[Do you consume 10,000 soul points to summon a Hall Hero?].


The [Soul Palace] is dotted with light, emitting countless soul light points, turning into a starry sky light bridge, connecting a long-sealed world and leading a certain character to arrive.

And in the minds of the Soviet side, a powerful figure has already appeared, he commanded the Quartet, fought in the south and the north, and was undefeated in his life!

[Congratulations on summoning the hero of the Golden Quality Hall - Yue Fei!].

"Sure enough!" Su Fang was very happy and looked at the man who walked out of the altar.

To say that the first time he saw Yue Fei, Su Fang was surprised by Yue Fei's eyes, what kind of eyes were they, profound, firm, wise, and stubborn.

The Su side even thought of Yue Fei's pride in wanting to recover the rivers and mountains and let the enemy return the rivers and mountains.

He is a famous general with unparalleled loyalty, and he is basically a household name, because he is loyal to the country, but in the end he was framed to death, which makes countless people regret it.

"Yue Fei greets the lord!" Yue Fei said in a deep and powerful voice, and said to Su Fang very respectfully.

"Let's go, I'll show you around the whole territory. Su Fang was very happy, and immediately took Yue Fei and left the [Soul Palace].

With Yue Fei, the soldiers of the territory are equivalent to having a commander in command of the three armies.

Regarding Yue Fei's commanding ability and combat strength of leading troops, the Soviet side did not have any doubts at all, such a loyal and brave hero, the Soviet side wanted to make him famous in the entire lord continent!

Su Fang looked at Yue Fei's attribute information.

[Name: Yue Fei].

[Talent: Unawakened].

[Quality: Golden].

[Loyalty: 100 (all heroes summoned by the Hall of Souls are full value)].

[Level: 0 (XP 0/100)].

[Strength: 35, Constitution: 28, Stamina: 30, Agility: 32, Spirit: 30, Magic Defense: 15, Physical Defense: 15].

[Lucky: 15, Talent: 30].

[Battle Skill: Unawakened].

Life Skills: None

Yue Fei also didn't have the ability to awaken, and like Zhao Yun, if he wanted to awaken his talent, he didn't know what conditions were needed.

Yue Fei's basic total attribute was five points higher than Zhao Yun and five points lower than Xiang Yu, reaching 155 points.

Yue Fei is also a hero with a very balanced development, and his own command ability is very strong, he is a brave and resourceful hero.

Su Fang took Yue Fei to visit the entire territory, and finally took Yue Fei to the two barracks, and then said: "I want you to command the soldiers of the entire territory, can you have the confidence to lead it?"

Yue Fei didn't expect that the Soviet side would hand over the soldiers of the territory to him to command, but Yue Fei was also very confident in himself, and said, "Yue Fei will not disappoint the lord!"

"Okay! From today onwards, all the soldiers in the territory will be handed over to you to command!" Su Fang said.

"Thank you, lord, for your trust. Yue Fei hurriedly said.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet a fierce general!" Su Fang felt that Xiang Yu's force value should be the figure at the top of the pyramid in Chinese history.

It is said that the widely spread saying "the god of feather is brave, unique through the ages" is to praise Xiang Yu's extremely high martial arts skills.

After coming to the courtyard of the [Courtyard], he found that Xiang Yu was still practicing the spear.

"Hello lord!" After Xiang Yu saw the lord, he hurriedly put away his spear.

"Let me introduce you, this is Yue Fei, and the army in the territory will be handed over to him as commander in the future, and I will bring Yue Fei to meet you. "

Here, peerless warriors from different eras can be met one by one, and they can not only fight side by side, but also become friends and brothers, which is a very interesting thing.

"In the lower feather. When Xiang Yu heard this, he looked at Yue Fei, just from the spirit alone, Xiang Yu could see that Yue Fei was indeed not simple, and the specific ability had to depend on the next performance.

"Yue Fei. Judging from Xiang Yu's previous performance, Yue Fei had already felt great pressure, even if he shot with all his might, he might not be the opponent of the other party.

Even if the two have simply met, as for Zhao Yun, who is still cultivating, he can only wait until tomorrow to meet again.

Su Fang then asked Yue Fei to make something to eat, and by the way, he told him about the current basic situation of the territory.

Yue Fei listened very carefully, and kept thinking about it, Su Fang knew that Yue Fei must have been planning how to train soldiers and how to make the territory stronger.

After chatting, Su Fang went back to sleep, and Yue Fei also began to rest.

The next day was also the fifth day of the hundredfold explosion rate.

Su Fang got up early, and after settling the matter of the sale, he saw that Yue Fei was already in the barracks, and Zhao Yun was also there, and the two had already started talking, and it seemed that they were chatting happily.

The Soviet side began to gather the soldiers of the territory, and then announced: "The main purpose of gathering everyone today is mainly to announce one thing, that is, to announce several positions in the territory!"

After that, Su Fang asked Yue Fei to come to everyone and said: "His name is Yue Fei, and the soldiers in the territory will be handed over to him in the future, and everyone will obey his orders in the future, and it is absolutely not allowed to be disobeyed, do you know no!".

"Yes!" all the soldiers replied.

Su Fang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Yue Fei will be your marshal in the future, and in addition, Xiang Yu and Zhao Yun are Yue Fei's lieutenants!"

"Yes!" Zhao Yun and Xiang Yu also stood up and said.

"Thank you, Lord for your trust!" Yue Fei stood up and said.

The Su side nodded, and then asked the soldiers to go out in batches in the four directions of the territory, ready to resist the monster attack.

This time, Xiang Yu will lead an army to resist the North Gate, Zhao Yun will lead an army to resist the South Gate, Yue Fei will lead an army to resist the West Gate, and the Su side will defend itself against the monster attack at the East Gate.

However, before this, the Soviet side prepared a set of equipment for Yue Fei, which is of green quality, and as the commander of the three armies, Yue Fei must have a set of equipment.

"Thank you, Lord for the reward!" Yue Fei said very happily.

"Go ahead, the territory will need you to train more in the future. Su Fang said.

"Yes. After Yue Fei put on his equipment, he went to the West Gate first and began to set up traps.

The Su side also asked Zhang San to go to the east gate to set up a trap first, and after the Su side saw that the food was sold, he began to upgrade the [trapped camp] again, and after upgrading to LV40, the Su side summoned the remaining soldiers, and then let them go over in four directions.

"Maoqiu, let's go!" looked at the time, and the Su side also began to go in the direction of the east gate.


The hairball screamed, and now the hairball is becoming more and more majestic as the Tiger King, and a pair of wings have grown, but they still can't fly.

After the Soviet side came to the east gate, the soldiers outside, under the leadership of Zhang San, had already begun to dig various traps.

Su Fang stood on top of the [watchtower], took out his binoculars and looked into the distance.

Kyushu Planet Live Room:

"It's another day, and I don't know how many lords will be eliminated today. "

"A lot of people have learned to set traps in advance, so there shouldn't be too many people who will be eliminated. "

"What kind of ability does the hero summoned by the Soviet side just yesterday have to make the Soviet side value it so much and directly hand over the army to him to command?"

"Who knows, anyway, the Soviet side's vision is still very good, and we should believe him. "

"There's still half an hour, and I don't know how many monsters there are today. "


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections!!

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