All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 9 - Team Up! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket For A Reward)

"What's the meaning?"

Xia Ningmeng asked subconsciously.

"This village is actually an Illusion Art. We are not in the village at all, understand?"

Bai Ye finished.

Sharingan turned, and then a dagger stabbed a stone tablet under his feet.

Ka Ka Ka

The ruined village disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the space began to rotate continuously.

Immediately afterwards, a blood moon appeared in the sky, and around them, where there were any villages, all were tombstones.

They are in a cemetery!

The stele is the organ.

It is impossible to break free from this Illusion Art without breaking this stele.

"Fuck, your Sharingan is so good?"

Xia Ningmeng widened her eyes and looked at Bai Ye in disbelief.

See through Illusion Art.

This can only be done by high-level pupil magicians!

Isn't Bai Ye only third-level! ?

This TM can also be ah?

"You only see the second floor and think of me as the first floor, but I'm actually on the fifth floor."


Old mille crepe.

He really dared to say it.

However, you can't find a reason to refute him.

I really want to beat this pretender.

"So, in fact, we have been wandering around this cemetery before?!"

"Yes, and you look under the tombstone... Be careful!"

Say it.

Bai Ye jumped away directly.

Then, under the tombstone, a pair of hands grabbed it directly.

But because of Bai Ye's reminder.

They also ran faster, and these hands naturally grabbed an empty space.

"This is a skeleton monster. I have seen it in textbooks before. It is also a primary monster, and its level is probably third-level!"

Qiu Zixi looked after the monster that appeared.

She quickly explained.

These monsters, they all learn in the textbooks in the school.

Many seniors have already summed up their experience.

"Do you want to use the badge of experience?!"

Xia Ningmeng said excitedly.

A monster appeared.

It is possible to use the experience emblem.

"Don't do it for now, these monsters are not very strong.

Not much experience.

Why don't you keep it to the boss and use it again? "

It's a bit of a waste to start with.

Wouldn't it be better to wait until the boss is about to be resolved and use it again?

"Bai Ye is right, how much we use at this time is a bit of a waste!"

Qiu Zixi agreed.

"Alright, that old tactic?"


All together.

Continue to fight in the same way as before.

【Ding! Your teammate Qiu Zixi killed the skeleton monster and gained EXP +30]

【Ding! Your teammate Xia Ningmeng killed the zombie and gained EXP +35]

【Ding! Your teammate Wang Banxue killed the ghost fire and gained experience +30]

The experience points soared towards the top.


After cleaning up the monsters here.

Bai Ye's experience points are also less than 700 before he can upgrade to the fourth-level.

"Bai Ye, where are the other monsters?!"

Qiu Zixi shook the blood in her hand.

Then he turned his head to look at Bai Ye.

"Just under our feet, it seems that a very terrifying existence is about to come out."

Say it.

Haven't waited for everyone to react.

The ground began to tremble.

Then, a coffin instantly appeared in front of them.


The coffin burst.

A zombie with green face and fangs appeared in front of the five.

"Zombie King?"

"It doesn't look like... The Zombie King should come with frost..."

"It should be a little zombie leader!"

"Be careful around, there are skeletons and zombies appearing."

While they were talking.

Bai Ye also reminded.

With the emergence of zombies.

Around, many monsters also crawled out.

This is a lot more than the previous monsters.

"Is this the boss?"

"It shouldn't be..."

Bai Ye shook his head.

It doesn't seem like it should be.

After all, this is a BOSS.

That secret realm seems to be more hip than the first map they encountered.

Although it is definitely more powerful.

Moreover, he saw that there was an enchantment ahead.

That is to say.

There should be more in front.

"Well, let's continue!"

Since that is the case.

Then, they just continue.

Compared with before, there is only one more zombie that seems to be more powerful.

The voice in my ear kept ringing.

【Ding! Raise your level to LV4! 】

【Ding! Raise your level to LV5! 】


The experience points are soaring!

【Ding! Your teammate Qiu Zixi used Wave Slash to defeat the Zombie Squad Leader, reward experience: 100]

【Ding! You reach a certain level of proficiency in white-eyed observation, reward: Revolving Heaven. 】

【Bai Ye】

【Occupation】: Pupils

[Level]: 5 (1800/5000)

[Physical Strength]: 70 (1 normal adult)

【Mental Energy】: 180 (ordinary adult 1)

[Pupilation Ability]: White Eyes, Two Tomoe Sharingan

[Other abilities]: Revolving Heaven

This! ?

It's not just that the rank is raised to fifth-level.

It also activates a new ability, Revolving Heaven.

It seems that in addition to the pupil technique, it seems that some abilities attached to the pupil technique can also be possessed by yourself?

"Huh! I almost couldn't win just now. Fortunately, I was upgraded to fifth-level. I have learned a few more skills!"

Qiu Zixi touched the beads of sweat on her hair and said with lingering fears.

This zombie squad leader is really tough.

Fortunately, it was when Xia Ningmeng dealt with the mobs before.

It happened that the experience value was enough, and the attributes and skills given by the upgrade directly allowed her to defeat the zombie team leader.

"Me too, in addition to treating you now, I can also restore your physical strength and add a shield at the same time!"

Xia Wanqiu said quickly.

For fifth-level, I feel that this improvement is really good.

"My Shunpo is much faster than before, and it has an extra critical strike ability."

"My words can add silver bullets to my bullets, causing light damage to the enemy!"


Everyone also turned their attention to Bai Ye.

"I don't have any awakenings, I have a protective ability."


Pupils awaken protective abilities.

Are you really a pupil magician! ?


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