All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 20 - Mangekyō Awakens! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket For A Reward)

"There's no other way, I can only go up!"

Qiu Zixi said helplessly.

Originally, they just wanted to come and have a look.

As a result, it was discovered.

"My fault."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xia Ningmeng's face.

She just wanted to come and have a look.

How monster fights are.

But did not expect that.

There is actually such a thing.

Think about it now.

For a while, I didn't know how to say it would be better.

"It doesn't matter, we must solve it in the end anyway."

The two bosses are just fighting.

There will not be a winner or loser.

In the end, it's up to them to figure it out.

"let's go!"

In the face of the current situation.

Still the old way.


Even if there are only two monsters on the other side.

But it did cause them a lot of trouble.

"No, I can't get close at all, this poisonous Elvis is poisoning!"

Xia Ningmeng attacked twice before.

It is directly that an entire area is full of poisonous gas.

If it weren't for the fact that the back of Xia Wanqiu had been blessing BUFF all the time.

She felt like she couldn't hold on anymore.

"You really don't take what I said yesterday seriously, you Zala!"

Be an assassin, don't pull.

Just as reckless as a warrior.

"I really pulled, you can go back and watch the video!"

The fight will be recorded and go back to see if there are any flaws.

Xia Ningmeng also retorted at this moment.

She is really pulling!

"What we are watching is the video, you go back and take a good look!"

"Okay, then go back and see!"

After Xia Ningmeng finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and said quickly, "What are you doing, tell me what to do at this time!"

She reacted.

Still talking about this at this time?

"No, you can't accept any mistakes? Is it because I was too mild before, or is your rebellious period over? Pull it! After you hit the crit, wait for the poisonous mist to dissipate before you go!"

"Yes, sister, don't be reckless, you are an assassin, and you are not a warrior!"

Xia Wanqiu also said quickly.

My sister's style of play must be improved.

I have never seen such a reckless fighting style.

"Bai Ye, don't talk about this anymore, this can't be solved by falling thunder, we are now... It's really difficult, think about other ways?"

Qiu Zixi said.

This time, she felt really helpless.

Before, I wanted Bai Ye to use Sharingan to control the other party.

However, after controlling Poison Elvis once.

Xia Ningmeng didn't drop it in seconds.

It even let it release a large amount of poisonous fog in the end.

Today, the surrounding vision is hazy.

At the same time, the two monsters also knew that they couldn't look into Bai Ye's eyes.

Naturally, I won't continue watching.

"There is a way!"

"Fuck! Bai Ye, I knew you could do it!"

Xia Ningmeng's eyes lit up.

Then quickly asked.

This f*ck!

It was the most tortured battle she had ever fought.

You can't get close at close range, and the remote opponent also has a thunder and lightning king here.

They are fighting so hard.

"It's very simple, my eyes can become stronger as long as they have great mental stimulation.

Otherwise, who of you will die in front of me and see, if I do this, I can awaken Mangekyō, and then I can become stronger! "



You are so special!

What a fucking genius!

"No, how can you say such cold words with a thirty-seven degree mouth!"

Xia Ningmeng complained.

What the hell, you actually want them to die in front of you.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"I mean it, as long as it's mentally stimulating and big enough, I can get stronger."

Now his points are less than 10,000.

Also not redeemable for Mangekyō.

want to solve this situation.

It can only be turned on Mangekyō by himself.

"You mean mental stimulation, right!?"

Xia Ningmeng also seemed to have thought of something.

Then quickly stepped back.

Pulling up Bai Ye and the others, he said, "Let's go first!"


Although I don't understand.

However, the crowd retreated first.

Wait in an open space.

Xia Ningmeng opened the magic barrier, temporarily protecting them and isolating them from the outside world.


He immediately grabbed Qiu Zixi and his own.

See this scene.

Bai Ye's eyes widened, and the three hook jades were turning wildly.



Qiu Zixi was so frightened that she wanted to mention it, but Xia Ningmeng stopped her.

"You two hurry up too."

Xia Ningmeng said, and then continued: "Now I don't want to die, I can only do this, Bai Ye remember what you said, if you are not mentally stimulated enough, or you lied to me, I will be the first to hack you to death later. Say it again."


Bai Ye looked at the scene in front of him.

Four people with very different styles.

A nosebleed came out of Bai Ye's nose.

Then the gouyu in Bai Ye's eyes began to connect into a line.

A prism appeared in Bai Ye's pupils.

"What the hell did I do to start Mangekyō in this way..."

Bai Ye never thought of it.

He would actually open Mangekyō in this way.

People either die as a mother, as a father or as a big brother to awaken.

He f*ck watch these awakenings! ?

"It's changed! It's really changed!"

Seeing this, the four quickly pulled up.

Although they knew that this was to make Bai Ye stronger, it was a little uncomfortable for them.

The four of them are serious people, and they have never been in love, and now this...

But think about it, if you don't do this, you may really die here.

Besides, Bai Ye is not very annoying.

They can only comfort themselves like this.

"Okay, thank you for your help, I will remember it!"

"You'd better forget this for me, or the old lady will definitely chop you up in the future!"

Xia Ningmeng glared at Bai Ye fiercely.

This bastard.

It's better for her to forget.

"Cough, let's talk about it at this time, the ability to awaken this time is really a cow!"

Bai Ye finally knew why Sharingan was called the Eye of Spiritual Reflection.

When you opened your eyes, what was in your mind at that time?

It will derive abilities according to what you think.

And the ability that Bai Ye awakened.

This time, he was right!

One child, absolutely!

Generally, people like him are also called gambling monsters!

You win!


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