All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 16 – Behind the scenes? A little ambiguity on the battlefield!\r

"That is to say, we are now back in the past timeline?!

Qiu Zixi widened her eyes and asked Bai Ye curiously.


They are back in time.

It seems that everything can explain why Tong returned to a seemingly familiar, but unfamiliar place.

"That's right, this should be the timeline that happened before that Gran Forest Secret Realm.

And only this explanation can explain it.

But I never thought that there is actually a so-called gate of time and space to bring us to this timeline!"5

In fact, it is equivalent to a new secret realm.

There's no need to think about that.

Bai Ye was just a little surprised.

The secret realm that he has cleared.

Even a secret realm that has passed in time.

As a result, it is possible to go back to the past through this thing.

"I understand, then treat it as a normal secret realm."

Xia Ningmeng nodded and said slowly.

Since that is the case.

Then, they just treat 05 here as an ordinary secret realm.

It's just going back in time.

Not too outrageous.

The ability of time, doesn't Bai Ye also have it?

"That's right, let's take a look.

However, this secret realm can not be regarded as a secret realm.

It can only be said that this thing should be somewhat different from the secret realm.

But, we don't need to think too much.

Let's take a look first.

Bai Ye nodded and said slowly.

It seems that there is really no need to think about it so much.

"No... why do I feel like I can't move suddenly..."

Xia Ningmeng looked at Bai Ye and others in shock.

She originally wanted to go to the front and take a look.

What exactly is going on.


Suddenly, the body seemed to be locked.

"Me too.

"We seem to be stuck.


They were put in place.

Immediately afterwards, the picture in front of him flashed quickly like a spectator of flowers.

There should be no outsiders intruding into the forest of spirits that have received the magic circle.


Because the magic circle was destroyed.

The forest was also caught in the fire, and in the forest, the originally friendly animals were also irritable at the moment.

The group spread throughout the forest, and inexplicable arsonists appeared everywhere.

And the elves are also being attacked by various violent monsters at this moment.

At this moment, the entire forest has also fallen into a hell on earth.

"Ah this!?"

This scene flashed in front of everyone.

In the end, their timeline is frozen in the forest that has begun to manic.

"The Elf Forest is the predecessor of Gran's Forest, but speaking of it, let's see what the meaning of this is!?"

Bai Ye touched his chin, and there was a flash of thought in his eyes.

Immediately after.

His eyes narrowed.

Look forward.

Many monsters appeared.

No wonder he hadn't sensed the monster's breath before.

It turned out to be because before there was no fury.

The Forest of Spirits is strictly speaking.

Isn't it a monster mystery!?

"Bai Ye, what the hell is going on!?"

Qiu Zixi and the others looked at Bai Ye blankly.

There was some misunderstanding for a while.

Why do you see this all of a sudden.

"I don't know very much, but let's deal with these monsters first.""

Bai Ye shook his head and said slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the monster in front of him.

At this moment, the peaceful elves and beasts became violent.

Start attacking everywhere.

Now is not the time to talk about that.


It is true that the monster in front of you can be solved first.

【Mad arsonist】

[Skill]: Throwing Fire Bottle

【Jungle Male Warrior】

[Skill]: forward jump attack, swing attack (high damage)


[Skill]: Hammer, attack with additional bleeding

【Orc Warrior】

[Skill]: Shield knockback, blunt weapon slam, and attack with stun

【Jungle Fairy】

[Skill]: sling attack, whirlwind attack, additional bleeding effect

"It's this group of people who set fire to it, and then caused the irritability here?!"

Qiu Zixi pointed to the lunatic arsonist ahead.

The group is still setting fires.

"Not necessarily, there is a magic circle here.

They didn't look like people who could destroy the magic circle.

There must be a mastermind behind it!"

Bai Ye shook his head and said slowly.

This looks.

Not at all.

Although this group of people does not seem to be weak.

But it is obviously impossible to break this big magic circle.

It can only be said that the people behind this are definitely not them, these people are just pawns.

"I don't care for the time being, I'll go first!

Xia Ningmeng raised her dagger and rushed on.

"BUFF is added, and I'm up too!"

Qiu Zixi finished speaking.

He picked up the weapon in his hand and rushed up.

"Be careful... If you throw this fire bottle on your body, the flame seems to have a strong burning effect!!

Bai Ye reminded.

This fire bottle seems to be made of special materials.

And the fire in this fire bottle seems to have a hint of magic.


It's not something these arsonists can do.

"I know, I'll be careful, haha!"

Qiu Zixi nodded.

Then directly chopped the fire bottle with a sword.

Immediately afterwards, the fire bottle instantly spilled countless 147 flames and fell towards Qiu Zixi.

And at this moment, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

I thought it would be fine if the bottle was chopped up.

But this flame didn't even think of it.

It still appears.

The distance is too close.

She felt like she might not be able to escape.

"Be careful, and when fighting, don't be so inattentive..."

In my ear, a voice sounded.

Qiu Zixi looked up.

At this moment, she is being held in Bai Ye's arms.

Before, I thought I couldn't escape.

Bai Ye later shot to save him.


Qiu Zixi's face turned red.

Being held like this.

There is a very strange feeling.

Moreover, between the two, there was a little ambiguity in itself.

under this environment.

It made Qiu Zixi a little overwhelmed.

"Hey! I said, can the two of you stop flirting and continue fighting!

Xia Ningmeng turned her head to look.

This is really speechless.

Playing this little ambiguity in this big crowd again!

Seeing Wang Banxue's eyes, all of them died of resentment.

"Bai Ye, let me down first..."

Qiu Zixi's face turned slightly red, and then quickly broke free from Bai Ye's embrace.


She can't wait to find a seam to get in!

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