All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 13 - Bai Ye: Look good, I only teach it once!\r

"I don't want to ask you what's going on. You have a lot of knowledge, and you must know a little more than us."

Xia Ningmeng said quickly.

It's not that she knows Bai Ye a little more than she knows.

So that's what I said.

"I don't know. Speaking of which, we started the team from the first level, how did I know so much..."

Although I have done it myself a few times.


It's obviously impossible for Bai Ye to know more than them.

However, there is some curiosity here.

Why other monsters can't do things.

It can be done here.

"Go and see?!""

Scarsa asked.

It doesn't quite understand.

Obviously, he has been searching for a way to leave all these years.

The result is here.

Even some goblins weaker than himself can come and go at will.

This also made Scatha somewhat unacceptable.

The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

With this idea in mind, he had to find out.

"Of course it passed, these are all experience babies. 55

And more like this place.

The more Bai Ye feels that there must be something good.

So in the past that was imperative.

"According to observations, most of the monsters in front are some goblins, skeleton monsters, cat demons, and tauren.

The strength of 143 is indeed much stronger than what I have encountered before!

Look at it this way, or we can solve it together.

Then go inside and take a look!?

What do you think!?

Qiu Zixi suggested.


The monsters outside can be dealt with first.

Then go inside according to this portal.

See what this is all about.

"You can deal with the monsters outside first, but I feel that the monsters here seem a bit strange..."

Bai Ye frowned.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

All this is so strange.

On this, he actually felt that kind of breath.

"What's so weird?!"

Qiu Zixi glanced at Bai Ye curiously.

He was talking.

It feels a little weird again.

This also made Qiu Zixi, who was going to do it directly, stop the movement in her hand.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the door in front of me... seems to have the breath of time and space, it doesn't seem like it's a secret realm.

The real secret realm will not have the breath of this time and space. "

Bai Ye has a strong sense of time and space.

(afdc) He is very clear.

What's in it.

Here, it is obvious that there is a breath of time and air.

That is to say.

It's not like a secret place at all.

All the secret realms that have been experienced before.

Ordinary secret realm, or the only hidden secret realm.

There is absolutely no way that this effect would occur.

"The breath of time and space!?"

"It's true that there is an aura of time and space, and I feel that there is a... an unspeakable aura..."

Scatha frowned, took Bai Ye's words and continued.

He can also feel it.


In this, he also felt an inexplicable feeling.


It's very weird.

"Then what to do!? Oh, don't care, let's just be reckless! Let the king attack!"

The earthy taste is still your Xia Ningmeng earthy taste.

Bai Ye complained for a while in his heart.

Everyone looked at her silently and did not answer.

But what Xia Ningmeng said was right.

You don't need to worry about that much now.

It's good to kill the mobs in front of you first.

"Okay, let's go!"


Everyone also began to use their best skills to start fighting.

Just made a second turn.

Everyone is ready to try to see how strong their abilities are.

"Unfortunately, it seems that only magic can be copied. It would be nice if you could copy other things."

Bai Ye's replica eyes swept over Si Yudie's forbidden spell.

Even not a magician.

It was still Bai Ye who first learned about the composition and usage of this magic.

At the same time, Bai Ye also uses a better solution.

"Your use of this magic is too crude."

Bai Ye closed the recapture eye, and then said slowly.

Almost copied.

Before, he just wanted to try it.

Taking advantage of the live broadcast and everyone's attention is not on themselves.

Bai Ye tried it out with the use of a rewrite eye.

For the time being, he doesn't really want to expose the ability of the rewrite eye.


Si Yudie pointed at himself uncertainly.

She thought she had heard it wrong.

Until I saw Bai Ye nodded.

Immediately she felt something was wrong.

Bai Ye actually instructs his own magic?!

"Cough, Bai Ye, I am a magician, do I know how this forbidden spell works?! 55

Si Yudie felt strange in her heart.

Bai Ye said this.

I am a magician.

How could she not know what to do!?

"You are wrong, what I said is that you are too rough, this magic is not used by you at all.

Bai Ye reminded.

He didn't say how badly Si Yudie's magic was used.

Just a reminder though.

He used it too crudely?!

"No, how do we magicians know? Come and come! Bai Ye, you pointed it out to me on the spot, if it is correct, how about I just swallow my explosion magic and show you a big firework!? 39


Si Yudie admits that Bai Ye is very good.

But in the aspect of magic, he must be very powerful.

She is also a Forbidden Magic Mage!

"Yo hoo, are you still not convinced? Look good, I'll teach you only once."


Bai Ye raised his hand.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black hole appeared among the monsters.

"annihilate black holes!"

This is the skill book that Si Yudie learned before.

She just used the same trick.

Before there was no duplicate eye.

Bai Ye didn't know how to use it either.

However, with the rewrite eyes, it seems that magic-type tricks will not be limited to occupations.

Rather say.

As long as you see it, you can immediately learn,

Around the black hole, dark attributes are densely covered, and at the same time, countless monsters are instantly sucked in by gravity.

Looking at this scene.

Si Yudie was stunned.

How did he know the magic he used before!?

"Wait... Bai Ye, how could you do this!? 99

Si Yudie hurriedly looked at Bai Ye and asked.

Driven by curiosity, the rest of the people also set their sights on Bai Ye.

"Yo ho, didn't you want to show me a big fireworks earlier!?

How are you going to perform!?

Bai Ye didn't answer.

Instead, he asked Si Yudie.


What are you going to do!?.

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