Chapter 86: The Great Compassion Tree King is Born! Experimental Base No. 9!.

In the center of the earth.

The World Tree tied the Willow Demon to death.

On the branches and leaves, countless pale pink air currents overflowed, completely shrouding the dying willow demon.

In an instant, those pink air currents all melted into the willow demon’s body, and its struggle gradually became weaker. Gradually, it lost its movement and turned into a shower of blood and wine.

As if breathing, the branches of the World Tree continued to shake, absorbing all this blood rain. The pink branches gradually appeared a leisurely red light!

In the sky, Ye Xuan’s mind moved slightly, and he saw the scene in the center of the earth. After absorbing the willow demon, the branches of the World Tree grow.

And those red lights……… It is a strong breath of vitality! Kindness? Increased vitality of the World Tree?

Just as Ye Xuan was puzzled, another strange scene appeared. A branch of the World Tree suddenly fell.

That branch keeps growing up along the center of the earth.

When it touches the edge of the center of the earth, it turns into a stream of green air that rises out of the ground and spreads over a barren plain. The emerald green air flow continued to converge, and then converged, gradually transforming into a little loli curled up.

Wearing a cute emerald dress, her snow-white long hair surrounds her petite body, which shows a touch of innocence.

She slowly opened her eyes, a light flashed in her emerald green watery eyes, and her curled delicate body gradually stretched out. Followed by.

A rain of flowers fell from the sky, sprinkling leisurely, covering thousands of miles.

When the flower rain fell, countless green shoots bloomed on the barren plain. Green shoots gradually grow, forming a lush and beautiful rainforest!

Many scrawny humans, when they saw this scene, were so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

“It’s the fruit! What a lot of fruit! ”

“Great! We…… We won’t starve to death! ”

“It must be heaven’s favor, right! Miracles! This must be a miracle! ”

In the rainforest, these humans raised their heads, but saw the emerald skirt loli floating in the sky, and immediately knelt down to worship.

“This… This must be the god of kind and kind! She gave us this oasis! ”

“King Daci Tree! She is the Great Compassion Tree King!! ”


Among the admiration of thousands of people, the green skirt loli slowly raised her head, her innocent watery eyes looked at Ye Xuan in the sky.

It seems to be asking for his opinion. Ye Xuan looked confused.


I just killed a willow demon.”

As a result, not only did the World Tree grow further, but even a branch and leaf became the god of plants and trees, the King of the Great Mercy Tree? Good guy, isn’t this the same operation as when Zhongli was born!

How outrageous.

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly and nodded repeatedly.

I saw that the green skirt loli turned her head and looked down on all living beings. Her thin lips opened slightly, and an innocent voice followed.

“I am the Demon God of Wisdom, Bouyer.”

“In the future, this place will be named Meru…”

“I created the Meru rainforest, and I will protect the people of the rainforest from now on.”

“I will grant you the highest wisdom to protect the future of the rainforest. Thousands of people, kneel and worship their Great Tree King. ”

“Thank God for your gifts! May I offer the most sincere faith to my God! ”

“Thank God for your gifts! May the most devout faith be offered to my God! ”

“Thank God for your gifts! May I offer the most sincere faith to my God! The roar of excitement echoed for a long time. ”

Only then did the Great Compassion Tree King turn his head and smile heartily at Ye Xuan in the sky. It’s like saying………

“Respected Tenri, the task you gave me is complete.”

Ye Xuan raised his forehead.

Previously, it was intentional to create the rock god Zhongli.

Unexpectedly, this time a “accidentally” created the god of grass and wisdom, the Great Mercy Tree King Buyel………… It’s okay, in the future, with an extra “migrant worker”, he can finally save his worries again.

Just thinking about it, the system panel appeared again.

【Ding! System prompt: Your god Great Mercy Tree King Buyel, in order to thank you for your creation, dedicate your most sincere tribute to destroy the grass one by one]

Heck, I didn’t expect an extra surprise.

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows, he was a little curious.

Zhongli gave it to him before, but it was a Ruoda Dragon King. So how powerful can the tribute be this time?

【Ding! Your gift has been hit hundredfold, congratulations on getting a new tribute one by one]

[Heart of Grass and Trees: After use, the host will obtain a new god-level talent One White Grass Pure Hua]

[White Grass Jinghua: Has the ability to control the ultimate grass element, the grass and trees of all things in heaven and earth, for their own use]

Ye Xuan’s heart was shocked. Groove!

This white grass pure hua is completely compatible with Zhong Li’s Yanwang Emperor bloodline. Zhongli bloodline gives the ultimate rock element control ability.

And the talent of White Grass Jinghua is to let him control the ultimate grass element!

In other words, as long as he gets this talent, he is both the god of rocks and the god of grass and trees! Yes, my Great Compassion Tree King! The stuff given is pretty awesome!

Extract tribute.

A small emerald green sapling appeared in front of him.

He poured spiritual power into it, and the sapling turned into countless green air streams, pouring into his meridians and rushing straight to the dantian.

The green air flow immediately rushed into the sea of qi, and a stream of spiritual power rolled up in the sea of qi, sweeping his internal organs again. Immediately afterwards, a feeling of awakening empowerment suddenly came.

This state of affairs lasted for several hours before it was over.

When he came back to his senses, a small emerald world tree suddenly appeared in the dantian, constantly rotating with the Xuanyan Tower. When you open your eyes again.

All over the grass and trees, you can see the emerald air flow. That’s the grass element!

The grass element between heaven and earth can be used by him! Create an oasis, or turn it into a desert… It’s all in his thoughts!

He took a deep breath and looked at a mountain. Just a wave of the hand.

In an instant, countless vines grew on the earth, binding the top of the mountain.

“Hmm……… Click.! ”

The entire mountain was instantly broken by vines! Stimulate!

Rocks in one hand, grass and trees in the other.

I’m afraid that I won’t be invincible in the world in the future! Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows.

If you run into that relic giant soldier now.

Even if you don’t use the three hole cards of the Earth Explosion Star, Heavenly Movement Vientiane and Ruoda Dragon King. He is also confident that it will be easily killed!

Just as Ye Xuan was immersed in joy, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It’s Zhongli.

“Heavenly reason, this is what remains after the willow demon was killed. He bowed and saluted, then extended a hand. ”

When you spread out your palm, three translucent crystal chips suddenly appeared in your palm. Chip?

Why does the willow dryad have a chip left after being absorbed by the World Tree? He picked up the chip, stared slightly, and the analog watch immediately unfolded the virtual data panel.

“Detection target: mysterious chip of ancient civilization ruins.”

“Detection Analysis:”??? ”

“Detection conclusion: It may be some kind of ancient civilization relics organ to open the key…”

Open the key?

Unexpectedly, there were surprises. Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Whether it is those weird murals or the willow demon that has grown for at least 50 million years. All this proves that there are too many mysteries hidden here in the unknown area.

What did these “ancient humans” really want to do?

Why perform such a weird ritual that seems incomprehensible?

Moreover, since this ancient civilization relic has technology and power far beyond the current civilization. So where are these “ancient humans” today?

Missing? Or destruction?

In this ancient ruin, there are too many questions.

He wanted to figure it all out. If he can study this chip, he may know the truth of everything. Since the chip is some kind of “key”

Then in this ancient ruin, there should be a special space that can be opened by a key! Thinking about it, he took the chip and left the planet directly.

Back in the mechanical hall, he suddenly found it.

On the ground where the towering willow tree was located, a big hole opened. Inside the cave is another dark tunnel.

He walked towards the entrance of the tunnel, but the chip in his palm suddenly emitted a light. Kindness? Is the chip moving?

Could it be that there is something in this tunnel that can make the chip react? Go down and see!

Ye Xuan created one rock ridge after another in the tunnel.

Step on rock ridges and keep jumping down.

At this time, he suddenly found that on the well-like tunnel wall, there were also sand and stone murals. The previous sand and stone murals depict corpses falling to the ground and then gradually dissolving. It is as if it has been poured with concentrated sulfuric acid, first the skin of the body is corroded, and then the oozing white bone is exposed. Eventually, it turns into blood and dissipates by evaporation……… How to look, how to panic.

The last few sand and stone murals are even more weird.

One by one, “people” floated among the clouds in the sky, each expression extremely happy. It’s like ascending to heaven.

Through rock sensing, he quickly understood what the mural represented.


This should be the end result that all murals want to express.

The “tomb” on the entrance stone door should refer to the entire ancient ruins, which is essentially a tomb.

The evolution in the latter path should be the process done by ancient humans in order to “evolve” according to some instructions. “Dedication” followed

It’s in

In the process of “evolution”, give your own blood to the willow tree.

And what about the final “ascension”?

Ye Xuan stood on the rock ridge and thought a little. The answer is to break away from the body and arrive at some kind of dream “paradise” and become a god-like being! Is it really that simple?

As long as you send your own blood to the willow tree, you can get rid of the mortal fetus and become an eternal god? Ye Xuan felt ridiculous.

Stop it!

If that willow tree is really so awesome, can it not even defeat the demon gods in several planets??

It has grown for more than 50 million years, and in the end, it is similar to Xu Nan’s level of surpassing martial gods. It has not become a god itself, how can it make ordinary people become gods?

The conclusion is obvious: Ancient humans were deceived.

He became a blood slave who gave blood in vain and kept the willow demon in captivity! Thinking of this, he sneered and jumped straight to the bottom of the tunnel. But he can be sure.

The so-called murals and willow demons are just a microcosm of the secrets of the mysterious ruins of antiquity. He was even more curious about who had deceived those ancient humans and created this relic of an ancient civilization.

Why would that “existence” make these ancient humans become blood slaves who raised willow dryads. Why did that “existence” create this relic of ancient civilization, and what did the other party want to do? One mystery after another emerged.

Just thinking.

Suddenly, the chip floated from the palm of his hand and was embedded in a groove in the wall. A dazzling white light then spread, completely covering everything around!

The other side. In the waiting room.

The four war gods and Li Hanlin looked at the teleportation crystal elevator together, anxious. They wished they could see Ye Xuan’s figure inside.

Right at this moment.

Spiritual power fluctuations in the crystal elevator………… Gone!

Li Hanlin’s pupils instantly shrank into a needle. The four gods of war were even more shaky. Spiritual power fluctuations disappear!

It means that Ye Xuan in the unknown area has lost all vital signs.

“Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, he…”

Liu Zheng’s hands were shaking.

He was lying in his chair, his face as pale as earth.

It was as if at this moment, he had aged countless years.

“Fake, fake………”

“How come, how could it be…”

The white light dissipated, but everything around it changed!

Ye Xuan then discovered that he was actually in a black chaotic space. All around, there are countless strange words floating around.

At this point, the virtual panel quickly expands.

“Ancient texts are being parsed… Parsing successful! ”

Subsequently, all the strange words around him became the Chinese script he could see. The scarlet blood text in the front is particularly dazzling.

“Dear administrator of the No. 9 experimental observation base, I am expanding the operation panel of the No. 9 base for you.”

“Cumulative operation time of No. 9 experimental observation base: ** 3 hours and 3 seconds in 312 days”

The number of seconds in the rear is constantly increasing. Ye Xuan’s heart suddenly glared. More than 60 million years!

This ancient relic has actually been running for more than 60 million years! Even now, it’s still functioning.

In particular, the words “experimental observation base” made Ye Xuan feel even more wrong. Experiment? Observation?

Could it be said that this relic of an ancient civilization is just a base for some “existence” to conduct experiments and observe at the right time? 【??

Ye Xuan thought about it carefully.

Weren’t the ancient humans on the mural deceived by a certain “existence” and then carried out the so-called “evolution and ascension”? If they are regarded as chickens, ducks, goose and dogs, then isn’t this so-called “evolutionary” process equivalent to an “experiment”? When he thought about it, he thought it was funny.

By now, the truth began to emerge. This is similar to the history of human development.

Humans use mice for chemical experiments, inject them with viruses and bacteria, and watch them struggle, change, and even die.

And here, the ancient humans, even everyone who entered the unknown area, are just “guinea pigs”! There is a high-ranking existence that has created this “experimental base” in these 50 million years, continuously introducing human beings into the “experimental base” one after another

The other party is here silently observing the struggles and adventures of the living people, and finally letting humans completely become the nourishment of the willow demon! That existence is the “manager” that the data panel calls

Ye Xuan suddenly snorted. Wait for the grave!

How is this process so similar to his process of creating planets?

On his planet Tivat, he also threw down all kinds of things again and again.

First let civilization develop, and then deliberately release all kinds of demon gods, so that human beings face various life and death crises.

On his planet, he is also quietly watching his humans under his “managers” from above, conducting various “experiments”!

Ye Xuan smacked his lips.

In this way, aren’t the so-called “experimental bases” and “planets” essentially the same existence? Another thought suddenly arose in his heart, in the world of Reiki revival that he was now living in……… Is there also a high “Creator” who silently observes everything in this world?

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