All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 20 The Extra Planet, The Terrifying Area

The students next to me whispered a few words.

Everyone present knows how strong Xia Yinyue's talent and the race she created are.

That's why he seemed so afraid and didn't dare to confront him.

But thinking about it, Bai Ze is useless, and there are so many of them, it seems that they are not afraid.

"Okay, as you say."

"Principal, let's start the plane war."

People on both sides walked to both sides of the battle stage one after another, while Cao Bin adjusted his glasses and showed a smirk.

He thinks this is fine, in this world where the strong are respected, one should speak with strength.

Let Xia Yinyue and Bai Ze go on a plane war together.

Let her realize how incompetent her little boyfriend is, maybe she will change her mind and go directly to Nantah University.

"Try to keep the news secret, and don't let outsiders know."

At this time, the principal whispered a few words to the teacher next to him.

He also didn't think Xia Yinyue could win, after all, in Bai Ze's world, it would be the same with him or without him.

But how can I say that I can't let the big genius make a fool of myself in public, otherwise, how much impact will it have?

"Haha, okay, okay, now, let's enter the plane war and start the preparation stage!" The old headmaster chuckled twice.

As soon as he waved his hand, a beam of light appeared on the stage, enveloping everyone in it.

This preparation stage is undoubtedly to let the creators inform the creatures in their world in advance.

Or ready, prop cards that need to be used, and other combat weapons.

On Xia Yinyue's side, her figure was outlined by a touch of golden light.

Overlooking the ground from the sky of the world, nearly a hundred angels with two wings have gathered.

They wore armor and held brilliant spears, with solemn and indifferent expressions.

Among them are two four-winged angels, following the strongest seraph, who seem to be the leaders of this legion.

"Get ready, the war I told you about before is coming."

Xia Yinyue's voice without any emotion spread into the world.

Numerous angels knelt down half-kneeling with spears in their hands, with extremely respectful expressions.

"We, follow the will of the mother god, and swear to defend the honor of the satellite!"

On Bai Ze's side, one after another oracle announcing the assembly descended from the sky.

The Dapeng family spread their wings and hovered in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and the mother star suddenly dimmed.

On the top of the mountain, Taotie led the countless Sky Winged Tigers behind him, and raised his proud head against the wind.

And in the ocean, the vortex rolled, and countless tentacles rose up, and Gatanjae and its race slowly protruded out.

So far, the strongest three clans under Bai Ze have assembled!

"We are summoned by the gods, and we hope that the supreme Creator will issue an oracle!"

The three clans bowed their heads in extremely respectful attitudes.

Immediately, a bright light descended from the sky.

"The first plane war is about to start. You are all prepared, make good use of your own advantages, cooperate with each other, and you are bound to win this victory."

Bai Ze's voice was deep and slowly spread among the many creatures.

Suddenly, the three clans were shocked and furious!

The shock was because they learned for the first time that there was more than one plane in this world.

And the reason for the rage was that someone actually dared to be an enemy of his own supreme god!

"We are willing to fight for the gods!"

"Break through the thorns and thorns, and defend the glory of the mother star to the death!"

Amid their high morale, Bai Ze silently left his own world.

On the other side, a group of students from the same school have already made preparations.

When the two sides opened their eyes one after another, the battle was almost on the verge of breaking out.

"Hahaha, you have prepared for such a long time for a world without land and sea. I'm afraid you're just slapping your face to make yourself fat and putting on airs?"

"I'll meet our team later, don't be intimidated, hahaha!"

For this kind of ridicule, the most direct way is to fight back with a tough fist.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start the plane war."

After all, Bai Ze closed his eyes first.

Let your consciousness come to a special space.

Gradually, after all the opponents closed their eyes, the principal pressed the button on the side of the seat again and spoke.

"Start, Plane War!"

With one order, countless world plates moved and spliced ​​together in a special space.

This is the way to carry out plane wars, and the creators of all parties can stand in their own planets, issue oracles at any time, or use item cards and so on.

"Wait...what's that?!"

Just when most of the worlds were spliced ​​together, a giant in the distance drove towards this side.

"It's coming, whose world is that, what's going on?!" The student opposite was anxious.

Looking at the giant that is dozens of times larger than his own planet, his face turned pale with fright.


After a loud noise, the entire assembled land turned into an extremely irregular and deformed appearance.

All the world masters who watched from above were shocked, and even the outside world, the high-level officials of various schools who watched the war through the ring, also widened their eyes.

With lush green land, vast oceans, and stretches of forests, such a luxuriant ecology, whose planet is this?

But the strange thing is, they took a closer look, why are there no creatures in this world?

"This...this can't be Bai Ze's world..."

I don't know who raised it, which made the students next to me violent.

"How is this possible?!" Someone sternly denied, "Don't you know what Bai Ze's world looks like? If you want to change from nothing to this, I believe Hawking can outperform Bolt! "

But saying this, he himself felt a little weird.

Everyone's planet has basically communicated with each other, and they know what it looks like.

As for Xia Yinyue's, the one with the golden light is most likely to be it.

But where did Bai Ze's planet go, isn't that right?

"Say... Maybe it's Bai Ze's planet. There's no land or ocean at all, so it's not connected?"

I don't know who is so clever, said this sentence.

Let the originally anxious atmosphere be a little quieter.

This statement is very likely!

From the very beginning of Bai Ze's world, there was neither land nor sea.

In addition, he was a poor student, so he couldn't afford those resource cards at all.

So when assembling, it is normal not to see the figure of his planet.

"It doesn't matter, it's all up to this point, we still fight more with less."

"If it's just because of one extra planet, I don't know where, if you don't dare to fight it, then you won't lose your face if it spreads."

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired!

They can't handle that much anymore.

Anyway, at first glance, it seems that there are no living things on this huge planet.

As long as this is the case, they will not be afraid!

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