
Lin Ming’s main dilemma is that he has no money.

If you want to become a dragon trainer and become a professional, you need at least one billion star coins as a starting capital to purchase a dragon egg of the sub-dragon species.

But if he didn’t become a professional, even if Lin Ming sold himself, he wouldn’t be able to scrape together the terrifying billion star coins.

It’s an endless cycle.

But now, this dead cycle has the possibility of cracking.

That is Lin Ming’s dazzling life occupation.

As long as he can earn enough money through his life career, then he can achieve his goals.

Buy dragon eggs, sign contracts, pull out the dragon trainer class in your sinkhole, and become a real professional.

Just do it, seeing that there was hope of turning over, Lin Ming was full of spirits, immediately rolled over and sat up, and began to study his plan to make a fortune.

His life professions are diverse and allow for almost unlimited development.

He first targets the Potions Master, who is able to craft a wide variety of potions.

The price of potions in this world is very expensive, and you can buy tens of thousands with a casual bottle.

And Lin Ming’s potions master level is god-level, and the potions he made are naturally extraordinary, and they can be bought at a large price.

But after estimating the cost, Lin Ming reluctantly gave up the idea.

Potions are precious, but the materials used to make them are not cheap.

Even the simplest bottle of potion costs tens of thousands to make.

But Lin Ming was now covered in all over his body, and in total, there was only a thousand star coins, which was simply not enough.

After thinking about it again and again, Lin Ming finally set his sights on the inconspicuous one of the countless life professions.


The ability of this life profession is very ordinary, there is only one, and that is carving.

And in Lin Ming’s unremitting madness, this profession has been promoted to the god level, and the skill has also become carving (god level).

Carvers can carve stone, wood and any other materials that can be carved into various works of art with god-level carving skills, which are lifelike and ingenious.

But if that’s all, it’s not enough to become a god-level skill.

Carvers can attach their own understanding of carvings to their own carvings.

And this understanding will form a force of rules that can be understood by others.

This is the true value of the engraver.

And the reason why Lin Ming chose this life profession is purely because the carver has almost no requirements for materials, so the cost is almost zero.

Stones, wood and other things, just pick up some on the street.

He still doesn’t know exactly what use the carved works have for the professionals of this world.

But the cost is low enough, even if it fails, there is nothing to lose.

Just do it, Lin Ming immediately went out, and soon brought back a large pile of wood and stone.

At the same time, he also bought a carving knife at a nearby professional store.

Everything is ready.

Lin Ming sat at the table with a stone the size of his head in front of him.

He opened the message panel and began searching for his favorite image to carve the stone.

At this time, all he was thinking about was to quickly earn money and buy a subdragon egg.

So, he naturally inquired about the pictures of various dragons.

As the most famous race in the world, the popularity of the dragon race has always been very high, and there are many related photos and videos.

After a while, Lin Ming found a large number and began to watch them one by one.

Soon, he turned off the message panel and picked up the carving knife, already knowing the image of the dragon clan in his heart.

Reopening the life occupation panel, selecting the carver profession attachment, in an instant, countless knowledge and skills related to carving filled Lin Ming’s mind.

For a moment, he seemed to feel that the carving knife in his hand had come to life, and the seemingly ordinary stone in front of him showed a different vitality in his eyes.

The next moment, Lin Ming’s wrist moved lightly, and the carved knife in his hand danced, like a silver butterfly, dancing on the stone, and countless stone chips fell in response.

Soon, a lifelike dragon statue appeared in front of Lin Ming.

It was a fiery dragon, with thick limbs and exploding scales, lying low on the hills, looking ahead warily, as if preparing to fight an unknown enemy.

At a glance, the feeling of nervousness and wind and rain rushing to the face, suffocating, as if they were already in such a situation.

Looking at the sculpture, Lin Ming smiled proudly.

This is the terrifying ability of a god-level carver.

Even if you don’t care about any practical effect, just looking at the appearance, it is an unparalleled work of art.

Lin Ming felt a touch of pride in his heart, and it felt really good to have completed a masterful work of art with his own hands.

Motivated by this emotion, he did not stop, but continued to carve.

This carving is a whole night.

Early the next morning, the table was covered with stone chips, and the stone had been used up by Lin Ming, turning into a statue and placing it in front of Lin Ming.

There are nine statues in total, with different postures and images, and each statue has a unique charm that is impressive.

Lin Ming nodded in satisfaction, stretched out, lay on the bed, and slept directly.

This sleep went straight to the afternoon, Lin Mingcai got up from the bed full of energy, packed the statue on the table, and prepared to go out.

As for how to sell these statues, Lin Ming’s thinking was simple and crude.


Because although the career panel provides auction channel services, it can start at least 10,000 SGs.

Lin Ming didn’t have the money at this time.

A moment later, Lin Ming came to a bustling neighborhood, lined with many stalls, selling goods.

This is the seat of the Workers’ Association, and the industries related to the Professions are clustered here, so the Professions flock here.

For this reason, the original name of this street has been forgotten, and everyone now calls it “Professional Street”.

After paying the fifty-star dollar stall fee, Lin Ming found a vacant land on the side of the street and set up a stall.

Laying out a black cloth casually, he arranged the stone carvings one by one.

As soon as he came out, his booth attracted the attention of everyone.

Without him, the things sold in Lin Ming’s stall were too strange.

Other stalls sell all kinds of equipment, materials, skill books and the like.

As far as Lin Ming’s stall is unusual, it is actually selling stone carvings?

The carvings are all dragons, and each one is so lifelike, at first glance, it seems that the real dragon family appears in front of them, making people’s hair stand on end.

Such superb technology immediately attracted the attention of pedestrians.

Soon, someone stopped in front of the stall, took a closer look, and asked the price: “Little brother, how do you buy this statue?” ”

Lin Ming fell into thought.

This is the work of the miracle carver with all his strength.

In the game of the past life, it is difficult to find billions of dollars!

In this world, it should also be worth a lot of money, right?

Thinking about it so far, he gritted his teeth and gave his own price: “Each statue is priced at fifty thousand!” ”

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 31 to January 2)

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