Zhang Shiyi immediately began to build weapons, this time they all created white weapons such as long swords, anyway, the Soviet side can integrate green quality weapons.

As long as a lot of white swords need to be forged, the Soviet side will be able to fuse a lot of high-quality weapons.

The entire lord continent is now very short of equipment, and weapons are even more important, and only after having weapons can you kill monsters and upgrade.

For example, a weapon with only 5 points of strength is priced at the market price of 500 gold coins and 100 gold coins for one attribute point.

But in the current market, because there is too little equipment, the price fluctuates greatly, and some people even do not hesitate to buy a better weapon at a price of 150 gold coins per attribute point.

But fusing these equipment requires too much mental power, far less than fusing seeds, so the Soviet side's fusion of high-level equipment will only be used by the soldiers in their own territory.

"Lord, we have caught a lot of fish today, at least a thousand fish, and there are even two boss-quality grass carp!".

After Zhang San saw that Su Fang was idle, he immediately stepped forward to report.

"Oh, the fish and the boss, that's pretty good, not injured, right?" Su Fang was really surprised, and hurriedly asked the soldiers about the situation.

"Two soldiers were bitten by big fish, but after I asked them to kill the fish, it escalated and it's okay now. "

After Zhang San answered, he handed over the two first-order crystal nuclei in his hand to Su Fang and said, "This is collected from those two bosses. "

"Great!" the Su side is indeed satisfied, the higher the level of the crystal, the stronger the defense, and the higher the security of the territory.

Crystals are the most important buildings in the territory, and the Soviet side is very eager to improve the security of the territory crystals.

After the Su side had the crystal nucleus, he immediately began to upgrade the [Crystal].

[Gold -300, First-Order Crystal Nucleus -3, [Crystal] Level +1, Current Level Lv3.] 】

After upgrading, the crystal's glow seems to be a bit stronger.

[Territory can be upgraded, is it upgraded?].


[Gold -300, province level increased to lv3.] 】

After the territory was upgraded, the Soviet side still found some changes, that is, the ground outside the territory became a lot wider, and the surrounding trees were reduced by a part.

The Su side felt that if the territory continued to upgrade, the open space outside the territory would continue to expand outward, and the surrounding forests would slowly disappear.

This is still beneficial, such a territory is all built on flat land, and there will be no unevenness.

Su Fang looked at the [Soul Palace] again and found that the soul value on this building had increased to 687.

Zhang San said that he caught at least 1,000 fish today, and it can also be seen from here that not every fish can obtain soul points.

At this rate, you can probably get more than 600 soul points a day, and it still takes a lot of time to get 10,000 soul points.

"Lord, we have obtained a lot of rice today, but we can't get it down. The soldier hurriedly came over and said to the Soviet side.

"I'll take a look. Su Fang came to the side of the [farmland], and then looked at the rice piled up, these rice are all golden rice, plus it is golden quality, it looks very good.

As for how to deal with these rices, the Soviet side immediately thought of the collection technique, so they began to try.

[Rice +1000].

When Su Fang heard this, he was very surprised, it turned out that this rice would be directly turned into rice after being collected, and there was no need to dry the rice, this skill was really easy to use.

Su Fang immediately called Zhang San and asked him to collect all these rices.

And the Su side looked at the special attributes of this golden quality rice.

[Name: Rice].

[Quality: Golden].

[Introduction: After eating, for the next four hours, hunger will be -100%, and stamina recovery will be +50%. 】

Rice is also a good thing, but it is still a staple food, so in the future, soldiers will change to this golden rice.

This kind of rice, the Soviet side still does not plan to sell, compared to corn, golden rice is still a little worse.

There is now a lot of farmland in the territory, and the Soviet side is also preparing to fuse a new seed, that is, strawberry seeds.

After the Su side fused into a golden strawberry seed, let the soldiers take it and plant it to see what the properties were.

Next, the Soviet side began to put today's things on the shelves, golden corn, golden potatoes, all kinds of collected meat, as well as fish, and cans of water.

Su Fang looked at the [trading market] and found that many people had also started to sell water, so the profit of water was greatly reduced.

However, in terms of food, there is still a shortage in the market, but it is much better than the previous two days, and the Soviet side has lowered the price a little, and any item must be priced according to the market.

Many people have paid attention to the items put on the shelves by the Soviet side, so when many people buy things, the first thing they consider is what they sell.

This is the old customer, and the Soviet side has accumulated a lot of customers now, so you need to consider the discount, so as to attract them to buy things from your side in the future.

As for the golden food, he is still the only one in the world, and it is estimated that for a long time, no one will be able to provoke the status of the Soviet side's golden food, and even the Soviet side feels that others cannot provoke it at all.

"Big brother, there are people in the world who sell buildings, don't you want to take a look?" "Unparalleled in the World" suddenly sent a message to Su Fang.

"Construction!" When Su Fang heard this, he immediately looked at the [Chat Channel], and sure enough, he found that there was a person selling buildings, Su Fang looked at the news, and the other party was selling a building called [Tile Workshop], which seemed to be unattended.

Su Fang was stunned, how could there be such a building, so Su Fang said to "Unparalleled in the World": "Thank you, I didn't read the chat message." "

"That's why I remind you that I think you're the only one who has the money to buy a building. "Unparalleled in the World" said.

"I'll talk. Su Fang said and added that person as a friend.

[You became friends with "No Underwear". 】

The Soviet side felt that the names taken by these people were really strange, so they couldn't take normal ones.

"Can you send me the building information first?" asked Su Fang.

"It turned out to be a rich man, no problem, I shouted for a long time, and finally saw that you were interested. "No Underwear" hurriedly said.

Su Fang was stunned, the other party had been waiting for him all along.

When did you become a rich man?

"I'm not a rich man. Su Fang replied.

"You're welcome, in the entire Lord Continent, you are the richest, and you are the only one who can buy these things. "No Underwear" replied.

Subsequently, the other party sent the building information of the [tile workshop] to the Soviet side.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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