Two days later.

In Beijing, on the top floor of Wanhong Building, a high-end spiritual auction is about to start.

A middle-aged man with ordinary appearance and a middle-aged beautiful woman walked into the venue side by side.

"Mr. Han, my Lingbao Pavilion has an exclusive box, how about going there?"

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses, he first looked around the auction venue, and then nodded.

This Mr. Han is naturally Chu Ming.

And the middle-aged beautiful woman is the one who was shocked by what Chu Ming took out two days ago, the head of Lingbao Pavilion, Liu Ruyan.

Now, Chu Ming is already the most distinguished guest of Lingbao Pavilion.

The entire auction venue is very large, and many spiritual practitioners have come to the venue.

The box area is located on the second floor, overlooking the entire venue and clearly seeing the auction items on the stage.

Chu Ming lazily leaned on the leather sofa, watching Liu Ruyan make tea for him, thinking slowly in his heart.

Two days later, Lingbao Pavilion should have investigated his identity and found that his appearance was disguised.

But it doesn't matter.

The two parties are currently in a situation of mutual use, and the other party should not have too crooked thoughts.

When the pill formula is obtained, Chu Ming's identity as Mr. Han will disappear. Wait until the next time you want to sell items, pick up this identity again.

Liu Ruyan is indeed a good target for shipment.

There is one more thing.

If the pill formula appears today, Chu Ming will only participate in the bidding, but will not finally bid for it.

He gave the task of bidding for the pill formula to another "small account", Chu Yanzu.

The person who finally took the photo of the pill recipe will definitely attract attention. Chu Ming thought about it and decided to use Chu Yanzu's mysterious identity to bear it.

In short, it is to muddy the water.


"I'm going to the toilet."

Chu Ming got up and left the box.

Wood escape, clone technique!

Two minutes later, Chu Yanzu, wearing an arrogant mask, refreshed in the toilet.

"Hello, Chu Yanzu."

"Hello, Mr. Han."

In the toilet cubicle, Chu Ming and the clone smiled at each other, and then left one after another.

The appearance of Chu Yanzu caused a little attention.

This mysterious first prodigy of China has not been seen since he disappeared last time.

However, Chu Yanzu's identity has already had a lot of fans.

Now there is a saying circulating on the Internet in China to describe the prodigies of this generation:

In terms of talent in the world, Chu Yanzu has eight buckets, Chu Ming has one bucket, and the rest of the prodigies have one bucket.

Of course, some people looked down on Chu Yanzu, thinking that he was just a person who was hiding his head and showing his tail.

Just when many people wanted to come up and communicate with Chu Yanzu.

The auction began.

Chu Ming was not interested in the first ten items, and did not participate in the bidding.

And the eleventh item was finally Chu Ming's turn to bid.

"The next item, sent by Lingbao Pavilion, is a platinum-level soul bead."

"Starting price, ten low-level spirit crystals!"

The appearance of the platinum-level soul bead finally ignited the passion of the auction a little. After all, this involves the most scarce spiritual cultivation method.

Although it is not certain whether there will be a method in it, it does not affect the enthusiasm of everyone to bid.

"Twenty low-level spirit crystals!"


"I'll bid one intermediate spirit crystal!"

One intermediate spirit crystal is worth the same as one hundred low-level spirit crystals, but most people will not exchange intermediate spirit crystals for low-level spirit crystals.

There are so many rich people in Beijing.

Chu Ming was naturally very happy when he heard the bidding soared so fast.

Then, Chu Yanzu shouted:

"I'll bid three intermediate spirit crystals!"

That's right, the appearance of the clone, in addition to muddying the waters and hiding the whereabouts of the pill formula, also has another purpose, which is to act as a shill to raise the price of his own things!

After the clone shouted, the venue suddenly became quiet.

This made Chu Ming a little speechless. Wouldn't he bid too high and lose money?

Three intermediate spirit crystals are already more than ten times higher than the starting price.

"Four intermediate spirit crystals!"

Fortunately, this is something related to spiritual practice after all, and someone finally bid.

In fact, if it weren't for the uncertainty of whether there was a practice that humans could practice in the soul bead, the price would only be higher, and even ten times higher would not be excessive.

With a spiritual practitioner winning the bid, Chu Ming's first income also arrived.

Next, several waves of good things appeared in the venue.

It was sold at a high price.

Soon, the twentieth item was auctioned.

The twentieth item was already the last few items, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"The next item is definitely one of the finale items of this auction."

"It was also sent by Lingbao Pavilion, and it is also a soul bead of a wronged soul!"

At this point, the host on the stage deliberately paused.

Many spiritual practitioners in the audience also started to make noise:

"Another soul bead, is it still platinum grade?"

"It's so far back, it should be higher than the previous one, could it be diamond grade?"

"Diamond grade soul bead, it's impossible..."

"This Lingbao Pavilion is really awesome, it can get so many high-level soul beads."

After a few seconds of whetting the appetite, the host suddenly revealed passionately:

"That's right, this item is a diamond grade soul bead!"

Suddenly, the entire auction venue was ignited again.

The value of the diamond-level soul beads does not need to be explained by the host. Once a technique is opened, it must be a spiritual technique of the sixth grade or above.

Even the spiritual cultivation headquarters may not have this kind of technique now.

Moreover, the higher the grade of the soul beads, the higher the probability of opening a technique. Diamond-level soul beads are almost certain to open a technique. The only risk is that the technique opened may not be suitable for human cultivation.

"Starting price, one high-level spirit crystal."

One high-level spirit crystal needs to kill a master-level monster to obtain it.

However, compared to killing a diamond-level ghost, killing a master-level monster is nothing.

Therefore, this starting price is quite reasonable.

"Two, I'll give two!"

"Three, I'll give three, plus ten intermediate spirit crystals, everyone give it to me, I really need this soul bead."

A diamond-level spiritual cultivator stood up and begged humbly, seeming to be very eager for a high-level spiritual cultivation technique.

However, pleading is useless. Who doesn't need it?

Soon, the capital in the second-floor box made a move.


Five high-level spirit crystals, it doesn't sound like much, but it's already a sky-high price!

You should know that the dowry that Zi Yu gave to Chu Ming was only fifteen high-level spirit crystals.

There was a moment of silence in the venue. The host raised the hammer and waited for the next bid.

"Five high-level spirit crystals, is there any higher?"

In the box of Lingbao Pavilion.

Liu Ruyan was a little excited, and her body trembled a little uncontrollably.

In this auction, their Lingbao Pavilion was in the limelight and completely crushed its competitors.

"Mr. Han, congratulations."

Chu Ming smiled faintly:

"Haha, not bad."


"Five high-level spirit crystals, first time."

The auction was still going on, and at this time, our little prince Chu Yanzu, who was bidding, made another move:

"Eight! Who dares to compete with me?"

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