055 Welfare exposure, Warcraft information

No rules, no standards.

Especially following Mu Bai, you will be exposed to a lot of knowledge that needs to be kept secret.

So, rules are very important.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Bai completed the formulation of the guild’s rules and posted them on the guild’s bulletin board.

But before that.

The benefits of Mu Bai’s creation of a guild have already been posted on the post bar.

It’s not a secret thing.

On the contrary, it helps to improve the morale of the guild.

Attract more talents to cast, so even if Mu Bai knew, he didn’t stop it.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Not only because the popularity of the job posting posted by Yu Youwei has not disappeared.

It is also because of the popularity of Mu Bai itself!

Blue Star’s most mysterious and powerful hot blue man ends up creating a guild.

Welfare revealed!

Instantly saw a large number of people eating melons.

Even some people who have already joined the guild and are on their way to the creator’s place have the urge to quit the guild.

After all, the free skills and talents are so tempting!

In particular, 10 Destiny Silver Coins are distributed every day!

This is equivalent to doubling the number of coins mined every day!

Just not too fragrant!

“It’s sour, is this the handwriting of the boss?”

“Mother, our broken guild not only has no benefits, but also charges a fee. If I knew it earlier, I would sign up for the gangster’s guild!”

“Three professional skills and four innate abilities. At this stage, only Mu Bai has the confidence to give benefits like this!”

“The gap is too big, what about those guild presidents? Come out and get beaten!”

“What about Steve and Wu Hao? Have you joined their guild? Come out and talk about your benefits!”

“Hehe, isn’t Steve thinking about competing with Mu Bai all day? Come out and show off your benefits! Let’s see who is really awesome!”

“What’s the matter, the guild has only been created now, and our lighthouse guild will develop sooner or later!”

“Shut up, stand at attention and get beaten up, I’m too lazy to spray you!”

“Does anyone know that the boss still accepts people?!”


A wave of benefits revealed.

Instantly caused an uproar in the entire Blue Star circle!

If the recruitment thing before is in full swing.

But after all, many people do not feel it.

The first is to join another organization.

The second is that they feel that they want to rely on themselves to survive and do not want to be subservient to others.

The third is that he thinks he has no chance and is too lazy to work hard.

So the number of replies to the post is in the hundreds of millions.

Although it is a lot, Blue Star billions of people can see that post!

Only one person in sixty or seventy people posted a reply.

The ratio is not high!

But now, seeing real benefits.

No matter how you think about it, editing a resume doesn’t take much effort.

The vast majority of people took action and responded to their resumes below the job postings.

The leaders who have formed a force look at the hot posts that have exploded in popularity.

Unspeakable jealousy.

It takes a lot of hard work to recruit people.

There is also a need to consider the distance factor, there is no choice at all.

Look at Mu Bai, he has chosen almost all of Blue Star’s talents!

People are more mad than people!

“There are so many people recruited, and they can’t get together, this Mu Bai will not be the fate of too many silver coins to burn!”

Someone made a sour speech.

But the leaders of the forces that were first formed were not fools.

Looking at Mu Bai’s posture, I’m afraid there is really a means to gather people from all over the world these days!

in this sparsely populated land.

This method is no less than a strategic weapon!

“No, we have to act, we have to build our reputation, otherwise when Mu Bai digests the first batch of people, we will soon be able to gather talents in batches!”

“Once we let him develop, what else is there to do with us?!”

The leaders of all the forces couldn’t help thinking.

Of course Mu Bai didn’t know what other people thought.

But looking at the growing list of resumes, he scratched his head.

He didn’t even build a logistics delivery network.

Not to mention the transport network for people!

This is a two-phase target.

The first batch of people is just because the World of Warcraft will be launched soon.

He has to leave a seed for the future.

to avoid accidents.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t recruit people now and keep them in vain.

“No, there are still many talents among these people who have not been excavated, and they cannot be lost in vain.”

Mu Bai thought about it and decided to post a guide.

Because the sharing strategy has a fee model.

Therefore, there are already many guide posts on the information exchange platform.

But at this stage, it is estimated that he is the only one who has contacted or even killed the beast.

It can reveal some information about Warcraft in advance, and it can also reduce the number of deaths.

This could not only reduce the overall loss of Blue Star, but also give him some prestige.

Kill two birds with one stone!

After thinking about it, he opened the information exchange platform, and Mu Bai began to edit.

“1. Compared with ordinary wild monsters, Warcraft has stronger basic strength and has skills.”

“2. The perception of monsters is more acute. Try not to use reconnaissance until you are discovered.”

“3. Warcraft has a higher IQ and will not attack mindlessly.”


After more than a dozen of them, Mu Bai clearly wrote the characteristics of the blackwater fish king different from the spider queen, and the characteristics of the sand dragon python, click to send.

The charge setting is 1 silver coin to view.

This kind of information, this kind of price, is simply the price of cabbage!

It is estimated that no one can refuse, and he is also making a lot of hard money.


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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