All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 14 - The Shock Brought By Bai Ye Is Hotly Debated On The Internet! (Ask For A Flower Evaluat

Jane's house.

Jian Yuanzhou stared at Jian Hu angrily.

After seeing Jian Hu's appearance, he roared in disgust: "Waste! You can't even win against a pupil magician, and our Jian family's face will be lost to you!!"


Don't mention how angry Jian Yuanzhou is.

His son couldn't even win an auxiliary career.

"Father, that pupil magician is really weird.

And I can guarantee that next time I see that pupil, I will kill that bastard! "

Jian Hu was reprimanded.

There was also a gloom in his heart.

to this.

In fact, he was not very convinced.

I didn't know why before.

was immediately set in place.

Then he clearly punched Bai Ye in the face.

To his surprise.

This is actually my own illusion.

"Hehe, it's really a Losing face, if you lose, you lose, and you lose so many energy coins!"

Three hundred thousand!

Although not much for them.

However, this is losing face.

"Speaking of which, the ability of that pupil is really so strange!?"

Jian Yuanzhou didn't say anything else.

He turned his head to look at the servants beside him.

They had followed behind Jian Hu before.

Naturally saw it.

"Yes, I saw that Young Master seems to have been immobilized.

And he's fast.

Cut off Master Young's arm directly.

We didn't respond! "

The crowd said quickly.

Looking at Bai Ye's ability before, it was simply too weird.

This is simply beyond their knowledge of Pupils.

"In this case, it seems that the other party must have a secret.

OK, I got it!

You go to the backyard now to find Elder to take over, and I will investigate this matter later.

Let our family Losing face, this man must die! "

A trace of viciousness flashed across Jian Yuanzhou's face.

Their Jane family is also considered to be a well-rounded person here.

Although Jian Hu is a waste, he is not bullied like this.


There was a hint of viciousness on Jian Hu's face, and then he continued: "Father, that guy has teamed up with the Qiu family and the Xia family..."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will arrange for someone to do it later.

After you recover from the injury, give me a quick upgrade, understand?

This dragon fighter is such a good profession, but even a pupil magician can't beat it! "

No matter what, this is also his own son.

Jian Yuanzhou sighed, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

"I see!"

Jian Hu nodded and agreed.

He will remember this.

After that, he must make Bai Ye pay the price.

"Wait, Pupil Master and you girls, I won't let any of you go!"

Jian Hu thought fiercely in his heart.

Then he took his own broken hand and went directly to the backyard.

In this day and age, a broken hand can be taken back at will.

What's more, his profession is still a dragon fighter, which is very simple.


on the transfer forum.

A collection of people who have changed jobs from all over the world.


A post is rushing to the top at a very fast speed.

[The most rubbish profession of a pupil artist? I don't think so! 】

A Chinese post has been translated into major languages.

There is also a video attached.

It was the battle between Bai Ye and Jian Hu.

[My God, is this really a pupil magician! ? 】

[That weird scarlet, and the rotating three-gou jade, you told me that this is a pupil magician? 】

[Speaking of which, isn't the pupil magician only able to detect? This...】

[I don't understand either, is it a hidden profession? 】


The pupil magician actually has such a strong ability.

[Please, being defeated can only be said that this dragon fighter is too underestimated. If I were a dragon fighter, I would definitely not give the opponent a chance! 】

[Yeah, what a waste of a good career! 】

[Speaking of which, in fact, no matter what it is said, the gap between the early battle profession and the auxiliary profession should not be large. After the level of the dragon fighter and the pupil magician, the difference between the dragon fighter and the pupil must be more powerful! 】

【That's right! The advantage in the early stage is actually not obvious. This pupil artificer is obviously a trainee before, which has narrowed some of the gap! 】

[But this speed is too fast, isn't there any equipment and props? ! 】

[Yes, the equipment and props in the early stage are also very influential! 】

on the forum.

Opinions vary.


L City Autumn Home.

Qiu Jiang pressed the video and fell into contemplation.

"Old friend, why do you think they want to form a pupil magician?! Didn't they say they would form a female team?!"

"Who knows!? I wanted to arrange a person for them before, but the fighting ability was quaking, but because it was a man, I simply refused, and turned around and invited a pupil artist!?"

Xia Jinglong shook his head, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He doesn't understand either.

At the time.

He also arranged a strong professional team for the two sisters Xia Wanqiu and Xia Ningmeng.

Originally, I was thinking of taking them to upgrade.


Because he is male, he was rejected directly.

But turning around, they found an auxiliary professional team.


"Haha, you old guys don't understand, this guy is so handsome, I think someone must like him!"

Wang Yixian laughed and said.

Needless to say! ?

They must be greedy for Bai Ye.

"No...isn't your daughter in there!?"

good guy!

This guy is really optimistic.

Could it be that his daughter Wang Banxue was not among them! ?

"I don't care, it's the age of free love now.

And I think this pupil is very good.

Just these three or two strokes can solve the dragon fighter haha! "

Wang Yixian laughed and said.

In his opinion.

Bai Ye is really good.

"Find a chance to meet him?!"

"That's right! We have to meet, otherwise who knows if this will soak my daughter!"

"I'm the one who worries the most, my two daughters, if this bastard dares to pick on my daughter, I'll beat him to death!"

The two old fathers were also worried about their daughters at this moment.

If you dare to soak their daughters, seize the opportunity to enter the factory!


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