Three days passed in a flash.

During this time,

Ye Chen went out every day to clean up the orc tribe and gain experience points.

With his unremitting efforts, the orc clans around Black Mountain Town were basically cleared out.

However, due to the level increase, ordinary orcs could no longer provide him with much experience points.

Therefore, his gains were not very great. He only gained more than 200,000 experience points in three days.

"It's time to leave!"

Feeling the drastic reduction in benefits,

Ye Chen understood that the E-level world of Kulun Orcs could no longer provide him with the"soil" he needed to become stronger.

He needed to leave here and go to a more powerful world.

Otherwise, the efficiency of gaining experience would become slower and slower, and eventually approach zero.

"I will leave this world after I get the bounty."After destroying the last orc tribe marked on the sheepskin map,

Ye Chen rode Androny on his way home.

However, halfway through the flight,

Ye Chen discovered a team riding griffins in the distance.

There were about twenty people.

Some were holding swords and staffs, and some were holding magic guns with heavenly runes drawn on them.……

"It seems!"

"After me, other professionals also discovered this world."

From the equipment, this is definitely a team of professionals from the main world.


Ye Chen didn't think much about it.

As the first pioneer, he had already received enough benefits.

Now he was ready to leave this world.

Whether other professionals discovered this world or not had no effect on him at all. He had no intention of greeting this strange team of professionals.

Ye Chen rode Androny and continued to fly towards Black Mountain Town.

The first rule of professional crossing that he learned from school was not to trust other professionals in the same world.

After all, there is no divine law of the God of Law in the other world.

It is normal for fellow villagers to shoot each other in the back.

When encountering unfamiliar professionals, keeping a distance is the best choice.

However, the strange team of professionals didn't think so.

After discovering Ye Chen riding a red dragon, they immediately turned around and flew towards Ye Chen on griffins.

There was a faint tendency to surround him.

It seemed that they didn't want Ye Chen to run away

"What are these guys trying to do?"

"Could it be that they want to kill and rob?"

Seeing the opponent's posture,

Ye Chen knew that the opponent was not friendly. He immediately raised his vigilance.

However, he was not panicked at all.

After all, in the E-level world of Kulun Orcs, professionals above level 20 could not enter at all.

In other words, the average level of the team in front of him was at most level 20 (the peak of apprentice professionals).

With his current strength

, it would be a complete crushing to fight against opponents of this level.

Unless all the members of the opponent are mythical professions, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to lose.

I don't know Ye Chen's confidence.

Tens of seconds later, this team riding on griffins flew in front of Ye Chen.

The leader of this team was a scarred young man who looked very fierce.

According to the feedback from the appraisal technique, his level has reached level 20.

"Don't be nervous, little brother!"

"We have no ill intentions, we just arrived in this world and want to ask you for some information"

""Just ask and leave!"

The scarred young man asked with a hearty smile and a sincere face.

It must be said that this guy's acting skills are very good and very contagious.

If some new professionals who have never experienced anything and have a naive and simple mind, they might really believe it.


Ye Chen has lived two lives, so naturally he can't believe the other party's nonsense.

"Stop pretending!"

"You don't look like you're here to ask for information."

Ye Chen sneered and directly exposed it.

Hearing this, the scarred young man immediately realized that the young man in front of him was not easy to fool.

He immediately put away the generous smile on his face and revealed his true face.

"It seems"

"Little brother, you have some misunderstandings about us!"

"However, in addition to asking for information, we do have something else we want to discuss with you."

The scarred young man said calmly

"I like your mount."

"This is one million rule gold coins"

"I hope you can give it up, brother!"

After hearing this,

Ye Chen didn't understand what was going on!

These guys were eyeing his red dragon battle pet.

As a top legendary creature, a red dragon can have the powerful strength to fight a team of legendary strongmen alone when it grows up.

If it can be contracted as a battle pet, even the most ordinary professional can change his fate and become a strong man.

These people obviously couldn't resist such a huge temptation.

If the transfer of the battle pet contract required the consent of the contractor, these people would not waste any words and would directly attack to kill him and snatch the ownership of the young red dragon!

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