The boss that Su Fang killed before was a white boss, and the level was only level 2, and now this boss is green in quality and has reached level 5.

However, Su Fang's strength is not weak, the level has reached level 7, and the attributes must far surpass this boss.

"Zhang San, those ordinary wild sheep will be handed over to you to deal with!" Su Fang said.

"Don't worry, lord, you can deal with that boss with peace of mind. Zhang San hurriedly led the soldiers and launched an attack on those ordinary wild sheep.

And Su Fang picked up the willow leaf gun and looked at this wild sheep boss, this boss is not a good temper, after seeing Su Fang, he immediately rushed towards Su Fang.

Its speed is quite fast, and its impact force must be strong, this boss exudes a hint of pale green light all over its body, and its size is 1.5 times that of ordinary wild sheep.

Su Fang immediately flashed to the side, and the willow leaf gun in his hand quickly stabbed towards the boss.


The boss shouted, immediately turned back, and attacked the Soviet side again, their way of attacking, like a bullfight, lowered their heads, and slammed their heads at people.

Su Fang flashed, and stabbed at the boss again, with his current speed and strength, it was only a matter of time before he wanted to kill this boss.

The boss was attacked by the Su side again and again, and turned around again and again to slap towards the Su side, but unfortunately it failed every time, and the snow-white wool was already stained red with blood.

The boss lost more and more blood, and there were more and more scars on his body, and no matter how strong the monster was, it couldn't withstand these countless attacks.

The Soviet side has not relaxed its vigilance, the monster's dying attack is the most deadly, as long as the sound of experience points is not heard, the Soviet side will definitely not relax its vigilance.


The boss finally collapsed and began to gasp for air, it was now on the verge of death, but it was not completely out of breath.

Su Fang came behind the boss and stabbed the boss in the neck.

The boss jumped up in pain, and Su Fang hurriedly withdrew the willow leaf gun, and saw that the boss struggled for a while before stopping.

[XP +80].

[Fame +10].

A boss is a boss, and even if there is a difference of 2 levels, there is still such a lot of experience.

And this boss even has 10 prestige rewards.

[Heavenly Tips: The lord of "Huaxia City" takes the lead in killing the first green quality boss, and rewards 20 free attribute points and 20 reputation points. 】

[Heavenly Tips: The lord of "Huaxia City" takes the lead in killing the first green quality boss, and rewards 20 free attribute points and 20 reputation points. 】

When Su Fang heard this reward, he was very surprised, because this time he was rewarded with 20 free attribute points, which was 10 points more than before, and even his reputation was 10 points more.

"It seems that there are rewards for killing bosses of different qualities, and next time, you should only get rewards by killing bosses of blue quality. The Soviet side speculated.

The boss is not a cabbage, and it is not something that can be encountered if you want to.

Powerful people naturally want to meet them, but those who don't have strength can only be killed when they encounter them.

The additional 20 attribute points are still distributed by the Su side according to the previous proportion, and the Su side at this time has been rewarded by the Heavenly Dao and obtained an additional 50 free attribute points bonus.

The chat room was lively again, but the Soviet side was already surprised and did not pay attention to them.

His friend also sent a congratulatory message again, and the Soviet side sent a group thank you as usual.

What made Su Fang happiest was not the experience points, nor the prestige, but the things that the boss burst out.

In addition to a dozen gold coins, this boss even broke out a piece of green equipment, how strong the green equipment is, just look at the willow leaf gun in Su Fang's hand.

This is a pair of boots, and Su Fang looked at the attributes of this equipment.

[Equipment: Goat Boots].

[Quality: Green].

[Durability: 100%].

[Attribute: Agility +15].

It only adds 15 agility attributes, but it's also very good, equivalent to one and a half attribute points.

After the Soviet equipment was put up, the speed became faster, but it still took a little time to get used to.

After a little running, the Su side has completely adapted to this speed, and it feels good.

The Su side began to collect the corpse of the boss.

[Wool +1].

[Horn +1].

[1st Order Crystal Nucleus +1].

"Obtained another crystal nucleus!" After the Su side collected this crystal nucleus, he was finally able to upgrade the [crystal] again.

The [Crystal] of the territory can only be upgraded by a first-order crystal nucleus, but this crystal nucleus, now, can only be collected by collecting bosses.

"Lord, we have slain the other wild sheep. Zhang San hurriedly came over to report and gathered the carcass of the goat.

"Okay, go get that bronze chest. Su Fang said.

"Yes. Zhang San immediately walked to the bronze treasure chest and took the box to Su Fang.

After the Su side first collected these wild sheep, he took the bronze treasure chest and opened it.

A green glow appeared, and this was another green quality thing.

A drawing appeared in front of the Soviet side, and after seeing this drawing, the Soviet side found that it was a green wooden house drawing.

"Looks like my green cabin can be blended into a blue cabin again. Su Fang is very happy, so that he will have a more comfortable house to live in.

Su Fang finally obtained an architectural drawing, and he issued it, which made Su Fang feel that his luck value was not useless.

It's not early, and the Soviet side takes the soldiers and starts to go back towards the road they haven't traveled before, so that they can hunt more monsters and open a few more boxes.

After hunting dozens of mobs, I also found more than a dozen wooden boxes, which were full of various materials, clothes, shampoo, soy sauce and other things.

Su Fang first came to the lake, collected all the water loaded, and then began to sell it on the shelves.

Then he began to take off his clothes, jumped into the lake and began to take a bath.

He found that there were still fish in the lake, but he had not come to catch them before, and he planned to make a few bamboo rafts tomorrow for the soldiers to fish in the water.

However, the lake was not safe, and it didn't take long for him to see a fish more than two meters long coming towards him.

Su Fang immediately took out the willow leaf gun and began to stab at the fish.

Blood suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and the fish struggled to sink into the water, and Su Fang also chased after it, and attacked the big fish several times in a row.

After a few minutes, the big fish finally died.

[XP +20].

After the attribute is high, even if he fights in the water for more than ten minutes, Su Fang feels that there will be no problem, he did not go to the lake before, and it is because of his lack of strength that he did not go to the lake easily.

Even now, Su Fang felt that this lake could not run too far, who knew what a powerful monster there was in the lake.

(ps: new book seedlings, ask for collection, ask for rewards, ask for flowers, ask for ticket support, ask for everything !!).

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