All People: Soul Puppet Master, God-Level Talent At The Beginning

Chapter 81 Battlefield Mission, Approaching Danger!

More and more students are pouring into the theology tower, even in the middle of the night, the theology tower is still full of people.

If you don't have credits, go to the training skill level.

The dungeons that can be cleaned up should be cleaned up as soon as possible, and the priority of everything is to improve the strength.

The trade goods of the Professionals Association~ the price is rising every day.

Ye Be made all the equipment consigned by the Han sisters be emptied.

In the next five days, Ye went through all the dungeons he could go.

The abyss fragments played are kept as reserves, and all equipment, scrolls, and materials are sold.

In addition to upgrading to level 37, the deposit of gold coins has also exceeded 100 million!

The credits not only did not decrease but increased a lot.

The price of the abyss set has soared from 1W to 15,000.

This is still the rhythm of being robbed when you hang up!

Everyone also understands that credits are just a number.

Only by becoming equipment can you improve yourself.

Seize opportunities and avoid risks in the coming crisis.

It's a week away.

Today, Xia Jiang is launching the plan to open the abyss!

At the same time, countries and organizations such as Polar Bear and Ximeng also responded accordingly.

The dungeons and secret realms of the human world are completely boiling on this day!

The dungeon, which was originally only accessible by the team, has become a portal where you can travel with flying boats and mounts.

People who have never entered dungeons and secret realms have seen the true face of the abyss.

"For the glory of mankind! Go!"

The god-level team took the lead in charging, and countless mounts and flying boats entered the dungeons and secret realms one after another!

On this day, the kingdom is absent.

Only human professionals and abyssal monsters.

This is racial hatred!

Ye Be stood on top of the dragon's head, watching the god-level powerhouse rushing to kill in the sky.

Next is their echelon.

Ground forces will be intercepted by them!

Behind is the infrastructure of the city, no monsters can be allowed to enter there anyway.

The mammoth and the blood scorpion were also full of people.

The associations of Su Xiao and Han Xiaoxiao also joined in.


Ye Be saw the first batch of monsters rushing out of the dungeon and secret realm through the birds in the sky for the first time.



Chain Lightning!

Meteor shower!

All kinds of long-range magic were released one after another.

The first round of defense composed of humans started at full speed.

This battle lasted for ten days!

Human professionals changed wave after wave.

Abyssal monsters emerged one after another like a flood.

The Sakura Country didn't collapse, but there was a flaw in the Bangzi Country!

Major cities rushed to the scene, and the god-level team in the secret territory suddenly disappeared.

The pressure is on the ground troops!

Face countless gargoyles in the air and dragons from the abyss.

Ground forces can only retreat.

The defenders had to be forced to fight!

In just three days, Bangzi Kingdom lost more than a dozen cities.

Monsters from the abyss invaded the human city, turning the city into a purgatory in an instant.

The video went viral online!

Every city has increased investment in city defense.

No one wants to be the next city overrun by monsters.

The Association of Professionals immediately held an emergency meeting, and decided that the branch of the association in the neighboring country would send out encirclement and suppression teams.

First force the monsters that appear to the dungeon or secret realm as much as possible to maintain daily operation.

The Huaxia Professionals Association sent Ye San to lead the team.

Qin Yunfeng and other god-level professionals are the pioneers!

On the second night, killing gods and killing a city by one person was staged again.

Three days and three cities were taken back!

In the picture, Ye San and several of her summons are sitting on a mountain of monster corpses.

The whole battlefield is full of endless sadness and blood!

"Night God is mighty!"

"Ye Shen, YYDS!"

Deafening cheers came from Huaxia Theological Seminary.

On the eighteenth day, the forward team of Huaxia Theological Seminary finally established a base at the front of the abyss.

A small human city rises from the abyss.

"Ye Be, our Yemen entry number has come down!"

Mo Yifan came outside Ye Be's room with the club number just issued by the seminary.

"What batch?"

Ye Be opened the door and asked.

"The second batch will leave in three days!"

"Okay, let everyone prepare in advance."

"However, there is bad news. Fenglei Pavilion is also the second batch."

Mo Yifan knew that the relationship between Fenglei Pavilion and Yemen was already on fire.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing for the two associations to draw a batch.

"Follow him, if Tian Qiming wants to play tricks, I will definitely let Fenglei Pavilion be expelled from the seminary!"

Ye Be doesn't care who the opponent is, if you dare to block your way, you are the enemy!

Whether it's an abyssal monster or a human professional.

Kill and kill!

Tian Qiming, who got the news, was naturally happy from ear to ear.

"God help me too! Now Ye Be see how you hide?"

Tian Qiming immediately worried about the main members of Fenglei Pavilion and prepared to make arrangements.

On the bright side, Ye Be and Yemen people must not be directly beaten.

But in the face of abyssal monsters, occasionally some powerful enemies will be attracted, and it is normal for the enemies to kill human professionals.

At best, the Wind and Thunder Pavilion just didn't play a supporting role!

As long as Ye Be is dead, Tian Qiming's family in Nanfeng Province will naturally stand up to protect him.

The seminary will not make things difficult for a dead person.

As long as everything goes according to plan, everything will be safe!

"Do you remember everything?"

Tian Qiming asked again.

"Don't worry, boss, as long as you meet that kid [guarantee that he won't survive the Lord's day."

"No problem, if it doesn't work, our assassin can make up for it!"

"He has formations that can take off, but we also have formations that prohibit the air! Without air supremacy, his death is only a matter of time."

"Okay! After it's done, everyone will be the heroes of my Tian family! After graduation, those who don't want to stay in the seminary will come back to the family with me to develop.

Tian Qiming patted his chest to ensure everyone's escape.

"Boss, I heard that the situation of Zhan Pavilion in the abyss is very bad, and many main members are trapped in the subspace of the secret realm and their lives are unknown.

After talking about Ye Be, Fenglei Pavilion's competitor, Zhan Pavilion, is naturally the focus of everyone's attention.

"There is a problem with the distribution method of the war pavilion. Without super strong combat power, once a tough battle is fought, it will definitely suffer!"

Tian Qiming scoffed at the distribution method of Zhan Pavilion.

The mainstream distribution methods of seminary societies are two categories: centralized distribution by group leaders and distribution according to professional needs.

Zhange adopted the latter.

And Fenglei Pavilion has always used the former.

"I heard that Tiankui's people were also trapped. If we meet this time, do we want to give Tiankui away?"

"Not for now, the public losers are gaining momentum now, we can use the discord between Gongshu Xiangyun and Ye Be to make a fuss.

"Boss means that if possible, let Tiankui take the lead?"

"If we can't do it directly, it's better not to do it directly. If the disciple of the Yesha God dies, she will probably kill someone.

Tian Qiming said that he is not afraid of Ye Be is actually a fake, but he is more afraid of the night killing god behind Ye Be.

It's scary how crazy this woman is!

Massacres are commonplace for her.

Tian Qiming didn't want to bring such a terrible enemy to the Tian family.

In addition to Huaxia Theological Seminary, colleges and universities in various provinces have also sent teams to join the front line of the abyss.

Lengjia in Linhai City!

Brothers Leng Yun and Leng Feng are commanding family members to pull a new batch of warships to the front line.

This is the result of rushing work for the past half month.

The forward movement has advanced to land and sea, and the warship must not only fly, but also adapt to naval battles.

The shipyards in several major cities along the coast are running 24 hours a day, just to supply the needs of the front line.

"I don't know what happened to that girl Ruohan!" Leng Yun couldn't help but sigh with emotion as he watched the teams of professionals rushing to the front line.

"With Ye Be by my side, her safety should be worry-free." As the head of the house, Leng Feng has already placed Ye Be on the same level as a certain head of the house.

"Hey, the timing is not right, otherwise we would have married them anyway. That girl Ruohan is too reserved, and I don't know how far the two of them have developed!"

"I heard that the flamboyant princess of Sakura Country is attacking Ye Be!"

"Sakura Country? You can play around, Bei will not be sincere to her.

"Do you think we also have to create momentum for Ruohan?"

"How to make it? Send a warship?"

"I think it will work!"

The two elders of the Leng family directly decided to give one of the warships to Ye Be.

Of course, it appeared in the name of Leng Ruohan, his fiancée.

Three days of preparation time passed in a blink of an eye.

The second batch of teams joining the abyss front line has all assembled.

The Leng family dared to deliver the warship before Ye Be and others set off.

Tian Qiming saw that the people in Yemen actually had war boats.

Can't help but be jealous!

"Leng Ruohan, when Ye Be dies, you will be mine! Your Leng family's warship will also be mine!"

Tian Qiming clenched his fists and swore secretly in his heart.

For a cold beauty like Leng Ruohan, no man can refuse.

Compared with Xu Qian's enthusiasm and initiative, Tian Qiming prefers women who are enemies!

The second batch of team leaders is Su Xiao's teacher Chong Wu.

It was the strong man who ranked fifth.

To enter the front line of the abyss this time, you need to go through a 45-60 dungeon area.

Without the escort of senior professionals, it is estimated that those below level 40 will have to go if they can't go anywhere.

The Abyss Project is to run through several dungeons and secret realms.

Directly connected to the underground abyss world!

Although the dungeons and secret realms passed by are all reinforced by formations.

But from time to time, there will be free monsters attacking passing professionals.

Ye Be and his party are flying in the sky on the warship.

The dungeon monsters below can only watch them skip.

0...seeking flowers...

I vaguely saw the boss in the dead mine and the devil's door in the abyss of death.

Chongwu's mount, the two-headed Chimera, continued to lead the way.

There are several god-level mentors in the back who are responsible for the surrounding security.

The warship was flying steadily in the center.

Overall it's pretty safe along the way!

"Ahead is the last section of the 45-60 level area, all instructors cheer up.

Chongwu's deep voice came from the front.

Some monsters flying along the route were sent away directly by Chimera's venom spout.

Individual monsters launched attacks on the battle boat, but they were all blocked by the battle boat's formation.

The mentors in charge of the escort took action to dismiss these annoying guys.

Finally, the scenery ahead changed.

What had turned into a scorched earth-like land.

Occasionally, huge fireballs will streak across the sky in the distance.

The abyss has arrived!

The dungeon enters the abyss, and there is a layer of enchantment.

This is the handwriting of a god-level formation master.

The badge of Huaxia Theological Seminary is the key.

Everyone who passes through the enchantment will be watched, and will only pass through the enchantment after confirming their identity.

As soon as he entered the enchantment, he heard a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

mixed with a touch of

The smell of blood indicates that a large-scale battle has just been experienced here.

"How's the battle going?"

Chong Wu immediately pulled a professional and asked.

"There was a fight three hours ago, and the Abyss Demon King's team was beaten back by us.

Zhong Wu nodded, and immediately took everyone to the front line to hand over the task.

Mo Xunzheng organized a medical team for comprehensive treatment.

Seeing Zhongwu coming, he walked over and said, "After the second batch of members are arranged, follow me to the front line."

"it is good!"

Chongwu didn't talk nonsense, and handed over with the commander who was handed over.

Yemen was taken to a makeshift camp.

"This will be the venue for the next half month. You can build it yourself, but you can't expand it. The task will be released in one hour!"

The members of Fenglei Pavilion were taken to the military tents that had been set up.

The treatment of the main battle club is naturally different.

Ye Be and others started to get busy!

One hour, just to set up the treatment room and rest room.

Before the place to eat had time to build, I received the mission of the first battlefield.

[Transportation mission: carry supplies for 50 people through theaters No. 2, 7, and 14, and deliver them to the front line of theater No. 16. (Mission difficulty one star, reward military merit 10)]

Everyone can see the task distribution map.

The so-called No. 2, No. 7, and No. 14 theaters are three fronts with marked areas.

There are abyssal monsters entrenched in it.

It's just a small force or a sporadic monster.

Area 7 is a dilapidated building.

Number 2 is a forest.

Number 14 is the scorched earth plain near the front line of the battlefield.

Moving forward 4 kilometers from the 14th is the front line of the 16th theater.

The task of transportation is relatively easy for Yemen.

Because the only one in the new society that owns a mount is Yemen.

Transportation is naturally very convenient!

Mammoth and Blood Scorpion set out together.

The overall speed should not be too fast.

As for the sporadic monsters, Ye Be's Skywrath Legion naturally cleaned them up.

Passing through the No. 2 area, the sky has gradually darkened.

Ye Be is ready to quickly reach area 7.

Everyone is over hundreds of millions in the building group where the No. 7 area is located, and then set off again the next day.

Anyway, the time required by the task is to arrive within 24 hours.

With the mount, it can be completed half a day in advance.

Everyone naturally does not object.

The risk of traveling in the abyss at night is great.

Many hidden dangers cannot be predicted at all.

Ye Be stood on the abandoned high-rise building, looking at the flames of war in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Leng Ruohan quietly came to him and asked.

"Tell me, is there such a possibility!

Although we have taken the initiative to attack, in fact, this is all planned by the Queen of the Abyss long ago?

She calculated that humans would seize this opportunity to fight back.

So a large number of abyssal demon kings have been organized long ago, waiting for our arrival. "

Leng Ruohan couldn't give him an answer, because even if Bai Lao came to this question, there was no definite answer.

"No matter what the facts are, I just hope that I can stand by your side. This way I will feel safe!" Leng Ruohan slowly leaned towards Ye Be and said.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!"

Ye Be caressed her long hair, and with the fetters, she naturally felt that the burden was a lot heavier.

Just outside the building where the two were intimate, several extremely fast professionals flashed by in the dark night.

Then the night was approaching where Ye Be was.

"Confirm that the target has not reached level 40, and prepare to launch a surprise attack!"


"Received on!".

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