After Su Fang finished chatting with "Tianshan Tongma", he began to receive his own title reward.

Su Fang looked at the attributes of this title:

[Title: First Merchant].

[Quality: None].

[Attributes: Experience +20%, Gold Explosion +100%, Luck +10].

[Introduction: An exclusive title for the first store opened in the Lord's Continent!].

This title is very good, and it can actually increase the experience points, so that the Soviet side will level up a lot faster than others.

There is also a double explosion rate of gold coins!

Even the luck value has increased by 10 points!

This attribute is really awesome!

The 200,000 gold coins were too well spent, but fortunately he didn't hesitate at the beginning, otherwise he would have lost a lot.

The Soviet side now has a lot of buildings, and there are more buildings that need to be upgraded, whether it is wood or stone, which are the buildings that the Soviet side is very lacking now.

The more advanced these buildings get, the more materials are needed.

At present, only wood and iron ore can be mined by the Soviet side, and other resources need to be collected from others.

It is impossible for everyone to have all the resources in their territory.

The Soviet side can only collect as many resources as possible that it does not have, so that it can develop one step faster.

Looking at the store, Su Fang found that the number of lords in the world had not decreased, and his gold coins were once again depleted due to the recovery of broken equipment.

There are quite a few comments on it:

"Why don't you recycle it, isn't it that even the rich man has no money to recycle? "

"Add me friend, I want to trade materials with you. "

"Can you use the golden food to recycle these equipment? "

"Can you spend gold to help me repair my equipment? "


Su Fang looked at the messages one by one, there were some people who put forward good suggestions, Su Fang felt that it was still feasible, but he no longer had gold food or gold coins now.

It's just that he is the only one in the entire Lord Continent to recycle these equipment now, the market is too huge, even if the Su side has 100 million gold coins now, it will definitely not be able to collect it.

The Soviet side decided to lower the price of recycled equipment, anyway, the current market needs him, not that he needs the market, and he can't recover so much equipment with his current gold coins.

"Lord, the first batch of repaired equipment has been completed. "Some soldiers came to report.

"Great!" Su Fang hurriedly went over, looked at the brand-new equipment, and immediately began to sell it.

When he received these equipment, he collected them according to the price of different qualities, but when he sold them, he did not sell them according to the above price, and the Soviet side sold them according to the attributes of the equipment.

The current equipment is in the hot sale period, and the price of equipment with a few attribute points can be sold for between 130 gold and 150 gold coins.

According to the attributes of each piece of equipment, the Soviet side began to put these equipment on the shelves.

The equipment sold by the Soviet side is all weapons, and as for other types of equipment, the Soviet side still has to give priority to the soldiers in its own territory.

Anyway, the equipment recovered is also mainly weapons.

The Soviet side set up equipment with one attribute point to sell it for 140 gold coins, and a piece of equipment with 3 attribute points can be sold for 420 gold coins.

Although there are many pieces of recovered equipment that only increase by 1.2 points, there are also many items that increase by 4.5 points, and on average, they can be sold at a tenfold price.

After the equipment was put on the shelves, some people left a message saying that it was too expensive, but the Soviet side ignored their complaints, because the equipment had already been sold.

The market has proved that the current equipment is still very scarce, so the Soviet side is not worried about not being able to sell it.

The Soviets reduced the price of recycled white equipment to 30 gold coins per piece, and green quality equipment to 60 gold coins.

This was naturally scolded by others again, and the entire [chat channel] was scolding him for being black-hearted, black-business, and the like.

If the Soviet side cared about them, I was afraid that they would be angry to death, so the Soviet side chose to ignore them.

The Su side had limited funds, and even though the price of the recycled equipment was lowered a lot, he still used up the gold coins he had just returned.

Throughout the night, the Soviet side was in the process of constantly recovering equipment and putting equipment on the shelves.

During this period, the Soviet side once again exchanged golden food for a lot of timber resources.

The reason why only wood was exchanged this time was because the Soviet side wanted to upgrade the [Blacksmith Market] first.

After upgrading to level 20, you can summon a total of 300 blacksmiths.

The Su side summoned the remaining 200 blacksmiths and asked them to immediately repair the equipment.

The entire territory now has more than 300 blacksmiths repairing equipment together, and they are creating wealth for the territory all the time.

Although Su Fang didn't sleep all night, his spirit was still very high.

From yesterday to now, he still hasn't seen the shadow of the potion formula, and even if he leaves a message in the store, he still hasn't received the relevant potion formula.

Originally, the Soviet side also wanted to make blue-quality bows and arrows, but now it can only be shelved first, the profits from repairing equipment are too great, and the Soviet side is reluctant to give up such a good opportunity to make money now.

After the Su side had breakfast with the soldiers, another soldier came to report that many monsters appeared outside and were heading towards the territory.

And soldiers from both directions, east and west, came together to give a report.

Yesterday the monsters only attacked from one direction, but now it has become two directions, and the Soviet side probably asked about the number and level of monsters.

"There are a lot more than yesterday, at least eight hundred, ranging from level 0 to level 12. The soldier from the east replied.

"The situation I know here is similar, about seven or eight hundred, and the level is about the same. The soldiers stationed in the west also replied.

After understanding the situation, Su Fang said to Zhang San: "One of us led a team of soldiers to destroy the attacking monsters, and after eliminating these monsters, we brought the level of that group of blacksmiths to level 10 in batches. "

"Yes, lord, I'll arrange it!" Zhang San hurriedly went to gather the soldiers.

The speed of the soldiers' assembly was quite fast, and it didn't take long for them to be assembled.

The Soviet side took advantage of the time when the soldiers gathered, looked at the [chat channel] and looked at their situation today.

"Guys, it's a little bad today, there are twice as many monsters as there were yesterday!".

"Me too, my subordinates told me that there are a hundred monsters attacking the territory today. "

"It's only a hundred, it's not a lot, I have three hundred, attacking from two places. "

"Big man, what bad things have you done, there are so many monsters who take a fancy to you. "

"The number of monsters is different for each lord, and the stronger the territory, the more monsters there are, good luck. "

"I'd love to know how many monsters there are in the lords of the rich man. "

"More than five hundred, I guess. "


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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