Su Fang came to the bronze treasure chest, opened it, a blue light flashed, Su Fang was very happy, and immediately looked inside.

"Books!" the Soviet side checked the materials of this book.

[Skill: Pharmacist].

[Quality: Blue].

[Introduction: After use, you can learn various potion recipes, and the success rate and efficiency are +30%. 】

"Pharmacist, and it's blue quality, good luck. "Su Fang is very happy, this pharmacist will definitely be able to make the territory gain greater benefits.

"I don't seem to have seen anyone sell potion formulas yet. "Su Fang looked at the world and found that there was indeed no one selling formulas such as medicines today.

I looked at the [Trading Floor] again, but I didn't find any recipes related to potions or the like.

However, there are many people who sell skill books for various life occupations, and Su Fang has received dozens of them by the way.

"Lord, the monsters have been collected. Zhang Hu put the collected things in front of Su Fang, and after Su Fang put them away, he continued to let them look for new monsters.

Su Fang wants to hunt one more boss above level 20 today, and also wants to see if he can raise his level to level 20.

I didn't encounter a boss in the back, and the spotted blue leopard I encountered in the back still appeared alone, and every time the ironclad lizard appeared, it would appear with two or three together.

There are many wooden boxes here, and a wooden box can be found near each spotted blue leopard, and the Soviet side has opened a lot of things from the wooden box, among which most of them are daily necessities, and there are also a lot of life vocational skill books.

But the recipe for the potion he wanted still couldn't be prescribed, and it seems that the recipe for the potion is not so easy to obtain.

He's posted a message on the world, but he hasn't heard anything yet, and he hasn't seen any messages about the formulations of the potion.

There was a lot of messy information, and there were also messages from people who wanted to sell other things, and the Soviet side thought it was useful, so they bought it, and ignored the rest if they were not interested.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that Su Fang's level was finally raised to level 19 again, and he felt that it was impossible to upgrade to level 20 today.

It was too late for the time, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Fang finally failed to see the spotted blue leopard boss, and looked at his experience points, which were thousands of experience points.

However, his team had a very good harvest today, and they had obtained fifty or sixty thousand gold coins alone, not counting the other soldiers.

The Soviet side just took thirty-five green quality soldiers to team up to kill monsters, and if you add the gold coins of other soldiers, the Soviet side felt that it would be able to get at least hundreds of thousands.

Today's explosion rate is too high, a hundred times the explosion rate, which is really powerful.

Not only gold coins, but also all kinds of equipment, life skills books and daily necessities are very good.

This situation will last for seven days, and this is an opportunity for the Soviet side, and he must cherish it.

After bringing back all the supplies outside the territory, the centurions also began to report to the Soviet side about their harvest today.

They put the gold coins in front of the Soviet side, there were indeed a lot of them, and the Su side didn't know how many bags of gold coins there were, so they put all of them in the package, and finally looked at the number of gold coins today.

As he expected, he had obtained a lot of gold coins today, and the gold coins of the other soldiers combined today had also reached more than 500,000.

Their harvest was not as large as that of the Soviet side, but it added up to a very good amount, and these gold coins could be of great help to the Soviet side.

This is the advantage of having a large number of people, after all, the number of soldiers on the Soviet side has reached 1,000 now, excluding those who farm, build equipment, cut wood, and mine, and there are also about 800 people who hunt monsters.

The explosion rate in the past seven days is a hundred times, and the Soviet side still feels that it is necessary to summon more soldiers, and only when there are more people can we get more supplies and more benefits.

In addition to the gold coins, the Soviet side also obtained a large number of life skill books, and even the combat skill books were obtained two, but they were both white, and the Soviet side handed them over to the centurions to start studying.

As for those life skills books, the Soviet side kept most of them, and then selected dozens of people to let them learn a variety of different life skills skills.

Especially the blacksmith skills in it, after the Su side let them learn it, they let them go to forge equipment.

For this reason, the Su side also decided to upgrade the level of the [Blacksmith Shop], after all, after there are more people, the space for forging equipment also needs to be expanded.

[Gold -1200, Wood -600, Stone 600, [Blacksmith] Level +1, Current Level Lv11].


[Gold -6000, Wood -3000, Stone 3000, [Blacksmith] Level +1, Current Level 30].

After raising the level of [Blacksmith] to level 30, there is a lot more space, which allows more people to forge equipment.

In addition to the Life Skill Book, the soldiers were given a large amount of equipment, both white and green, but they only received three pieces of green equipment.

There are many pieces of white equipment, hundreds of pieces.

In addition to the equipment, these soldiers also opened a dozen drawings and several equipment repair stones, the drawings were basically white equipment drawings, but there were two architectural drawings among them.

And they are both two white [wooden house] drawings, this drawing comes just right, and the territory just lacks houses.

[Fusion into a green quality [wooden house]!].

The Su side fused two white quality [Wooden Houses] into one green quality [Wooden House].

[Gold -100, Wood -100, successfully build [Wooden House]. 】

The Soviets then built it and raised the level of the wooden house to level 20.

As for the equipment repair stone obtained by the soldier, it is also useful, and this kind of thing is more suitable for repairing green quality equipment, if it is used to repair white equipment, it feels a bit wasteful.

Because at this stage, this thing is still very rare, and the green quality equipment repair stone has not yet appeared, plus the carrying of this thing, the [Trading Hall] has been sold for 200 gold coins.

The equipment repair stone is very good, mainly because it is easy to carry, and it can make the equipment repair as new at once, but few people are willing to use the equipment repair stone to repair the equipment, mainly because it is too expensive.

There are no blacksmiths in other people's territories, and if the equipment is damaged, they can only replace it with new equipment, but the Soviet territory has blacksmiths, so they can directly repair these equipment.

However, repairing these equipment also requires some iron ore, and repairing the equipment also takes time.

But this is much faster than forging a piece of equipment, and if the amount is large, you can still earn a lot of money.

However, Zhang San saw something from the [Black Market Store] and thought it was very good, so he immediately came over to Su Fang and said, "Lord, you can see what it does, I think it's pretty good." "

Su Fang walked into the [Black Shop] curiously.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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