Even so, the Soviet side was like a ghost, and after shooting an arrow, it immediately moved to the next direction to shoot.

The attacks of the wolf soldiers all failed, and none of the wolf soldiers could find out where the Soviet side was, and the speed of the Soviet side was too fast.

[EXP +320].

[XP +300].

[EXP +280].

One by one, the wolf soldiers were killed by the Soviet side, and they couldn't find out where the specific location of the Soviet side was, so they could only be led by the Soviet side.

Fifteen arrows were quickly shot empty by the Soviet side, and the wolf soldiers were killed by the Soviet side about eight people, and five were wounded, and the rest were shot empty.

The Soviet side began to take the wolf soldiers to the ambush place.

The wolf soldiers began to fall into the traps dug by the soldiers, and their numbers began to slowly decrease.

The Soviets approached a soldier with a bow and arrows, took his arrows away, and attacked the wolf soldiers again.

The Soviet side was like a hunter in the jungle, putting a lot of pressure on these wolf soldiers.

They were even a little afraid of the Soviets, because the Soviets were like ghosts, they could kill a wolf soldier with every shot, and they couldn't see where the other side was, like ghosts.

This time, the Soviet side specialized in shooting the opponent's archers to reduce the opponent's long-range attacks, and with the Soviet side's attack, the number of these wolf soldiers was even less.

The Su side soon saw the wounded leader of the wolf soldiers.

So, the Soviets again looked for a place and shot at the head of the wolf leader.

"Killer Arrow!".



After the leader of the wolf soldiers was killed by the Soviet side with an arrow, the leader of the wolf soldiers fell like this, and on the head of the leader of the wolf soldiers, he was still wearing an arrow.

That's the power of the ranged class, which can give your enemies a lot of fear if you have enough arrows.

The Soviet side felt that it was necessary to train an army of archers, but now there were too few bows and arrows, and they could only practice for soldiers, and they could not form an army of archers for the time being.

[EXP +480].

[Fame +20].

[Heavenly Tips: The lord of "Huaxia City", take the lead in killing the first level 20 white quality boss, and reward 10 free attribute points, 10 reputation points, and 1 skill point. 】


Su Fang once again confirmed his previous guess, and after every 10 levels, there is also a reward for killing each boss with a different quality.

World of Lords [Chat Channel]:

"it, I saw someone loading a fork again. "

"Is it him!or he!Why is it still him!".

"Don't let people live!".

"How many levels is this guy, it shouldn't be level 20 yet, this level dares to kill level 20 monsters, and I'm still killing level 8 monsters!".

"Big guy, can you wait for us in front. "


Su Fang once again attracted the attention of the people of the lord world, Su Fang was too strong, from the beginning to the present, it turned out that all the Heavenly Dao rewards were about him.

In addition to envy, jealousy and hatred, they can only envy and hate.

When the wolf soldiers saw their leader dead, their morale seemed to be very low, and some even began to flee.

When the Soviet side saw this, they immediately ordered the soldiers to pursue them.

And the Soviet side went around to the front of their escape, stood there, took out their bows and arrows and shot at the wolf soldiers.

These wolf soldiers seemed to be afraid of the Soviet side, but they still rushed towards the Soviet side.

The Su side put away the bow and arrows, unfolded the "Dragon Body Method", and quickly rushed towards the wolf soldiers, the speed of the Soviet side was too fast, and soon rushed into the wolf soldiers, and the spear was picked, split, and pierced, and seven or eight wolf soldiers were immediately knocked to the ground with a sweep.

The soldiers behind also surrounded and began to surround and kill these wolf soldiers.

The wolf soldiers had lost their morale and were bent on escaping, and were soon killed by the soldiers.

The Soviets asked the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and the Soviets went to the place where the wolf leader died, and picked up a book from the ground.

"It's a skill book again. Su Fang was very satisfied and looked at the information on this skill.

[Skill: Werewolf Slash].

[Quality: White].

[Introduction: Attack the target, dealing 10% extra damage.] 】

This skill was not suitable for the Soviet side, so the Soviet side put it away first, planning to use it for the soldiers under his command.

Each skill cannot be used consecutively, and the more powerful the skill, the greater the physical requirements.

If you use it continuously, it will cause backlash to the body, which will not outweigh the losses at all.

Although Su Fang's "Dragon Body Method" has indeed been upgraded to level 10, it does not mean that he can use it completely, this skill is too fast, and the requirements for the body are too fast.

If it breaks out at full speed, I'm afraid that the Soviet side won't even be able to see the road ahead, and it will hit it directly.

Any skill needs to be practiced, and you also need to rely on yourself to master it in order to become your own combat power.

Today is the last day of the novice period, and after looking at the sky, the Soviet side plans to go back.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but now that the seven-day novice protection period has ended, the Lord Continent will definitely undergo huge changes.

Today's harvest is very good, weapons and leather armor, a total of more than 80 pieces, these are obtained by killing werewolves.

On the way back, the Soviets harvested dozens of treasure chests again, and opened three pieces of equipment from them, and the rest were some basic supplies.

After taking back all the resources outside, the Soviet side inquired about the basic situation of the other teams, and although some soldiers were injured, they were not in serious trouble, which reassured the Soviet side.

"Zhang San, this skill is for you. The Su side gave "Werewolf Chop" to Zhang San.

"Thank you, lord. Zhang San was very moved, the lord was too good to him.

Zhang San didn't know, in fact, it was just because of his name.

Extralegal fanatics!

After learning about the situation of other people, the Soviet side began to sell golden corn again, and not long after the things were put on the shelves, they were sold out again.

There are too many people needed, and the [farmland] of the Soviet side is so large, and there is only so much corn that can be grown every day.

Besides, the spiritual power of the Soviet side is also limited, and the amount of a day is only so much, even if you want to sell more, there is no way.

I looked at the [chat channel]:

"Today is the last day of the novice protection period, and tomorrow the newbie protection period will end, I hope everyone can spend it safely. "

"There are only twenty soldiers in my territory, and none of them have reached level 10, and even there are only five pieces of equipment, so I'm so panicked. "

"Just got the [Wooden Barrier] and started to build it, you say, can this thing block the impact of monsters?"

"I already have fifty soldiers, twenty weapons, and I still use green equipment, so I'm looking forward to what will change tomorrow. "

"The big guy upstairs has developed so well. "

"If you want to say that the best development should be the rich man, except for when he collects things, he will come out to chat a few words, and he has never seen him show up at other times. "

"That's a big man, how can he come out and meet casually. "


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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