All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 270 Insect Swarm Strikes, Commander-Level Giant Sandworms!

Withered trembled all over, and his voice was extremely low.

But just after these words were blurted out, the entire lifeless and distorted planet shook violently.

The monsters hiding in the ground, in the laboratory, and in the forest set off together.

They roar, they roar, and their scarlet eyes represent their madness.

Withered remained unmoved, still staring into the distance.

But if you observe carefully, there is still a ghostly shadow floating behind this withered one.

[First morning: The portal connecting the two worlds opens, and under your command, tens of thousands of troops rush into the distortion world. 】

[The distorted world contains a large amount of poisonous gas and rotting gas, as well as the leaked high-concentration radiation, which have affected your creatures. 】

【Ding! Innate skills, poison gas immune activation. 】

[Your creatures are immune to poison gas, the atmosphere no longer hurts them, and they are extremely grateful for the greatness of the gods. 】

【Ding! Faith value +10. 】

Next, the question that Bai Ze should think about is how to find the origin of the world.

After thinking about it, there are nothing more than two possibilities.

One is that the alien race is still on this planet, so they are definitely at the center of the world.

The second is that the aliens have evacuated, but they must have evacuated from the center.

Then even if you want to throw the origin of the world to a deformed creature, it must be thrown in the center.

So there are two possibilities, but in fact there is only one.

[You figured out the direction of your advance, and decided to order the large army to advance to the center of the planet. 】

[However, the entire Distorted World is shrouded in fog, and your creatures can't tell the direction at all, and they don't know where they are. 】

Bai Ze tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "System, open the eye of the gods."

【Ding! The Eye of God has been activated successfully. 】

His divine eyes claim to be able to see through all hypocrisy.

Just outside the planet, you can see the ground scene clearly.

Now that it is in the air, it can be said to be clear.

"..." Bai Ze was silent for a moment, glanced around, and couldn't help but sigh, "The inside of this planet is really huge."

He could see clearly, especially at close range this time.

His own army is currently in a forest in the southeast corner of the planet it belongs to.

As for the distorted planet, there are a total of ten big cities, which should also be called experimental bases.

This conclusion can be judged through the giant chimneys that are constantly leaking nuclear radiation in the sky.

There is an experimental base in the center of the world, and there are four experimental bases around it.

They are respectively located in the northwest, southwest, southeast and northeast of the central base.

The other five bases are unevenly distributed and there is no exact route.

But just by looking at this point, it is clear how prosperous this planet was before it was corrupted.

【You know the whole picture of the world and have formulated the simplest combat strategy. 】

【You found a research base very close to you, so you ordered all creatures to go to that base first. 】

[After capturing the nearby base, then capture the southeast base and go straight to the central city! 】

[Noon of the first day: Tens of thousands of troops started to move, heading straight for a nearby base. 】

[On the way, there are worms, red-bearded cockroaches, eight-eyed spiders and other deformed creatures in the forest from time to time to stop. 】

[Although they are so weak that they only need the first-level servants, they also slow down the marching speed. 】

[Your treant army volunteered. They are most familiar with the forest terrain, so they became a wall in the front row, leading the large army all the way forward. 】

【Those bugs seemed insignificant in front of the ten-meter-tall tree man, and they were easily trampled one after another. 】

[But you found that after these insects exploded, the green blood sprayed out had a strong corrosive effect. Many treants were contaminated, and their bodies were quickly rotted to death. 】


"This thing can explode after death."

Watching a small group of treants fall, Bai Ze's face was a bit ugly.

[When you learn about this situation, quickly ask Aurora to lead the treant, try to use vines to clean it remotely, and don't directly step on these bugs. 】

[The first night: Your plan is successful, but you gradually find that as time goes by, there are more and more bugs blocking the way in the forest. 】

[On the protruding mountains in the distance, there are faintly dense black spots advancing, accompanied by the sound of dead trees collapsing. 】

Bai Ze's eyes were fixed, as if he had sensed something, he immediately turned his gaze forward.

"That is... a bug swarm?!"

"Insect swarm, why did they gather here suddenly?!" Bai Ze was puzzled.

But in the next second, he seemed to understand everything.

On a corrupted planet, when deformed creatures become crazy, they will lose their original intelligence.

They only acted on instinct, and it was impossible to unite in an orderly manner to attack Bai Ze.

There is only one possibility for them to unite.

That is the creature with the origin of the world, ordering them to move forward!

【You are very clear that the origin of this world has discovered you, and it sent the bug swarm that came here. 】

[At a rough glance, combined with the insects on several nearby hills, the number is probably tens of thousands. 】

[If you are surrounded by them, it will be difficult for the large troops to retreat unscathed, that corrosive blood is fatal! 】

"It's disgusting..."

"In addition to being corrosive, blood also has a strong sour smell."

Standing on the shoulder of the tree man king, Aurora said while holding up the longbow.

In other worlds, there will be force of law to suppress it.

Therefore, Bai Ze's creatures cannot fly at high altitudes, which is the most passive point.

But Aurora reacted quickly and quickly ordered the whole army to move forward.

Before the insect swarm catches up, enter the experimental base not far away.

[Late night of the first day: The army accelerated their journey and finally walked out of the forest and entered the quicksand area, but unexpectedly encountered an ambush. 】

[A kind of worm is constantly drilled out of the quicksand, there are about a thousand of them, and the realm is as high as a servant. 】

[They are good at using the terrain, dragging the treants stuck in the quicksand into the quicksand, and the large army was blocked for a while. 】

With the suppression of the laws of the world, the treant army cannot fly.

There is also the Sea Emperor Clan, a total of four thousand troops, it is impossible to leave them all here.

【In desperation, you decided to send the Dapeng clan led by Kunpeng, and let them pick up these worms from high altitude. 】

[But right here, there was a sudden surge in the quicksand, and a thick and huge figure rushed out of the ground. 】

[That's a giant sandworm at the beginning of the leadership level! Its body length is about 100 meters long, and it shuttles through the quicksand, and when it rushes out of the quicksand, its 100-meter body is like a titan. 】

【Even Kunpeng looks a little small in front of it. 】

"As expected of a Tier 3 dungeon, I ran into a commander-level creature while still on the periphery."

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