All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 108 - Clear the Tower of Death!\r

In the previous battle, Bai Ye had already seen through the opponent's tactics.

No wonder he had been standing there motionless before.

This guy.

It's because you don't use your abilities.

He can't replicate it.


The other party is not a copy at all.

But according to their own tricks to play.

That is to say.

This guy may not be a clone.

"Speaking of which, you won't use the tricks that I don't use, you impostor can only use the tricks I just used.

Use those microseconds to do your so-called copying.

After all, your tricks are based on what I have used before.

And if I don't, you don't have any tricks!

This guy.

Every time you fight, you can only use your next move.

He hadn't used the tricks he had used before.

"It's so confusing, why didn't I understand it...․"

Xia Ningmeng scratched her hair, her eyes full of confusion.

An understandable word.

But after Bai Ye finished speaking.

She felt that she suddenly couldn't understand.

"So, where did your brain grow?!"

Xia Wanqiu glanced at Xia Ningmeng, then at himself.

There was also some resentment in my heart unconsciously.

140 really have to say so.

I am so envious of myself.

I don't want brains either.

"Hehe, Xiao Wanqiu seems to be very envious too?!

Xia Ningmeng smiled and looked at Xia Wanqiu.


This woman seems to be envious.

However, at this time, it wasn't for Xia Wanqiu to be stubborn.

She wants to know.

What the hell is Bai Ye talking about?

"It's very simple, that is to say, this guy is not actually a replica of Bai Ye.

Rather, his ability seems to be imitated only if Bai Ye makes a move.

and after imitation.

This move of his will be completely forgotten.


This is what Bai Ye wants to say. "

Seeing this, Qiu Zixi also explained slowly.

If so.

She felt like that was the case.

After all, some clues can indeed be seen from the previous battle.

But she didn't see it.

just thought.

This clone wanted to completely destroy Bai Ye's self-confidence.


Said by Bai Ye.

She just reacted.

It turns out that this is not a copy of everything about Bai Ye at all.

Rather, this is nothing more than going to fight Bai Ye like a cat painted.

No wonder when fighting with Bai Ye.

Just use the same trick.

It turned out that after using this trick, the last trick was forgotten.

【What the hell!? That's how it is! Bai Ye is really awesome, this battle can see it all at once?】

[I really didn't expect this to happen, this guy really has a hand! 】

【No wonder I felt a little wrong before, but now I understand! 】

Before, many people also saw that something was wrong.

After Bai Ye said so.

They understood in an instant.

Why did things become like this.

It seems that this person is not a replica?!

"It was seen through!

Shinigami didn't expect that Bai Ye could watch so fast.

Although I had thought about it, it was definitely impossible to hide this kind of trick from Bai Ye.

However, this can only be seen after fighting for a while.

Also really good.

This itself is not a replica either.

Because it is impossible to completely copy Bai Ye.

There seems to be something on Bai Ye.

Ability to block yourself from being seen.

Even you can't see it yourself.

So, even if Shinigami wanted to copy, the rules would not allow it.

Besides, he doesn't really want to copy anyone here.

Rather, it's just a test.


This is if Bai Ye can't persevere and find out.

Will surely die at the hands of the replicants.

After all, the replica will not have any fatigue (afdc) has been injured.


Bai Ye couldn't find out, and in the end, he would only be slowly boiled to death by the replica.

"It was seen, but even so.

As long as I use the same tricks as you, it is absolutely impossible for you to beat me. "

The replica thought for a moment.

Not surprisingly.

After all, this ability does have disadvantages.

It was normal for Bai Ye to see it.

But what.

What can Bai Ye do even if he sees it!?

"Wrong, even if you can copy one of my tricks, so what...

You can only use one ability at a time.

I am different..."

Say it.

Bai Ye directly raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it.

Immediately after.

The replicas keep up.

Even he now has an uneasy feeling.

But just keep going.

"Wrong, not swinging the knife... but..."


Black flames filled the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, the space began to distort continuously.

Then, a hurricane appeared.

This transformation made the clone a little overwhelmed.

Bai Ye's moves can be changed constantly.

And it takes a little time for him to copy Bai Ye's ability.

Although this time is very, very short.

But under Bai Ye's quick transformation.

He couldn't make it at all.

Bai Ye has red eyes.

It is possible to use abilities together with Mangekyō and Tenseigan.

And the other party can't.

"Fuck the impostor...or my inner demon?! 39

Bai Ye's knife pierced straight into his heart.

The clone stared blankly at the hilt.

He was somewhat unexpected.

It was so easy for me to be solved by Bai Ye.

"Wrong! All wrong!

I can only give you zero points for this wave, you have no idea what tricks I will use.

If it's all guesswork, you have no idea what I'm thinking.


Killed so easily. "

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly.


This is just one move to completely solve the other party.


If you can't figure out your own mind, what can you do!?

"As expected... as expected of you..."

The corner of the clone's mouth flashed an arc, and then he held the sword that pierced his heart, and said, "You are indeed very strong, you have cleared the level..."


The replica dissipates.

Bai Ye felt that his body and mind were instantly clearer.

Immediately after.

The dagger in Bai Ye's hand began to tremble rapidly. ,


There seems to be a feeling of being upgraded.


It should be liberation!

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