The entrance to the Diamond Secret Realm in Beijing.

Two cars with white license plates stopped in a hurry.

A group of people got off the car with serious expressions. They were from the spiritual cultivation headquarters.

The leader was the leader of the security team, Zhao Weiguo.

Two of the seven people behind him were high-level formation masters, and the other five were all divine cultivators.

"Not good, the formation fluctuations in the secret realm are getting stronger and stronger, and the wronged souls have already triggered the outermost cordon!"

As soon as they got off the car, the two formation masters screamed in fear!

The Diamond-level Wronged Soul Secret Realm is one of the most dangerous places in Beijing.

In order to prevent the powerful wronged souls in the secret realm from rushing out, the spiritual cultivation headquarters once sent out divine cultivators and array masters to jointly set up a triple array cordon in the secret realm.

As long as a diamond-level wronged soul moves to the outer entrance, the warning array will be triggered, giving an early warning.

Just a few minutes ago, the spiritual cultivation headquarters received an alarm and found that there seemed to be an abnormal riot of wronged souls in the wronged soul secret realm.

Zhao Weiguo did not dare to be careless and immediately brought the array master and five high-level divine cultivators to check the situation.

Five high-level divine cultivators, the battle was not small, but Zhao Weiguo was still worried. After all, if the diamond-level wronged souls in the secret realm rushed out, half of the capital might be destroyed.

At this moment, hearing the shouting of the array master, Zhao Weiguo's face became worse.

Broke the outermost cordon? Doesn't that mean it's going to rush out?

He immediately said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. Immediately activate the closed formation at the entrance. Once the situation is critical, immediately close the entrance completely!"

The closed formation is the last line of defense of the Wicked Soul Secret Realm. Although it cannot completely close the space cracks in the secret realm, it can temporarily seal the entrance, so that even diamond-level Wicked Souls cannot rush out.

However, the closed formation also has disadvantages. Once the formation is activated, no one can enter from the outside. Moreover, after the formation duration ends, the entrance to the secret realm will expand and even have a certain risk of collapse.

The activation of the formation requires the cooperation of the divine cultivator and the formation master. Soon, two divine cultivators and two formation masters went together to prepare, and Zhao Weiguo and the remaining platinum-level divine cultivator came to the entrance of the secret realm.

Feeling the increasingly strong and gloomy atmosphere here, the expressions of both of them were very serious.

Zhao Weiguo continued to call the head of the guard here and asked:

"Has anyone entered here recently?"

The head also knew the seriousness of the matter and quickly reported:

"Just two hours ago, seven students from Qingyuan Academy entered."


Zhao Weiguo shouted in shock!

Due to the scarcity of divine cultivators, the number of people who apply to enter the Secret Realm of Wicked Souls here is generally very small, and sometimes there is no application for ten days or half a month.

But at this critical moment, seven people entered at once?

And they are all top students of Qingyuan Academy?

"Seven, are these seven all divine cultivators? If they are not divine cultivators, why did they enter the Secret Realm of Wicked Souls? Who approved non-divine cultivators to enter!"

Zhao Weiguo was a little angry.

The person in charge said quickly:

"Report, they have a special license from Qingyuan Academy, which is in compliance with regulations."

"What should we do now?"

"What should we do? How should I know what to do? Qingyuan Qingyuan, the students of Qingyuan Academy are all crazy about cultivation, right? Can anyone enter this ghost place casually?"

Zhao Weiguo said a few words in a bad mood, extremely irritated.

"Old Qin, do you think there is any way?"

Old Qin is Qin Xiong, the platinum-level spiritual cultivator next to Zhao Weiguo. He is only in his forties, and his spiritual power has reached the ninth stage of platinum, and he is expected to impact the diamond realm.

Qin Xiong sighed and shook his head:

"The minister is not here, I can't do anything, and my biggest responsibility is to ensure the successful startup and operation of the closed formation."

"Now, these people can only wish for their own good luck."

After Qin Xiong finished speaking, his face showed a regretful expression.

As a spiritual cultivator, he knew too well the horror of diamond-level wronged souls. Since the seven people entered at this time, it was destined to have only one ending.


Praying for good fortune is not about not dying, but about dying peacefully. After all, if you fall into the hands of some wronged ghosts, you may suffer extreme mental torture and die in an uneasy way.

Zhao Weiguo also sighed. All he could do now was to notify Qingyuan Academy.

At this moment, the head of the guard suddenly hesitated.

Wudi, it seems that he has something to say again.

"Damn it, if you have anything to say, hurry up and say it."

"Report, report to Team Leader Zhao, I haven't finished speaking just now. In addition to the seven people, there is another person who came later and went in with the seven people."

"I just checked, the name written in the registration book is, Chu Ming."

What is Chu?

Chu Ming? !

Zhao Weiguo jumped up directly, grabbed the clothes of the person in charge, and said:

"You said Chu Ming also went in, and he is in there now?"

"Yes... They are together, saying that he is a junior..."

The person in charge was thrown aside by the manic Zhao Weiguo before he finished speaking.

Because Lu Qing reported to Bai Zhi alone last time, Zhao Weiguo did not know that Chu Ming was suspected to be a diamond god cultivator.

And Zhao Weiguo understood the importance of Chu Ming.

Whether it is the unprecedented 100,000 combat power in the college entrance examination, or the S-level talent, or the ability to travel through space.

Each of them will play a decisive role in the country in the future.

How can such a talent, such a genius, die here!

Zhao Weiguo was anxious and hurriedly used the phone to report the situation to the headquarters and apply for extraordinary reinforcements.

Qin Xiong beside him shook his head silently.

Calling for reinforcements now? It's too late. Three hours have passed. Those people are probably dead now.

"Team Leader Zhao, the matter inside is a foregone conclusion."

"Let's concentrate on preventing the next crisis. Guarding the entrance to the secret realm is the most important thing."

Zhao Weiguo nodded silently.

Seven top students died, and there was also a top genius. They were all in a heavy mood.

Suddenly, there was a wave at the entrance of the secret realm, and Zhao Weiguo and Qin Xiong's faces changed drastically:

"Are you here? You've reached the entrance so quickly?"

"No, it seems that they are not ghosts, but people?!"

"Wearing the uniforms of Qingyuan University, they are those students. They are not dead and have come out!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven... No, there is another one?"

Zhao Weiguo glanced at them, and his heart, which had just been lifted, sank again in an instant.

There is no Chu Ming.

Chu Ming, dead!

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