All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 112 The Portal Is Launched, The Long-Awaited Coalition Forces

At the same time, the creators of the outside world saw this scene one after another.

Just when the Lich was driving the interstellar warship and started to launch the final round of charge, they had completely lost confidence and did not have any hope for Bai Ze.

"After all, the gap is still too big, it is impossible to have a chance to win."

"There is no other way, or we should think about how to meet the Lich Clan's revenge, and prepare defenses in advance."

"That's right, if the student is defeated, the Heart of the Sacred Wood will definitely fall into the hands of the Lich."

"Once the Lich God is revived, then the battle of the star field, which has not been seen for many years, will probably start again."

In the universe, the creators kept complaining and sighing.

The situation in the apartment is similar to here.

Seeing this, Yao Cheng couldn't help but shook his head with his arms crossed.

"It's over, Captain Ouyang Xing, why don't we think about it now, how to set up our defenses."

"Be prepared in advance to resist the Lich God's revenge."

Yao Cheng changed the subject, and started talking about it to Ouyang Na.

The latter also had gloomy eyes, looking a little worried.

It's no one's fault. The student didn't know about it, so he couldn't report it to his superiors immediately.

He destroyed the Lich's entire space station by himself, which is already quite great, and it is also a national award for the Federation.

Facing the attack of the monarch-level creature, one of the top ten generals of the Lich God, the Lich Mage, he also fought hard to resist to the end.

Even if the real planet is destroyed and reduced to a mortal, at least for the next half of his life, the federation will always support him, but he has no chance of reaching the peak.

"I understand, just do what you want."

"Notify the Creator who can mobilize that we are preparing to fortify the border."

"Anywhere where liches may appear and attack, send creatures to garrison them."

Facing the people in the room, Ouyang Na gave serious orders.

Suddenly, someone in the apartment seemed to have discovered something again, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Wait, Star Captain!"

"Have you noticed that this student's creature seems to be much less?"

Hearing this, everyone in the apartment was taken aback for a moment, then followed his gaze and couldn't help frowning.

Ouyang Na led Yao Cheng to the center of the big screen in doubt, staring blankly at the scene in the Starry Sky Battlefield.

As the person said just now, because of the cover of the mosaic, when the two sides confronted each other, a group of people didn't notice that Bai Ze's creatures seemed to be reduced.

Until now, no one has observed some details in a small way.

"How is this going?"

"When he attacked the space station earlier, although the creature consumed a lot, it couldn't be so little."

"No, there is a problem!"

"Look at the middle of the starry sky battlefield, there seems to be something in the middle!"



Before Ouyang Na finished speaking, a pop-up message popped up on the big screen, indicating that the signal detection was bad.

An unknown powerful magnetic field, far away from countless multiverses, interfered with the computer's investigation!

"The signal is disturbed, and a special energy is being activated!"

"The specific energy is unknown, pay attention to the big screen, big screen!"

The sound of the siren was played over and over again in the apartment.

In the starry sky battlefield, a frame-shaped gate suddenly appeared, blocking the front of Bai Ze planet.

It is three times the length of the Bai Ze planet and is magnificent.

Inside the door, a light blue vortex is slowly condensing, and the majestic energy it emits spreads wantonly, deterring all directions, and disrupting a magnetic field.

"S-class item card, the portal is activated!"

【Ding! The portal is successfully used, and the remaining number of times is 2. 】

In the distant universe, there was a deep calling.

As soon as the voice fell, the two tribes that Bai Ze acted as the bait changed their slump just now and dispersed at the fastest speed.

Intimidated by this battle, the liches were still in a state of confusion for a while.

By the time they reacted, it was already too late!

Because the battleship was flying too fast, it was too late to stop.

Nearly half of the interstellar warships plunged into the portal on the spot!

At the same time, in an instant, there was a continuous sound of wings vibrating from the flanks.

"It's now!"

"Do it, Meteorite!"

With Bai Ze waving his hand, a loud oracle descended.

Following his order, a bright black fireball was first launched from the dark place south of the parent star.

The Lich Mage sensed that something was wrong, and wanted to mobilize his own strength to stabilize the flying boat and prevent it from falling into the portal.

Unexpectedly, it was hit on the back by this ball of fire, its body staggered, and its spellcasting was directly interrupted!

Under its horrified gaze, the interstellar spaceship also crashed into the portal without a trace.

Afterwards, countless meteorite worms poured out from the side of the planet.

They kept flapping their wings, getting faster and faster.

Rubbing against the air, the whole body was covered by a wave of high-temperature energy, showing an aura like a falling meteorite, rushing in from behind, and smashing straight at those interstellar warships.

The remaining half of the interstellar warships had no way to dodge, and were swarmed into the portal by this group of meteorites, including people and ships.

And the other side that the portal leads to is the storm zone south of the planet Bai Ze!

And it's not the periphery, it's the center of the black hole!

The lich who was sent here seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter.

Some sensitive Lich reacted quickly, clenching their teeth, trying to quickly turn the direction of the battleship and turn back through the portal.

But when they really got rid of the meteor worms and turned around, they suddenly discovered that the entrance to the huge portal had already been completely blocked by many treants!

They cast their bodies into a high wall, as insurmountable as Mount Tai!

The strong lich wants to break through, but these treants are not only numerous, but also very determined.

They were stuck at the teleportation gate, their compatriots were killed, and soon the next one would fill them up again, endless, unable to break through!

For a while, the storm zone was in chaos.

Here the meteorites are rampaging in turbulence, flying unscrupulously and without discipline.

The meteorite worms tried their best to pounce on the battleship, interfered with their actions, and brought them directly to the meteorite!

At this moment, Mage, who was beaten into a dazed Lich, finally understood what was going on.

He raised his staff furiously, trying to activate the spell to counterattack.

But in the next second, a cold light came first, and then a golden light suddenly appeared.

The red gemstone on its staff was instantly cut with a crack, and the spellcasting was interrupted again!

Taking a closer look, the Sword and Shield clan seems to have descended from the sky, suddenly galloping out from behind various meteorites.

The one who shot just now was the Taotie in the form of sword and shield!

This is the special mission Bai Ze entrusted to them, to ambush in the middle of the storm zone in advance.

Wait for the Lich to enter, and then cooperate with the Meteorite at any time to form a double-team situation and encircle and suppress the Lich!

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