Looking at the exaggerated number, everyone couldn’t help but lose their words.

This figure, even in the entire history of professionals, is the highest auction price.

Enough to write into history!

More importantly, compared to the previous auctions of high-priced heavy weapons, territories, and even veins and other things, this time’s three billion bought only ten bottles of upgrade potions.

This is probably the most expensive batch of upgrade potions in history.

Upgrade potions that can provide 10 million experience are not without and are also precious, but they have not been sold for such a high price.

The reason for this is all because the rank is not limited to these words.

While everyone was still stuck in the shock of three billion, a new world radio appeared.

“Thank you for your kindness, and invite me to drink another day.”

Flame Saint Venerable Jiang Lin is also very good at being a person, sending two world broadcasts in a row, as if he doesn’t want money, one billion star coins are spent casually.

The first broadcast first thanked all the bidders, and the second broadcast went straight to the point.

Compared to the previous one, the tone of this one is obviously much more eager.

“That master who refined such a magical potion should be watching here now, right?”

“For the sake of purchasing your potion, can you show up and talk to you?”

“In the next wish to hold the disciple ceremony!”

Looking at the humble words scrolling on the screen, everyone couldn’t help but be shocked by the humble gesture of this Flame Saint Venerable.

That is a word, which can make the Potions Master Guild and the Heavenly Illusion Saint Venerable silent at the same time, real big people.

At this time, he used the most humble words, and was even willing to hold the etiquette of a disciple, just to make friends with that mysterious Great Potions Master.

For a while, everyone was a little numb, and they all looked at the potion sender, marked with an anonymous avatar.

They wondered if this mysterious potion master, who rose like a meteor and collected three billion gold in ten bottles of potions, would respond?

It should be, right?

After all, that’s a full three billion of real money.

At this time, Lin Ming, the potions master in everyone’s mind, had just gotten up from the bed at this time.

World radio is sent to all professional panel owners.

As long as you don’t choose to turn off the reminder on World Radio, the Pro Dashboard will hum to alert you.

Lin Ming was woken up by such a humming sound.

“Who, who!”

“What kind of world radio in the middle of the night, there is nowhere to spend money on me!”

He huffed and opened the career panel, wanting to see what was going on.

As soon as he opened it, he was startled by the dense reminder.

The mailbox, which was still bare before going to bed, was now full, all stuffed with unread mail.

He opened one casually, and the contents inside made Lin Ming look confused.

“Is it good for the master to make friends?”

“Master, the Potions Masters Guild is willing to invite you to join as the chief!”

Master, is it me?

Impossible, right?

Lin Ming, who was suspicious, was determined to find out what had happened.

So, he first opened his account.

In an instant, he was blinded by the dense zero.

After counting for a long time, he realized that it was a full three billion.

Lin Ming slowly opened his mouth, this, this is too exaggerated.

Ten bottles of potions, can sell so much, right?

This amount of money is enough to buy a good Yalong dragon egg, get rid of the embarrassing civilian status, and become a real professional.

He quickly flipped to the auction interface and looked at it.

Immediately afterwards, I looked at the world broadcasts one by one, and finally understood what was happening.

The potion he made himself actually made such a big wave in this world.

It even attracted behemoths like the Potions Masters Guild and Saint-level professionals to appear and grab it.

And the future legend of the hall, the hero of the Terran race, actually whispered to himself, and was even willing to hold the disciple etiquette, just to establish a friendship with himself.

Looking at the message of the Fierce Sun Saint Venerable, Lin Ming’s heart couldn’t help but thump.

Being able to make friends with a saint-level professional is indeed a great temptation.

But Lin Ming hesitated for a moment, and still did not reply.

The gap between the two sides is too large, but it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing.

In the cyberspace dominated by Gaia’s consciousness, he is the mysterious Great Potions Master Ming.

In reality, he is just a small character who has not officially become a professional.

If you leak your mouth in the process of communication and find the reality along the way, then the matter can be a big deal.

You know, he is not only a god-level potions master, but also a life occupation god who integrates hundreds of god-level life occupations.

If this information leaked out, how much waves and shocks it would cause, Lin Ming could think of it with his toes.

And he himself, it is very likely, to be captured by powerful forces, become their cow, and lose his personal freedom.

This was not what Lin Ming wanted.

He had already made up his mind in his heart.

Until he obtains enough self-preservation ability, in the cyberspace dominated by Gaia’s consciousness, he should maintain a cold and mysterious image and try to avoid conversation.

After you have enough strength, you can expose your real identity little by little, which is the safest.

And with Lin Ming’s silence, everyone in the auction room gradually understood that the mysterious Great Potions Master Ming was not interested in talking to the Flame Saint Venerable.

He didn’t even bother to say a word, expressing refusal.

“It’s so awesome, that’s a holy Venerable, I don’t even bother to say a word!”

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help but sigh.

This Great Potions Master Ming really pushed the Potions Master’s arrogance to the limit.

Not a single holy venerable is in his eyes!

But no one felt anything wrong.

This is the self-confidence that a truly capable person should have.

When many low-level potions masters saw this scene, they had silently developed admiration in their hearts.

Today, they were an eye-opener.

This is what a true potions master looks like!

They also have to target this Great Potions Master and continue to work hard!

There were also people who secretly worried in their hearts, if the potions master acted like this, would he anger that Flame Saint Venerable?

“This is the demeanor that a Great Potions Master should have!”

In reality, a majestic middle-aged man with a short beard has a smile on his face and a bottle of light blue potion shaking in his hand.

He was none other than Flame Saint Venerable Jiang Lin!

For Lin Ming’s almost contemptuous refusal, Jiang Lin not only did not have half of the irritation, but seemed very happy.

In his opinion, a potions master who can make such a powerful potion as Daigo is proud, this is normal!

It takes too much enthusiasm for him to be suspicious.

So, the more that potions master was like this, the more he valued it!

As a saint-level powerhouse, he had a wide range of friends, and he realized early on that this potions master who suddenly appeared would definitely not be a potions master of the older generation.

With such a powerful ability, yet so obscure, there is only one truth.

This magic potion is definitely from a new generation of potions masters!

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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