004 Destiny Internet, the beginning! !

“Without a strong enough central server, it is difficult to form a large-scale interconnected network.”

“But if you think of everyone’s brain as a personal processor.”

“With destiny as the network and soul as the anchor, an alternative Internet can be built.”

“It’s just different from Blue Star, which needs to process data through the server, but directly access other people’s homepages.”

Thinking of this, Mu Bai’s eyes lit up.

As for his own talent, he fully understands how it works.

Such an Internet of Destiny can be easily built!

And he didn’t have to pay a high price!

Because he didn’t directly manipulate anyone’s fate, he just borrowed the power of fate as a transmission channel for information!

Directly manipulating fate is like directly modifying your mind, deciding whether your next turn is left or right.

The material world has a strong inertia, so direct manipulation of fate is also exhausting for Mu Bai.

But his approach is to be a middleman, not to personally control anyone, the choice is up to you!

Although it had an impact, it was not realized through his hands in the end!

Stuck skills bug!

Played with loopholes in how the rules work!

At the very least there will be a little soul burden on those who use this set of Destiny Internet, but nothing bad!

“Oh! The plan works!”

Mu Bai grinned.

But then, he fell into thought again.

The Internet of Destiny can be successfully built at any time, but how can people share relevant knowledge willingly?

This competition is not just a competition between civilizations.

Individuals in civilization are also competitors!

Extraordinary treasures, powerful skills, one less competitor, one more powerful possibility!

“So, a currency is needed that is profitable to facilitate the advancement of the web of destiny, and this currency must also have value.”

Mu Bai muttered to himself.

At this stage, he cannot use the power of fate to transmit items, so physical currency is almost impossible.

Moreover, there is no constant value in his hands, so credit currency is not enough.

The only choice was a currency that was once popular on Blue Star—virtual currency!

On Bluestar, the anchor of virtual currency, Bitcoin, is computing power, which is supported by electricity consumption.

So it is a currency with a certain value.

And now, what is there to endorse the value of money?

Mu Bai scratched his head and thought for a moment.

Probably only the computing power of the human brain.

If it was Blue Star, no one would be able to use the computing power that everyone has.

However, this is not Blue Star, here, there is extraordinary power!

When he came up with the idea of ​​using the computing power of the human brain to anchor the currency.

It will definitely evolve a branch of fate related to it.

It doesn’t matter, he can go to the future to find the answer directly through his own talent!

Just follow your own method in the future and just copy it once!

Thinking of this, Mu Bai was excited.

I feel that this is the real usage of [Little Destiny Technique].

Just relying on this talent to avoid danger and find treasures is really overkill.

Taking a deep breath and calming down his excitement, Mu Bai began to operate.

As the force of fate fluctuates, the stars in the sky change.

All kinds of future possibilities appeared before Mu Bai’s eyes.

“Fate currency, fate currency, where.”

There were words in his mouth.

Finally, among the shining stars, Mu Bai found the answer he wanted.

When the brain thinks about problems, it consumes the power of the soul.

Using the power of the soul as the anchor of currency value can indeed create a valuable virtual currency!

And it is different from the virtual currency on Blue Star.

Although Bitcoin is anchored by computing power, its value is endorsed by electricity resources.

Every time a Bitcoin is mined, it needs to consume a certain amount of computing power and electricity resources.

But this process is irreversible!

And the self in the future uses the particularity of the power of destiny.

Refine the power of the soul consumed in the process of brain thinking and convert it into coins of destiny!

With the power of the brain as the anchor and the power of the soul as the value endorsement!

And the process is reversible!

The transformed Destiny Coin can also reversely generate the power of the soul again!

This is real, valuable currency!

And the extraction method is not difficult. When you need to generate currency, you can empty your brain and enter a state similar to meditation, you can slowly gather the power of the soul and generate destiny coins.

Take the average human brain activity as the benchmark.

In an hour, a Destiny Coin can be generated.

If Mu Bai was alone, he would not be able to extract many coins.

But once the Internet of Destiny is established, all human beings begin to refine Destiny Coins.

And use this as the currency to start trading.

Then he only needs to set some taxes, and he can make a lot of money!

Just the use of these destiny coins that he can think of can make his strength rapidly become stronger!

For example, borrowing destiny coins to generate the power of the soul, stimulate the activity of the brain, improve the computing power of the human brain, and multiply the speed of learning knowledge.

There is also the use of the power of the soul to simulate a state of meditation and restore magic power.

In Mu Bai’s current state, if he meditates for an hour, he can recover 1 mana.

In other words, 1 coin of destiny is roughly equivalent to 1 point of magic power!

As long as there are enough coins of destiny, he no longer has to worry about the consumption of magic power!

Moreover, this business is still an exclusive monopoly, and there is no way for others to grab it.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai, who was fiery in his heart, quit the state of peeping at fate and began to operate.

“The first is the search bar. By borrowing the particularity of fate, the information searched will only search for what people want.”

“Then there is the information release column, where you can publish some knowledge and information, and you can set it to pay for viewing.”

“Then there is the Destiny Currency Refining System, which only needs to be turned on, and the currency can be extracted by emptying the brain, which can be used when resting or sleeping.”

“Finally, there is the integrated module. These functions are all delivered by the force of fate, forming a visual effect similar to a vision. Only the person can see his own interface.”

“Oh, by the way, there is also a tax system. Every time you generate a Destiny coin, you need to pay a 10% seigniorage tax. After a paid transaction is generated, you also need to pay a 5% transaction tax.”

“Well, the smaller value should also be obtained, so as not to collect taxes, 10 Destiny Copper Coins are equal to one Destiny Coin.”

“Just call it a silver coin of destiny, and you can get a gold coin of destiny in the future.”


Modification and modification, it was not until late at night that Mu Bai managed to come up with a satisfactory system architecture.

Stretching and standing up, the stars are shining brightly, and there are many sounds of biological activity in the oasis.

Tonight, I don’t know how many people died in this world.

“Okay, start delivering.”


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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