[Monster: Mountain Leopard].

[Quality: White].

[Level: Level 16].

[Skills: Tearing, Charging, Claw Strike].

[Introduction: Agile and athletic monsters, few monsters can escape their pursuit range.] 】

It's just a white quality monster, and there aren't many of them, so you can do it.

"Watch out for monster attacks, they're fast. "

The Soviet side began to remind the soldiers that these monsters should not be underestimated, and besides him, the other soldiers were no match for the mountain leopard in terms of speed.

When the mountain leopard saw them, it did take them as prey and began to attack.

Their speed was very fast, and after approaching Su Fang and the others, they suddenly increased their speed again, which should be the charging speed of the mountain leopard.

There were three mountain leopards, and at the same time, they rushed towards the Soviet side, and ten meters away, they jumped directly, opened their mouths, exposed their claws, and attacked the Su side and others.

The Soviet side stabbed the leopard in the neck with a shot, and the other soldiers also took out long bamboos and aimed them at the leopard.

"Puff puff !!


As a result, because the speed and impact of the three mountain leopards were too fast, their bodies were penetrated by their bamboo, and after struggling for a while, they were directly killed.

It was probably the funniest thing they'd ever seen, but the leopard was really dead, and he died a very aggrieved death.

It's like they're committing suicide.

[EXP +190].

"You can eat leopard meat tonight. Su Fang said.

The soldiers also laughed, and stepped forward to pick up the fallen gold coins, more than a dozen levels of mountain leopards, a total of fifteen gold coins were dropped, and the Su side found that the gold coins had indeed dropped too little.

It's still a novice period with a ten-fold explosion rate, and if the ten-fold explosion rate is gone, wouldn't it be another matter whether or not you can burst out of gold coins?

Fortunately, Su Fang had harvested a lot of leeks before, ahhh

"Lord, Black Iron Chest. "One of the soldiers found a black iron treasure chest and stepped forward to take it.

The light flashed, and inside was another piece of sword equipment, strength +6, which was not bad, and handed it to one of the soldiers.

Subsequently, the Soviet side found a lot of mountain leopards one after another, relying on the advantage of bamboo length, the speed of the mountain leopards was reduced, and the mountain leopards in the back did not do stupid things like the three leopards in front, that time was purely accidental.

These mountain leopards only appeared in a few at a time, no more than five, and after they killed more than a hundred, the Soviets and the soldiers escalated again.

[Level up to level 14, gain 10 free attribute points, 1 skill point.] 】

After the Su side allocated attribute points, he began to consume spiritual power to fuse seeds.

continued to look for monsters, and finally they found a level 16 mountain leopard boss by the Su side.

"Lord, Bronze Chest. One soldier pointed ahead.

"I saw it. Su Fang nodded, and the boss was sleeping next to the treasure chest.

There are five mobs and a boss.

The Su side threw a stone at them, and three mountain leopards chased after the Su side, and then, the other two also chased after them, fortunately the boss was still sleeping, and the Su side told the soldiers to run away, hoping not to wake up the boss.

After leaving a few hundred meters, Su Fang said: "Turn back and kill!"

The soldiers stopped running, turned around, took out the bamboo, and attacked the mountain leopard, which kept clawing at the bamboo, which had been scratched to tatters, but they still had a lot of bamboo.

It's just a few little monsters, except for being a little faster, the defense is very poor, and they can't stop them at all, so they are quickly killed.

After collecting, they continued towards the boss, and found that it was still a sleeping boss, and it still hadn't woken up.


The Soviets told the soldiers to be careful not to make too much movement.

Su Fang walked lightly to the boss's side, and then found that it was still sleeping, drooling while sleeping, Su Fang was stunned, this leopard is still a leopard who loves to dream.

Su Fang stabbed hard at the sleeping boss.


The mountain leopard boss who is dreaming is playing happily with a group of female leopards, who knows that he will be stabbed by someone.

This man is really hateful!

Take advantage of the leopard's sleep!

Why don't you talk about martial arts!

The mountain leopard looked at Su Fang angrily, and even when he died, he stared at Su Fang with wide eyes, and hated Su Fang to death.

[EXP +400].

[Fame +16].

Su Fang looked at what this boss burst out, there were quite a lot of gold coins, more than a hundred, in addition to gold coins, there were also two pieces of green equipment.

"Today's equipment explosion rate is quite high. After looking at the two pieces of equipment, Su Fang was a little confused.

Two cuckolds....

[Equipment: Mountain Leopard Helmet].

[Quality: Green].

[Durability: 100%].

[Attributes: Spirit +5, Physical Defense +6].

[Equipment: Mountain Leopard Helmet].

[Quality: Green].

[Durability: 100%].

[Attributes: Spirit +8, Physical Defense +5].

Although the equipment is the same, the attributes are very different, and Su Fang originally didn't want it, but after seeing the attributes of this equipment, he decisively put on the second helmet with 8 points of spirit.

Although this helmet is indeed a little green, if you want to live a decent life, how can you not have a little green on your head.

Gave another cuckold, ahh

Su Fang looked at the bronze treasure chest, could it be that it was also a green piece of equipment.

After opening the bronze chest, a white light appeared.

It's not something green, it's of ordinary quality ... Hey, it's a drawing.

It is a white quality [Wooden House] blueprint, and Su Fang is now short of a [Wooden House] blueprint, and it can be combined into a green quality wooden house.

It just so happens that the soldiers in the territory don't have a house to live in, so this [wooden house] must be built.

Continue to look for monsters and continue to open up wasteland.

After a long time, a soldier was on the way to look for a monster, and suddenly said to the Soviet side: "Lord, I found a monster's camp!"

"What, the monster's camp!" Su Fang was surprised for a while, and hurriedly asked, "You read that right, it's the monster's camp?"

"I've looked closely, it's indeed a monster's camp, just take a look. Zhang 18 said.

"Okay, let's go check it out. "The Su side was really surprised, he didn't expect that there would be a monster camp.

Ten minutes later, Su Fang hid next to a tree, then looked into the distance, and sure enough, he found a monster camp, which was a group of monsters with wolf heads and human bodies, and the key was that these monsters still had weapons in their hands.

A group of werewolf monsters with weapons in hand, the Su side looked at the other party's information.

[Monster: Wolf Soldier].

[Quality: White].

[Level: Level 8].

[Skill: Slash].

[Introduction: Guarding the werewolf village, the wolf is responsible!].

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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