It is really difficult to forcibly break through the realm of the middle god. Without preparing any materials, it is almost impossible to break through.

 Chen Mo has tried crazily for more than half a million times, but there is still no sign of success.

Just when he thought it was impossible to achieve a successful breakthrough, it was already his 715,965th breakthrough.

 However, in the 715965th attempt, when Chen Mo focused on the divine core again, he suddenly felt a wonderful connection, as if the link between himself and the universe was reconnected.

His body began to tremble, as if a powerful force was pouring into him.

Chen Mo's eyes gradually became brighter, and the energy around the divine core began to surge, converging into a bright beam of light.

This beam of light shimmered with mysterious light, lifting Chen Mo's body, and his aura continued to rise.

 The whole process is like walking through a fog, breaking through the invisible barrier between material and spiritual.

 Chen Mo's feelings became clearer and clearer, and he began to see more mysteries of the divine world.

 This is a destined moment. The breakthrough in the realm of the middle **** is no longer an illusory dream, but has become a real reality.

When Chen Mo tried to break through to the middle **** realm, his divine core underwent a crucial change.

At this moment, the divine core is no longer a static existence, it becomes full of vitality, active and sensitive.

 At first, Chen Mo noticed the slight tremor of the divine core, as if its vitality had been awakened.

Then, the light around the divine core began to gradually brighten, and faint light points flickered in it, like stars in the starry sky.

These faint points of light gradually merged together to form a bright core, just like a miniature star shining in the core of the god.

The light emanating from this core is full of power and seems to be the light of power in the universe.

 With Chen Mo’s unremitting efforts, this core of the divine core began to expand rapidly, and its shape also changed.

 From the initial tiny point of light, it expanded into an oval shape, and then gradually became more regular, like a miniature planet, emitting strong energy.

This change in the divine core seems to be a wonderful transformation, symbolizing Chen Mo's entry into a higher realm of the divine world.

 The light emanating from this core contains not only power, but also wisdom and understanding.

 It became a symbol of Chen Mo becoming a middle **** and proof that he was more closely connected with the universe.

 When the final breakthrough was completed, Chen Mo became the middle god. He felt that he was integrated with the entire universe and had greater power and insight.

 After feeling some changes in himself, Chen Mo's divine power and divine energy were further improved.

 The previous first-level divine power and third-level divine essence.

Now Chen Mo's divine power has become a second-level divine power, and his divine essence has become a fourth-level divine essence.

Because of the existence of the Chaos Body, Chen Mo's divine power is actually equivalent to the fourth-level divine power. In other words, Chen Mo's current divine power is directly comparable to the true god. The intermediate god's divine power is comparable to the true god. He is the only one.

 And his divine energy strength has also been increased to the sixth level, and he can perform six turns.

Just when Chen Mo's divine power reached a level comparable to that of a true god, Chen Mo felt his own divine world undergo violent vibrations and changes.

 The divine world is an inner universe. Generally speaking, the inner universe expands as the master's realm changes.

 And every time the level of divine power increases, there is actually a huge gap.

 Because the higher the level of divine power, the harder it is to improve.

Chen Mo directly ignored this gap with the help of the body of chaos, and stepped into the realm of true god's power with the medium power.

 This naturally caused earth-shaking changes in his divine world.

 At first, this inner universe was a relatively small and orderly space, as if it were a miniature universe.

 However, as Chen Mo's divine power level reached the level of a true god, the inner universe began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

 First of all, Chen Mo’s inner universe has expanded to an unprecedented vastness, seemingly an infinite starry sky. In this starry sky, many mysterious stars are slowly rotating, and each star represents a different realm of divine power.

Between these stars, delicate and complex divine power surges like nebulae in the universe, connecting everything.

 This is a new realm of Chen Mo's divine power. Each star represents a different field of his divine power, including strength, wisdom, creation, destruction, etc.

 At the same time, time and space in the inner universe have also become extremely distorted.

Time is like a river, with Chen Mo’s inner universe as the center. The flow rate of time varies with the distance from the center of the inner universe.

 This means that Chen Mo can completely control the passage of time in his own inner universe, and even change its reverse flow.

Space has also become quite flexible. Chen Mo can change the layout of the inner universe through his own will, rearrange the stars, create new realms, or combine realms into one to achieve more powerful effects.

  In other words, Chen Mo already has the ability to freely establish rules and control everything in his own inner universe.

This is only one step away from the Mahayana of the inner universe.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your divine world has evolved to the level of a perfect inner universe. You can find the source stone of the universe and place it in the divine world to completely evolve your inner universe and become a real universe.

By then, your universe will be placed in the Tower of Eternity, and the Tower of Eternity will automatically absorb life forms into your universe, providing you with cosmic source power to enhance your realm. 】

 “Cosmic source power? What is this?”

Chen Mo immediately called out the Tiandao interface and asked the Tiandao assistant.

"Dear Destiny Man, the source power of the universe is a power that can only be mastered by masters who have reached the Master of the Universe level after breaking through to the True God. After mastering this power, you will have the qualifications to explore the sea of ​​the universe on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. .”

 “The Sea of ​​the Universe? What is that place?”

“You will have to wait until your realm reaches the Master of the Universe level to learn this. Please continue to work hard.”

Originally, Chen Mo thought that he had broken through the middle **** realm and was only two steps away from reaching the highest realm.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that the Lord of the Universe above the True God is only the starting state of the second level of the Tower of Eternity.

At this moment, Chen Mo could be regarded as having a glimpse of Sun Wu's realm. Since the monkey mentioned the second floor of the Tower of Eternity before, it means that Sun Wu's strength has actually reached the level of the Lord of the Universe.

No wonder that monkey is so powerful and perverted.

The Lord of the Universe has surpassed the realm of true gods, and is probably a life form of a higher level than gods.

At this time, Chen Mo also understood why it was difficult for him to peek at any information about Sun Wu.

 Compared to myself, others are almost in another higher-dimensional position.

As a low-dimensional life, I still want to peek into the realm of high-dimensional life, which is obviously overthinking.

After thinking about this clearly, Chen Mo didn't care anymore. At this time, his divine power had reached the realm of true gods, and it was not difficult to get close to the realm of the Lord of the Universe.

Especially since I still have hundreds of millions of spare divine power, and there was a senior with a lot of divine power in the Cemetery of Gods who can provide divine power to help me grow.

Chen Mo feels that it is not difficult for him to quickly improve his strength now.

The second level of the Tower of Eternity is not so far away.

 When others are in Tianyuan World, most of them are actually still focusing on how to do well in Tianyuan World, how to slowly improve their strength, and break through to the True God Realm.

 In the end, Chen Mo's eyes were still too far ahead of them.

His eyes have already been set on the second floor. The various battles on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, to him now, are simply like children playing house and playing in a low-key manner.

Only those who have seen the sea will know how narrow the bottom of the well is.

 Chen Mo met Sun Wu long ago, and he made a wish to work together on the second floor early, which also made Chen Mo set his sights on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity early on.

 He no longer cares so much about the first-level battle.

But just when he didn't care at this moment, suddenly the reminder from Heaven suddenly exploded in the minds of all the Destiny people in Tianyuan World.

Whether it was a humanoid intelligent life or an animal-shaped intelligent life, this voice sounded in the mind at the same time.

【Tiandao Tips: Since the total number of humanoid intelligent beings and animal-shaped intelligent beings entering Tianyuan World has exceeded one hundred, the force duel mode is now officially launched.

 Once the force duel mode is activated, both forces will be able to enter various areas and act at will.

 Killing the Destiny people of different camps will directly capture each other’s divine power. Let us wait and see who is the hunter and who is the prey! 】

【Tiandao Tips: The current strength comparison between humanoid intelligent life and animal-shaped intelligent life is that humanoid intelligent life has an overwhelming advantage. 】

 As the two Heavenly Dao prompts sounded, all the Tianming people were stunned on the spot.

“The last time the Heavenly Dao prompt sounded, it was said that the intelligent life forms in animal form were the superior ones. How come in one day, the intelligent life forms in human form suddenly had an overwhelming advantage?”

“This advantage has changed a little too abnormally. What happened?”

 Everyone was puzzled for a moment, and then many people opened the ranking list to check it out.

Because the changes in the previous rankings were not big. After all, they have become gods. It is very difficult to improve even a little bit of divine power and divine energy. Therefore, after entering Tianyuan World, everyone saw the rankings and never opened the rankings again. Saw it a second time.

Unexpectedly, after only a day or two, the information on the ranking list has undergone earth-shaking changes.

 And this change only refers to one of them.

Other people's information at this time has hardly changed much, because it is too difficult to obtain divine power and divine energy.

Everyone may not be able to obtain even a little bit of divine power and divine energy after working hard for a day of exploration.

But at this time, the heaven-defying existence at the top of the ranking list has more than 100 million points of divine power!

" hundred million!? Is there something wrong with my eyes? This is divine power, not divine essence!"

"Hiss! What is the situation of Chen Mo in this solar system? When he was just a low-level professional, he repeatedly exceeded people's understanding. Now it is even more direct. When everyone's divine power is still within four digits, he His divine power has directly exceeded nine digits, it is simply inhuman!"

“Isn’t this something wrong with the Tiandao ranking list?”

"How can it be wrong? The rankings are wrong, and the Heavenly prompt just now will not be wrong either. You see, because the force battle has started now, the rankings of both sides can already be viewed by each other. Most of the guys on their animal-shaped intelligent life rankings The divine power is far superior to ours, where does our overwhelming advantage come from.

The only thing that can explain this overwhelming advantage is Chen Mo's hundreds of millions of magical powers. "

"It's so perverted. These hundreds of millions of divine powers are actually real, but it hasn't even been a week since everyone entered Tianyuan World. His divine power wasn't so perverted when he first came in. How did he achieve such divine power in such a short period of time? It soared as fast as lightning."

“Don’t think about it, the monster’s abilities are beyond the reach of ordinary people like us. Think about the biography of this person that was circulated in the Yongxing system.

  It can be called a monster legend!

 Zero rotation and violent second rotation, killing through the Tiandao event dungeon.

 After that, he went to the second and fourth turns of violence, and once again killed the Tiandao event dungeon. This second time of violence, he was able to defeat ten thousand people with one, and these tens of thousands of four turns were all the top four turns among the best.

 But he still died in his hands in the end.

Afterwards, he became even more outrageous. As soon as he broke through the fifth level and entered the first level of the Tower of Eternity, he was already able to mobilize an army formation with tens of thousands of divine power, crushing all the army formations at that time and sweeping everything.

This man has been a legend since he was a mortal, and now I am used to his incredible performance. "

"To be honest, I am the same. I saw that the strength of his divine power has no fluctuations in my heart. This kid is a monster that cannot be judged by common sense. People cannot compare with monsters."

"Then what else can this beast-shaped intelligent being fight? Just wait for death. He alone can wipe out the entire animal-shaped intelligent life."

“Isn’t that better? We don’t need to take action, we can develop with peace of mind, and we no longer have to worry about a hostile force that may attack us at any time.”

"Idiot, what are you thinking about? If you think about it carefully, if his strength reaches this level, then he alone can defeat the beast-shaped intelligent life. Doesn't that mean that we are completely useless to him? Isn’t it true that there is no reason for him to let us in and not kill us?

Animal-shaped intelligent life has no way to survive at this moment, aren’t we the same? "

As a strong man from other galaxies mentioned this possibility, people from other galaxies around him instantly froze in confusion.

 Yeah, why didn’t they think of this possibility!

At this time, a possibility flashed through everyone's mind - "He won't kill us all!" (End of this chapter)

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