army.

  Taskum immediately appeased them and told them that the city lord had a plan to deal with it and ensured their safety.

  The craftsmen were a little relieved when they heard this, and they heard that this batch of armaments was used to arm the city guards to store the city attacked by the rebels, so there is nothing wrong with delaying the cost until the end of the month.

   Immediately they got down to making armaments in earnest.

  Taskum remembered Chen Mo's words, and immediately conveyed the city lord's instructions to the forge and equipment dealers, telling them that it would be best to prepare all the armaments before tonight.

  Although the task is urgent, both the forge shop and the equipment dealer are the best suppliers in the city, with rich experience, sufficient inventory, and a high level and speed in making and equipping armaments.

   Just need to spend a little time to re-polish all the excellent equipment in the inventory.

  They immediately started working overtime and completed the preparations as soon as possible.

  At the same time, Tuskom also started to get busy.

  He constantly coordinates the progress of various departments, arranges and directs personnel, and ensures that all armaments can be prepared within the specified time and distributed to those who need them.

  Time passed quickly. Seeing that the time tonight was getting closer, the forge shops and equipment manufacturers also completed the production and equipment of armaments at the last critical moment.

  Taskum and his team also successfully distributed all the armaments to those in need as planned.

  Although the whole process was tense, it was finally resolved satisfactorily.

  That night, all the rebels led by Chen Mo exchanged shotguns for cannons, and changed into a suit of arrogant equipment.

   At this time, the other two teams have already confronted the enemy one after another.

   Sure enough, as Chen Mo expected, not long after the confrontation between the two sides, he received a reminder from Heaven.

  Both sides have problems.

  Before, they didn’t encounter trouble in the first level, and they pushed so fast because they thought there was a general guarding the first level, but in fact they didn’t.

  That's why they pushed it down easily.

   And now the level they are in is a big problem.

   Not only are four generals guarding at the same time, but there is even a marshal guarding it.

   It can be said that the guarding force is extremely powerful.

  With such a guard force, it is obviously very difficult to break through the target location.

  The two sides naturally fell into a bitter battle.

  Eileen and Chen Mo looked at each other and said: "It seems that we need to go to support, Chen, what should we do now? Which side should we help first? Should we help Lilith first?

  She is the commander-in-chief, she cannot die, once she dies, we may not earn enough points to deduct it. "

   "Since she is the commander-in-chief, she should have her special features. It is impossible to lose so easily. I think we should support the other side first." Chen Mo thought about it and said.

"Then listen to you. After all, they are all leaders. Their strength is no worse than that of the generals of the Imperial Army. They shouldn't be so easy to die in a while." Elena felt that with Chen Mo's strength, he didn't need it. Too much entanglement, just a quick solution.

   "Well, let's go. As for the people under my command, it's better to stay in Stormwind City, so as not to have any mortality-related scores. I don't need to use them anyway."

  Eileen nodded.

   "By the way, you should stay in Stormwind City to avoid any problems here. This stronghold is quite important, and you can't just lose it. I can go there alone."

  Eileen thought about it and nodded, "Okay."

   After explaining, Chen Mo called several important subordinates in the city over, and asked them to regard Elena as the city lord when he was not around.

  The people under him naturally didn't dare to say much, and they all nodded.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo directly stepped onto the teleportation array and teleported to the city of faith "Jerusalem" attacked by the army led by the priest leader Ryan.

Due to the chaotic battle here, the energy fluctuations are chaotic, and the operation of the teleportation array is not very stable. Although Chen Mo was teleported here, the teleportation fluctuations have not been completely stabilized. I don't know where the time will go.

  Now the dungeon has been restricted in teleportation ability, if it reaches the ends of the earth, it will be too late for Chen Mo to cry.

  He could only wait quietly for the transmission energy around him to stabilize before acting.

  Standing in the teleportation array, Chen Mo clearly heard a burst of noise and roar, which shows that the two armies are still fighting quite fiercely.

   Still unable to move anyway, Chen Mo immediately took the time to perceive the current battle situation on both sides.

  Perceived by the ability of the pioneers, I saw that the shields of all the rebels here have disappeared.

   I don’t know how it was emptied by the Imperial Army.

   It is estimated that they used skills such as clearing shields. This kind of skill is not very rare. It is not surprising that some generals and marshals of the empire have such skills.

   After perceiving it for a while, Chen Mo found out that it was the opponent's marshal who possessed such a group shield dispelling technique.

  At this time, the white-robed priest Ryan was commanding the archers of the rebel army, pulling the bow vigorously on the front line, aiming at the soldiers of the imperial army, and shooting arrows wildly.

  The arrow flew through the air quickly, hitting the shield or the body of the imperial army, making a crackling sound.

   Some arrows hit the enemy's head, blood spurted out, and the screams pierced the noisy atmosphere of the battlefield.

  At the same time, the magician of the rebel army also acted, and the staff in his hand released a series of powerful fireballs, lightning and ice cones, blasting the enemy to pieces.

  The fireball exploded, releasing dazzling light and scorching temperature, the thunder and lightning split, making a deafening noise, and the ice cone shattered, making a crisp sound.

  While the imperial army was blown to pieces, they were not to be outdone. They began to charge the soldiers of the rebel army. The infantry and cavalry charged forward at the same time, with orderly and powerful steps.

  The spearmen stood with guns, pointing at the soldiers of the rebel army, with solemn expressions.

  The archers are working hard to projectile and strike indiscriminately.

  Mages and priests control the battle situation in the rear, providing BUFF support or fire support for the soldiers.

  The infantry used their shields to resist the enemy's attack and made a loud sound.

  The cavalry charged over, and the sound of horseshoes was deafening.

  The pikeman's spear point pierces the enemy, making a whizzing sound.

  The rangers galloped on the battlefield, drawing bows and shooting arrows. The sound of arrows mixed with the sound of the wind made people feel numb.

  The magic burst, releasing a dazzling light!

  Following the charge launched by the melee soldiers, the two armies soon came into close contact. During the fierce fighting, a chaotic battlefield was formed.

  Swords, guns, swords and shields collide, bows and arrows intertwine, magic bursts, and bones fly.

  The fighting soldiers wrestled together, shouting loudly.

  The sound of weapon clashes, screams, breathing and the smell of blood filled the air.

  Flesh and flesh flew everywhere, and corpses piled up. This was a ruthless fight.

  Ryan continued to command the rebel army, his high-pitched voice echoed across the battlefield: "Smite them!"

  The rebel army led by Ryan played well and had high morale. What Chen Mo didn't expect was that the rebel army still had a certain advantage.

   "Four leaders can gain an advantage against one marshal and four generals? How is it possible?"

   Soon, Chen Mo discovered that the five masters of the imperial army did not devote themselves to the battle with all their strength.

   As the saying goes, one effort, then decline, three exhaustion.

  Ryan's army gained a lot of advantages in the initial offensive. When they found that they couldn't attack for a long time, and the enemy suddenly became more and more fierce, they would soon lose their fighting momentum and their morale would drop.

   Seeing this situation, Chen Mo reckoned in his heart that the rebel army would show signs of decline before long.

   Sure enough, Ryan soon realized the problem.

  He was wearing a white robe, and while buffing the whole team, he considered the follow-up countermeasures.

"It's troublesome, I have fallen into the enemy's trap. Once the morale of the soldiers starts to drop, it must be the time for the enemy's entire army to attack. At that time, the enemy's momentum is at its peak and our momentum is decadent. It is impossible to resist Stop their pounce!"

  Seeing the crisis of the current situation, Ryan frowned, and he could feel the morale of the rebel soldiers was declining.

  He knew he had to act to change the situation.

  He shouted: "Warriors! We cannot give up! For our freedom and dignity, we must keep fighting!"

  Ryan's words boosted the morale of the rebel army a little. They broke out again and continued to fight, but this battle has already cost them a heavy price.

  Many of them had fallen, hit by enemy swords and arrows, the wounded soldiers screamed, and a large amount of blood and corpses were scattered on the ground, presenting a bright red scene.

  In the battle, infantry and cavalry intertwined, swords collided, and horses' hooves resounded through the sky.

  The spearmen formed an array of steel spears with high morale, and stabbed the enemy's stormtroopers.

  The archer shoots countless arrows, and the arrows pass through the air quickly and hit the enemy's shield or body, making a crackling sound.

  The magician unleashes all kinds of mysterious magic, such as fireballs, thunderbolts and ice cones, blasting enemies to pieces.

  At the same time, the imperial army was not to be outdone. Their infantry and cavalry formed an iron-walled array and rushed towards the rebel camp.

   Arrows and magic could not stop their progress, they launched a violent charge, killing the rebel soldiers.

  The entire battlefield was filled with blood and smoke. The cries of soldiers and screams of death continued to resound, coupled with the neighing of war horses and the clash of weapons, making the entire battlefield extremely chaotic.

  Time seemed to stand still, everyone was fighting in their corner, only the sound of death and fighting kept echoing.

  Although the rebels resisted bravely, the situation of the battle is irreversible, and their morale and combat effectiveness have reached their limit.

  (end of this chapter)

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