All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 3 - The First Cooperation Between Small Groups! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket For A Re

"Okay! Follow along, Bai Ye, late autumn, be careful.

Later, Ningmeng and I will be responsible for the front battle, and then Banxue, you will be responsible for the remote output! "

Qiu Zixi will assign the tactics.

The two ghost swordsmen and assassins are the main force to fight.

And Bai Ye and Xia Wanqiu are auxiliary occupations.

Naturally not in combat.

Wang Banxue, as the shooter, also assisted in the rear.

Assign tasks.

The five slowly touched the goblin camp.

"There are sixteen in total in the camp, and fifteen on the left are patrolling.

There were three more hidden in the grass ahead of us watching.

In addition, on the far right, there are throwing goblins holding a stone frame, totaling five.

In other words, adding these, there are thirty-nine in total. "

Bai Ye told all about the distribution of the surrounding goblins.

Bai Ye's investigative abilities are on full display.

"Just kidding!? So careful?"

I blanch!

This god-tier female assassin was staring at Bai Ye.

Xia Ningmeng didn't expect to know where the other party's exact location is?

"Looks like it's time to re-evaluate the role of the Pupil Master!"

Qiu Zixi glanced at Bai Ye thoughtfully, and then thought slowly in her heart.

By itself, in Qiu Zixi's consciousness, the pupil artist was a garbage profession in the early stage.

But the ability to observe.

It seems to be really good, able to see monsters in a radius of one kilometer, and at the same time to be able to get all the distributions.

This avoids the premise of being attacked and can know the location of the opponent in advance.

"I suggest that you first solve the reconnaissance hiding in the grass ahead, right in front."

Said, Bai Ye pointed in three directions, then continued: "You can let Ning Meng go, the assassin's words are better to solve, then solve these three, go to solve the throwing goblin on the far right, these five brothers Lin Weiwei is the biggest one. They only have stones as weapons. If they get close, they can easily solve it!

But before tackling Goblin Throwing, we can set up some traps.

When the other goblins come over, we can solve it better. "

Say it.

Bai Ye looked at the stunned crowd and asked, "What's wrong!?"

" feels like you have a good brain..."

Xia Ningmeng scratched her head in embarrassment.

What Bai Ye said just now, she didn't expect it at all.

"After all, I'm an auxiliary profession, and it's normal for me to have a good brain!"

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly.

It is an auxiliary occupation now, but it may not be in the future.

At that time, the left eye is Tenseigan, the right eye is Rinnegan, or the left eye is straight to death, and the right eye is twisted.

Think of all kinds of permutations and combinations that can be achieved.

"That's right, but speaking of it, will your pupil technique turn white after using it?!"


Xia Ningmeng pointed at Bai Ye's eyes.

This is the first time I have seen a pupil artist whose eyes change color.

"Well, speaking of it, can you kill those three goblins silently?"

"Fuck! You can say that my brain is not good, but you can't say that my assassination technology is not good, my sister is an assassin, and she has received assassin training before!"

Having said that, Xia Ningmeng was not convinced, and then thought of something, and quickly emphasized: "Besides, my brain is also very good! Show it to my sister and watch me perform!"

Say it.

Xia Ningmeng took out a dagger.

Follow the three positions that Bai Ye pointed out before.

A Shunpo quietly approached the goblins.


Not even a scream was heard.

The three goblins were instantly killed!

"Okay, the detective goblin has been slaughtered, is my sister handsome?"

Saying that, Xia Ningmeng raised her eyebrows at Bai Ye and asked provocatively.

have a look!


This is a woman's romance!

"It's okay, there is room for improvement!"


Xia Ningmeng smiled and looked at Bai Ye, thinking in her heart how to teach Bai Ye a lesson.

"Yes, Bai Ye, your detection ability is very good!"

Qiu Zixi also said something at the right moment.

Looking at it now, Bai Ye's detection ability is really good.


This observation ability is indeed more powerful than the pupil magician that the teacher said.

"Go, go and deal with the rest of the goblins, and then we'll deal with the cat demon and the tauren!"

With Bai Ye's reconnaissance ability.

Qiu Zixi is also more confident now.

"As Bai Ye said, we solved the throwing goblin on the right first, and then followed the previously arranged tactics, do you understand?"


The crowd nodded.

After that, the Goblin Throwing was easily resolved.

At the same time, the sound also caught the attention of the patrolling goblins.

With a murmur of chatter.

The goblins in the camp also rushed towards the voice's position immediately.

Before they arrived, they were instantly trapped by the trap they had set up before.


Qiu Zixi and Xia Ningmeng rushed out.

Wang Banxue in the rear supported him with a gun.

Xia Wanqiu is adding buffs to them.

On the other hand, Bai Ye is also watching the play now.

At this time, he doesn't need to do anything, just wait for the experience value to arrive.

"Thinking about it this way, it's quite delicious to be an auxiliary profession!"

After all, Pupil Master, don't fight this battle by yourself.

Just wait and watch.

It's no wonder that other people don't want pupils to play in groups.

This is not a pure bastard!


Everyone cleaned up the goblins.

Qiu Zixi and Xia Ningmeng wiped the sweat from their faces and walked up to complain, "You guys are really laid back!"

Xia Ning dreamed.

He was covered in the blood of that goblin.

Extremely smelly.

Be sure to take a good shower when you go back.

But after seeing Bai Ye's clean appearance, without even a single bit of sweat, the bottom of my heart was instantly unhappy.

Even Xia Wanqiu, a female clergyman, was exhausted by adding buffs.

"No way, who called me a jerk!"

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly.

"Not at all. Your reconnaissance and deployment tactics were very good before, otherwise we wouldn't be so easy!"

Xia Ning also quickly comforted her dream.

I thought it was her own words that made Bai Ye a little uncomfortable.

"You don't think I'm angry, do you? I'm really messing around, and I like it a lot haha!"

Bai Ye laughed.

"Okay! You bastard!"

Xia Ningmeng scolded with a smile.

During the break, the relationship between the several people also became closer.


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