Chapter 62: Myojin is once again making a big difference in the new realm!.

Chongshan let out a low roar, and in the middle of the two horns, the yellow light slowly condensed.

As the light condensed, the surrounding space was also distorted, and countless gravel was attracted by the light mass, forming stone rings around the perimeter, which was the power of the extremely compressed earth!

At the same time, Chongshan’s eyes stared at the shadow, and one after another translucent chains burst out from the earth, trapping the shadow in the middle. This is his gift, earth imprisoned!

Seeing the king of the mountain rocks, the terrifying power gradually approached, and the shadow finally panicked.

“Shigeyama, no, Lord Shigemyama, is it okay to have something to say?”

But it was too late, and with a low drink from Chongshan, the condensed earth burst out, and in the stunned gaze of the shadow, it directly hit his chest.

Above the earth, a ravine appeared out of thin air. At the end of the ravine, there is a large pit.

In the middle of the big pit, the shadow with a sunken chest was embedded on the ground, his eyes were demented, his breath was dying, and he seemed to be no longer alive.

At this time, Chongshan Shiran walked over with the White Bull King and asked condescendingly: “Say, who is that person?” ”

The shadow was about to cry: “You didn’t ask me, who exactly do you want to ask!” ”

Shigeyama: “Hey, didn’t I ask?” ”

The White Bull King next to him said with a sincere face: “Yes, big brother, what are you doing running over to beat people, you didn’t tell me.” ”

“Well, didn’t I tell you either?”

Shigeyama pondered for a while, only to find that he was a little too anxious after getting the news, and these details were not paid attention to at all. Shaking his head, he looked at the shadow and continued: “None of this matters! ”

“The important thing is, who is the person who issued the bounty to assassinate Lin Ming!?”

Hearing Shigeyama’s question, Kage didn’t know where the strength came from, and suddenly sat up straight.

He looked at the mountain and angrily shouted out the last words of his life: “For this, you said it earlier!?” ”

Before the words fell, a mouthful of blood with internal organ fragments was vomited out by him, his body shook, and he fell to the ground again, his eyes gradually grayed The legendary shadow assassin, the founder of the Shadow Brotherhood, Shadow, died like this.

It wasn’t until he was about to die that he found that he had inexplicably carried the black pot for a saint-level powerhouse like Wang You. Looking at the motionless shadow in the big pit, both Chongshan and the White Bull King next to him widened their eyes.

“Big brother, you, it seems that you beat him to death.”

“No, it won’t, it’s a legend, it’s not so brittle 27 weak, right?”

After tinkering for a while, a sheep and a cow finally accepted that the shadow was dead, and even if he died, he still did not say who the real murderer behind the scenes was.

For a while, the two of them stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to say.

The death of a legend, even for the entire Blue Star plane, this is not a trivial matter. What’s more, in essence, Shigeyama and Ying, in fact, are still people in the same camp.

“Boss, shall we still run?”

“What run, what to run?”

Chongshan glared at the White Bull King and scolded, “We didn’t do anything, we just came to sightsee!” ”

“Everything that happens here has nothing to do with us, do you hear?”

“Understood, old cow……… Sheep forced! ”

The two immediately ran away without looking back.

After a long while, the members of the Shadow Brotherhood, who noticed that there was no movement on this side, crawled out of their hiding place, touched it towards this side, and saw Shadow’s body.

For a while, everyone stood on the spot, unable to believe their eyes.


Founder of the Brotherhood of Shadows, the legendary Shadow Assassin, Shadow died, at the hands of the crazy legendary holy beast. This news immediately spread, and the whole world became a sensation.

Everyone was blown away.

That is a legendary powerhouse, say death is death?

And when everyone learned the cause of his death, his face immediately became strange. This, this dead is too casual, right?

It’s just inexplicable!

The legendary powerhouse died like this, it was simply a shame to be thrown home. At the same time, their hearts trembled.

It turned out that unknowingly, Mingshen had already had such a great appeal among the legendary holy beast group? The assassination of one of his descendants can cause a group of legendary holy beasts to go so crazy.

It is hard to imagine that if it was Myojin himself who encountered danger, what kind of situation would he encounter? You know, this group of legendary holy beasts is even willing to kill a legendary powerhouse to please the gods!

Realizing this, even the most arrogant legend couldn’t help but feel a little in awe of the mysterious Myojin-sama.

In their eyes, Mingshen is no different from a legendary powerhouse.

After all, being able to say a word can make a group of holy beasts desperately for him to kill a legendary powerhouse. To be able to do this kind of thing, whether he himself is a legend or not, what difference does it make?

“What did you say?”

In the Lin Yan Castle, Wang You, who was drinking wine and slowly waiting for news, was waiting for such a sunny day. Listening to the report of his subordinates, for a moment, his hands and feet were cold.

It’s over, it’s over!

Even if he had imagined the worst-case scenario, he never thought that this would happen. The shadow is dead!

A generation of legendary masters, just like that, because of his own affairs, died at the hands of legendary holy beasts. As soon as the shadow died, the previous contract and confidentiality regulations naturally could not be counted.

Soon, he will use his power to learn the specific details of the original reward from the members of the wandering Shadow Brotherhood. By that time, he himself will definitely be exposed.

Only at this time did Wang You wake up to what stupid thing he had done. But in any case, it is too late to regret now, and it is necessary to find a way to survive. Soon, he had an idea.

Escape! Only by running for your life can you live!

A few minutes later, a black-robed figure quietly appeared outside the fort.

He glanced nostalgically at the castle behind him, and his figure flashed, then turned into a black shadow, flew towards the distance, and soon disappeared.

And shortly after he left, the sky roared, and the clouds that shrouded the castle were instantly torn apart.

Three terrifying wills descended at the same time, instantly locking everything in the castle! This is three legendary powerhouses descending at the same time!

The purpose is to capture the real murderer of this assassination case, Wang You!

After some investigation, they found that Wang You had decisively run away, and his trip was for nothing.

But it didn’t matter, and soon a bounty appeared on the trading system on the career panel.

“Wang You is now designated as a fugitive, all blue stars are wanted, and those who can catch or provide his whereabouts will be rewarded to varying degrees.”

In the column below the bounty, the names of a large number of powerful organizations such as the Professional Association, the Potions Guild and so on are written proudly, and the appearance of this bounty undoubtedly means one thing. That is Wang Yu at this time, who has become the enemy of the whole people!

Wang You, a saint-level powerhouse with a high status, successfully brought himself to death in a few days. This couldn’t help but make everyone sigh with regret, and then took the bounty and searched like crazy.

If nothing else, even if there is no reward, if you complete this reward, you will be able to show your face in front of Myojin. Perhaps, like the previous king of mountain rocks, Chongshan, you can get the favor of the gods!

From humans to legendary holy beasts, and then to the plane battlefield, for a while, everyone had a new way to get rich, catch Wang You! You can imagine how desperate Wang You was at this time.

On the other side, the source of all the storms, Lin Ming slowly raised his head and looked at the pharmacy in front of him, revealing a satisfied look.

This time the prescription improvement can be regarded as a success.

Without thinking much, he immediately put this prescription into the email, entered a few words, and sent it to Ye Bai.

Not far from the headquarters of the Shadow Brotherhood, looking at this collapsed behemoth, a faint sadness and sigh appeared on the face of Ye Bai, the initiator.

But before he could finish sighing, he heard his career panel clanging, an email from someone. Ye Bai didn’t care, just opened it casually and took a look.

But just this glance instantly made Ye Bai’s whole person stand frozen in place, motionless, and even his breathing suddenly stopped. Because the sender column of this email clearly has only one simple, but shocking name.


An email from Lord Myojin.

Ye Bai immediately opened it and carefully looked at the content on it, not daring to miss a word. As in the legend, Myojin’s letter is very simple.

“I already know what happened before, thank you Mr. Ye Bai for your support of my stubborn apprentice.”

“Regarding your abyss plane erosion symptoms, I have long paid attention, the relevant treatment prescription has been attached with the letter, please check.”

Simply two lines of words, Ye Bai read it over and over again.

Unlike the coldness and solitude that Lord Myojin has always shown, the words and sentences of the letter are quite elegant, and the words are still indifferent, and there is no condescension in every word, which is like a spring breeze.

This may be the true temper of Lord Myojin.

It’s just that you don’t want to provoke more disputes and causes and effects, so you show that image in front of outsiders? Ye Bai trembled and fixed his gaze on the attachment.

There, he has been searching for decades to solve his erosion problem, so that he can strike again, and crisscross the battlefield with his sword!

As Ye Bai’s mind moved, receiving the attachment, a portal opened, and a folded piece of paper floated out of it, Ye Bai quickly picked it up, opened it gently, and carefully began to check.

After a moment, he raised his head and slowly exhaled a turbid breath, but his expression was a little puzzled.

The so-called long-term illness has become a good doctor, after so many years of suffering, Ye Bai also has a good research on pharmacology. You can even talk to some experienced doctors and write recipes together.

Some doctors have praised him, and his own medical skills are already above many professional doctors. But at this time, Ye Bai began to wonder if his pharmacology was learned in vain.

Because of this prescription, he couldn’t understand it at all!

What kind of monarch and envoy, every medicine is not an unusual path, so that Ye Bai can’t understand its effect, but these medicinal materials are very precious, and there are a few of them, all of which are legendary poisonous things.

For a while, Ye Bai was curious.

It’s not that he can’t afford to collect these medicinal materials, but he is purely curious, what is the specific effect of this prescription, and how does it work?

You know, the illness on his body is not a real disease, but a special effect called “world erosion”, which is a kind of injury left on him by the world power of the heteroplane.

This kind of injury has frightened countless strong people and buried a great future.

As a result, Myojin said to do, this has not been a day of hard work, so it was made? That’s a little too fast, right?

After reading it for a long time, he still couldn’t understand it, Ye Bai was helpless, so he had to call Gaia’s consciousness with his thoughts, hand over the prescription in his hand, and ask for a notarization of a result.

This analysis did not matter, Ye Bai quickly regretted it. Because he found that he was still too underestimated to see Lord Myojin!

With the jitter of the career panel, a new world announcement appears.

[Professional, Ming has created a legendary prescription world invasion healing prescription, which can treat irreversible injuries caused by world invasion. 】

[In view of the outstanding contributions made by the professional Ming in this regard, it has been determined that the professional Ming is a legendary doctor, and as the first existence in this world to reach the legendary level, his name will be imprinted in the milestone of the strong of the world will become a legend. ] 】

Looking at these two world announcements, for a moment, Ye Bai was stunned.

He never thought that this prescription was not a special prescription for his abyss erosion symptoms, but could solve the existence of all world erosion symptoms!

Between the two, the difference is huge!

You know, in this world, there are not many legends, saint-level powerhouses, all of them are suffering because of the symptoms of world invasion, they should have represented Blue Star in battle, shining after the plane battlefield.

But because of this terrible, incurable world invasion, they had to return to the safe zone and survive.

There are even people, in order to pursue a future, they have to take an evil path, 153 and eventually fall and become a betrayer that everyone shouts at.

And now, their hope, has appeared! Myojin really made a cure for the invasion of the world!

And it is not only limited to the invasion of the abyss plane, but also the invasion of the power of other planes, which can also be solved! Staring at these two announcements, before he knew it, Ye Bai had burst into tears.

This tear is shed not only for themselves, but also for those professionals who are plagued by the power of aggression like themselves. They have finally ushered in the light!

At this moment, Ye Bai finally understood why those legendary holy beasts would be so respectful and even fanatical about Lord Mingshen. Because Myojin is worth it!

At this time, looking at the new announcement related to Myojin, a group of professionals, although they were already quite calm than before. They were still very shocked.

It’s just that compared to the previous times, they were shocked by “how is it Myojin again”, how can they be more curious about what field Myojin is in and what big work has been done at this time?

World invasion? Legendary Physician?

What are the symptoms of the world invasion, and how can a prescription allow Myojin to obtain the title of legendary doctor? In the World Channel, many low-level professionals were curious to ask questions.

This is the first time that many people have heard of such a condition.

Soon, there were high-level professionals to answer.

“The invasion of the world, that is a disease that can only be encountered in the Holy Domain and even legends!”

“It is not so much a disease as a sequel of battle, and on the plane battlefield, when injured due to the attack of the strong people of other planes, it will be eroded by the power of the planes of other planes.”

“Once or twice is okay, for a long time, the world invasion will become a hidden disease, firmly attached to the strong.”

“By that time, even legendary powerhouses will be weakened by the double layer of strength and lifespan!”

“Not only that, as long as they make a move, the symptoms of the world invasion will be further intensified.”

“The legendary powerhouse, just because of the invasion of the world, can not fight again, can only leave the plane battlefield sadly, which is embarrassing.”

“In the past, there were even a few legendary powerhouses who had fallen before they reached the end of their lives because of the invasion of the world.”

“This is a big loss for our Blue Star plane!”

Every legendary powerhouse can hold on to the peace of a side for more than a hundred years, but because of the invasion of a world, he has to bury his life in powerlessness.

Therefore, solving the invasion of the ectopic plane has always been the dream of all Blue Star doctors. But after all these years, little has been achieved.

And at this moment, Myojin once again performed a miracle.

How many doctors have endured for many years, but they cannot solve the difficult and miscellaneous increase, as soon as Myojin made a move, he easily solved it. Knowing the truth of the world invasion, the professionals immediately understood the power of the medicine created by Myojin this time. For the Blue Star plane, the birth of this prescription will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of Blue Star.

Many saints and legends who had to withdraw from the plane battlefield in the past because of the erosion of the world were finally able to enter the plane battlefield again. The combat power of the Blue Star plane will be enhanced again!.

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