Chapter 74: World Mutation! The strongest trait of a true dragon!.

The reason is simple, the plane battlefield is full of dangers, but at the same time, it is also the fastest to obtain resources.

They need to fight hard in the plane battlefield and obtain enough resources to exchange for a place in the park! The holy beast race has a great cause, and there are one or two places, how can it be!

In this way, suddenly, the Terrans who were fighting on the battlefield suddenly observed a strange phenomenon. A large group of legendary holy beasts were frantically rushing to the plane battlefield.

In an instant, everyone was frightened.

You know, for the matter of entering the plane battlefield, unless the situation has been endangered to a certain extent, Gaia consciousness will not force anyone to enter the plane battlefield.

Human beings have a short lifespan, and their pursuit of becoming stronger is more fanatical, and they have always been the main force in the plane battlefield. As for the other holy beasts, as long as they didn’t threaten Blue Star, they didn’t bother to come to the plane battlefield at all. After all, isn’t it fragrant to stay at home and sleep well?

What’s wrong with this today?

So many legendary holy beasts all of a sudden? For a while, everyone was frightened. Backyard fire?

Or is there some ectopic plane that is going to strike at Bluestar?

No, he is on the plane battlefield, it is really possible, he should be the first to know. In the midst of anxiety, after understanding the situation, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh, it turns out that Lord Myojin is doing things again, these legendary holy beasts are here to earn tuition for their own children? That’s all right!

However, Blue Star is okay here, and other heteroplanes are bitter and can’t speak.

This is good and nothing, how did this group of legendary holy beasts rush out like crazy for no reason? For a time, the entire plane battlefield was in chaos, and a group of people in the opposite plane wailed and wailed…

In the blue star, with the end of the auction, a group of legendary holy beasts who got the qualification to enter the park also gave this qualification to their children.

Next, it is time to wait for the opening of the Holy Beast Paradise.

In the tense waiting of countless legendary holy beasts, the originally scheduled day has finally arrived. Holy Beast Paradise, open!

One portal after another appeared in front of the little holy beast who had obtained the qualification to enter the park.

Under the eager gaze of their parents, they picked up their spirits and stumbled into their new lives.


After passing through the portal, you will be greeted by a wide field. There were various entertainment facilities on it, which instantly lit up the eyes of many small holy beasts.

“Please feel free to play, someone will prepare a meal later…”

At this time, a cute and soft Q version of the lamb appeared next to a group of little beasts that were somewhat vigilant and did not dare to step forward.

A group of small beasts were startled, babbling and retreating, gathered together, curious and vigilant looking at the sheep-shaped rag doll in front of them, finally, a rather bold little tiger came forward, four paws faintly gathered a fierce wind, vigilantly looking at this cute rag doll.

“Who are you?”

The ragdoll replied in a gentle voice, “I am your companion in the Holy Beast Paradise, responsible for taking care of your food and living. ”

“Then why are you like this?”

The little tiger croaked his teeth, although it was a bit embarrassing to say so, but when he saw this escort, he did raise a trace of appetite

“This is because the first person to step into the paradise of holy beasts is a lamb.”

The puppet doll still said gently: “Everyone has a puppet to accompany you.” ”

“The initial form of the puppet is customized according to the form of each little holy beast, and if there is a special need, it can be specially customized.”


Hearing the puppet’s speech, a group of small beasts immediately became excited, especially one of the lambs, bleating and rushing out, bouncing around the puppet.

“What about my Muppets? I want a wolf type! ”

“I want the serpentine one!”

“Is there a sea urchin type?”

With the shouts of the little beasts, soon, puppets of different shapes appeared from the ground, accompanying the little beasts, and the entire holy beast paradise was instantly shrouded in laughter.

“So what are we going to do here?”

A little beast asked timidly.

They have not forgotten that their parents sent themselves here at such a great price in order to make themselves and their race’s future more brilliant and break through the shackles.

“Eat well, drink well, play well.”

This is the Muppet’s answer.

“Is that all right?”

The little beasts couldn’t believe their ears, there are such good things in this world?

“That’s right, keeping a good mood and having fun is your mission, and you don’t need to worry about anything other than this.”

“Happiness is the true meaning of the Holy Beast Paradise!”

Hearing this, the little beasts immediately cheered, began to call for companionship, and played freely in the paradise.

After the official opening, the holy beast paradise is simply a small world, covering a vast area, in addition to a variety of entertainment facilities, there is a vast and complex terrain, which can meet the needs of all small beasts.

A group of small beasts walked together and began to play madly in the paradise. This is a very new experience for them.

After all, no matter what species has evolved to the legendary stage, the number of individuals is very small. And the cubs lower than them can’t stand the coercion that comes with them.

It is also because of this that these little beasts have few playmates on weekdays except for their parents.

And now, when I arrived here, I found that there were a hundred small beasts like myself, how could I not be excited, and immediately played crazy. In the midst of playing, they were also surprised to find that they were not the first guests of this holy beast paradise.

Before they came, there was already a Golden Yalong here.

He was lying alone on the grass basking in the sun, without a doll by his side, which looked quite special.

This discovery soon spread ten, ten and hundred, and soon, other small beasts also gathered around, curiously looking at this golden dragon that suddenly appeared.

As soon as the sleeping golden horn opened his eyes, he saw a group of small beasts looking at him with wide eyes curiously, which made him jump directly in fright.

But he soon realized that this was probably the first batch of young children in the Holy Beast Paradise in the true sense, and he was relieved

“When did you come in?”

“Why are you different from us?”

At this time, the little beasts with good things had already gathered around, chattering, and asking with seven mouths and eight tongues.

Golden Horn glanced at these little beasts, snorted coldly, and saw the clear and childish aura in their eyes at a glance, completely disdainful of being with them, and turned away with his own care.

But the little beasts did not give up at all, babbling a large group, following behind him. Wherever the Golden Horn goes, they follow.

Jin Jiao was annoyed, turned around and roared lowly: “What the hell do you want to do?” ”

This is also one of the great functions of the Holy Beast Paradise, in which all communication will be understood by the other party without any obstacles. Otherwise, as a golden dragon, whether the Golden Horn has reached the king level or not, theoretically it is impossible to speak.

“Big brother, what’s your name?”

“Golden Horn!”

“Big brother Golden Horn play with us!”

“No time, get out!”


Looking at the little beast crying in front of him, the dragon scales of the golden horn’s whole body exploded, and he was incompetent and furious.

In the end, he could only helplessly agree: “Okay, play with you, but you can only play for a while, not too much!” ”


A moment later, surrounded by a group of small beasts, Golden Horn easily burst the balloon in the distance with a dart, in exchange for a cheer.

“Brother Golden Horn is so powerful!”

“Golden Horn Brother Cowhide!”

In the praise of the little beasts, the golden horn couldn’t help but flutter a little, completely forgetting what he had said before that he had only played once, and led a group of little beasts around the paradise for a while.

Soon, the play was almost over, and it was time to eat.

I don’t know if it’s because of the fun of playing, today’s little beasts all feel that they have a big appetite and wipe out the meal in front of them.

After eating, accompanied by a group of dolls, they returned to their respective rooms and fell asleep in the cradle…

What they didn’t notice was that in their sleep, there were golden brilliances condensing around his body and flowing into their bodies…

“Can’t you see that Golden Horn also has the potential to be a child king?”

In the bedroom, Lin Ming was observing everything in the Holy Beast Paradise through his highest level of authority.

Seeing that although the golden horn wanted to show disdain, but the praise of the small beasts was still particularly useful, he couldn’t help but laugh.

But laugh at it, get down to business.

At this auction, Lin Ming was also watching the whole process as before. He was also taken aback by the great enthusiasm shown by the legendary holy beasts. That’s 13 trillion!

Originally, he thought that the use of the Holy Beast Paradise was so biased, only for the young Saint Beast, and the income should not be as good as the previous Endless Tower.

But now it seems that he was thinking wrong.

In the matter of cultivating offspring, compared to humans, the Holy Beast Clan is obviously more fanatical and will do whatever it takes. The crazy attitude of the legendary holy beasts also made Lin Ming gradually pay attention to the holy beast paradise.

It seems that before the third holy artifact comes out, the Holy Beast Paradise will replace the Endless Tower and become his new source of income.

Since this is the case, he also has to snack on the Holy Beast Paradise, at least to make the parents of the legendary Saint Beast who spent a lot of money feel that their efforts are worth it.

“Read the comparison chart of the physical data of these little guys when they enter the kindergarten and pass it to their parents a day later.”

Lin Ming touched his chin and said, “This kind of thing has to come once a week, let them take a good look at their children’s growth in the Holy Beast Paradise!” ”

Soon, with Lin Ming’s order, this report was sent by Gaia’s consciousness to the respective legendary holy beast parents. Looking at this comparison report, all the legendary holy beasts couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

“This, this is also too exaggerated, right!?”

From this comparison report, it can be seen that after only one day of entering the park, the little beasts that need to be calculated for hundreds of thousands of years have undergone various obvious changes in their bodies.

Whether it is blood concentration or growth, there have been obvious changes.

What surprised some of the parents of legendary holy beasts even more was that their children even showed the initial symptoms of mutation. That is, when they return from the Holy Beast Paradise, the upper limit of their growth will be higher than their own.

In an instant, the parents of these holy beasts were excited and showed off their children’s achievements to other holy beasts.

“My son, in one night, the blood concentration increased by 0.8 percent, and the cow is not awesome!”

“What is this, my cub, there is already a precursor to the mutation!”

The parents of the holy beasts kept fighting their babies, and the motivation to fight on the plane battlefield became stronger and stronger.

For the sake of the children, rush!

As a result, the races of the heteroplane were unlucky and miserable…

The horror of the Holy Beast Paradise was initially revealed on the first day that the small beasts entered the park.

This terrifying effect also means that the growth ceiling of every little beast that comes out of the Holy Beast Paradise is much stronger than that of their parents.

In other words, in the future, countless immortal-level holy beasts will appear, which is no longer a prophecy, but a fact. The prosperous age belonging to the holy beast will come soon!

In this regard, the Terrans are even more mixed.

The joy is because the stronger the strength of the holy beast race, the higher the motivation to go to the plane battlefield, the less pressure on them will be, and the safer Blue Star will be.

But correspondingly, the increase in the strength of the holy beast is bound to affect the scope of human existence. At that time, all kinds of conflicts, strife, must be indispensable.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but sigh.

Who would have thought that in less than half a year, the world would have changed so much. All this is because of the birth of a person.


One person changing the world, in Myojin, is not nonsense.

And for all the ups and downs in the outside world, Lin Ming did not pay attention to it, nor did he care. At this time, his whole mind was focused on one thing.

That is the hatching of real dragon eggs.

After Lin Ming’s various divine operations, the silver dragon egg that took fifty years to hatch only took one month to hatch.

Not only that, his strength is also higher than that of ordinary silver dragons.

A month later, Lin Ming was about to have his second pet beast, and thinking of this, Lin Ming’s heart swelled. Soon, a month passed in a hurry.

On this day, in the room of the Holy Beast Paradise, by the small bed.

Lin Ming and the head of the golden horn came together and carefully looked at the silver dragon egg on the bed. At this time, cracks appeared on the surface of the silver dragon egg, which were shattering.

And the heartbeat sound in the egg became stronger.

Suddenly, with a roar, the entire dragon egg shattered, and a petite silver dragon with only half the length of Lin Ming’s forearm broke out of its shell.

The silver dragon is very small, the silver scales on its body are closely arranged, and the two wings on its back are also covered with silver scales, which are tightly fitting the skin on its back at this time, and it looks a little shy.

As soon as the silver dragon was born, he did not rush to observe the surroundings, but lowered his head, took a small bite, and ate the scattered eggshells around him into his stomach.

As the eggshell was eaten, the scales on his body became more delicate and shiny, and some of his wings also stood up and gained momentum.

Only then did he raise his head, glance at Lin Ming, and then at the golden horn, and let out a “ah” sound. This is the first cry of this little silver dragon in this world.

Compared to the slightly domineering shout of the golden horn, the silver dragon looked more elegant.

Lin Ming did not hesitate and immediately signed a contract with her like Golden Horn did at that time. That’s right.

This silver dragon is a little princess.

The contract was completed, and he and the little silver dragon immediately established a spiritual connection!

When everything settled, Lin Ming held the little silver dragon in his arms and teased with his fingers, while opening the career panel to check the attributes of the little silver dragon.

The more he looked, the stronger the joy in his eyes, and the more obvious the corners of his mouth became!

It was really worthy of the cultivation that he spent so much energy on, and as soon as this little silver dragon was born, it was extraordinary. He was just born, and he had third-order strength!

And not only that, the special features of the true dragon have been revealed in her body. Why is the true dragon a well-deserved number one powerful race.

In addition to the fact that they are really powerful, there is another important reason, that is, they can ignore the suppression of the plane.

Normally speaking, creatures of one plane, for whatever reason, go to another plane and will be diagnosed by the consciousness of the plane as aliens, invaders, and thus subjected to various suppressions.

Take Blue Star, once an invader from the heteroplane steps into Blue Star, waiting for his first wave of suppression, it is directly reflected in strength.

Legendary-level invaders, in Blue Star, can exert their saint-level strength, and they can already be regarded as the top of the sky. The saint level, on the other hand, can only exert the strength of the king level!

Directly suppress the strength of a rank! This is just the first step.

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