Five hours later,

Ye Chen successfully destroyed more than ten Kobold strongholds.

The mission progress also reached 301/597.

In other words, as long as he killed another 296 Kobolds, he could successfully pass the trial ground and get an extremely generous clearance reward.

In addition,

Ye Chen's experience value reserve reached more than 13,000 points.

At the same time, there were two more bronze-level equipment, four black iron-level equipment, and five skill books in the storage space.

It can be said that he had a lot of harvest.

However, what surprised him most was a rare quality skill book called Spell Wisdom.

【Spell Intelligence (Passive Skill)】

【Quality: Rare

【Effect: After learning this skill, you can permanently increase your spiritual attributes by 10 points.

【[Learning conditions]: 20 points of spiritual attribute, mage professional


This passive skill that can permanently increase the spiritual attribute is very rare and precious.

Its value is more than ten times higher than other skills of the same quality. If you take it back to the main world, it is not a problem to exchange it for a magic skill book of excellent quality.

If it is exchanged for currency, it can be sold for at least tens of thousands of rule gold coins.

Of course,

Ye Chen will definitely not sell it.

As a mage, the importance of spiritual attributes is self-evident.

What's more, his legendary talent, the immortal demon body, also relies heavily on spiritual attributes.

The stronger the spiritual attribute, the higher the health value.

At the same time, it can also increase the upper limit of immune defense.

Without any hesitation,

Ye Chen directly used this skill book.

Spiritual attribute +10!

Strength is enhanced!

Ye Chen, who was in a good mood, became more active in hunting dog-headed people. He continued to go deeper into the forest.


I don’t know if he killed too hard or the leader of the dog-headed tribe found something wrong and withdrew his troops.

For the next ten minutes,

Ye Chen didn’t encounter a dog-headed person.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, a huge mine pit came into Ye Chen’s sight.

The mine was full of caves and dungeons.

Many kobolds with candles on their heads and pickaxes were coming in and out.

There were also many kobold guards led by the kobold leader patrolling around.

Obviously, this was the real core nest of the kobold tribe.

Most of the remaining 296 kobolds were probably here.

"Just in time to wipe it out!"

Lock on the last mission target.

Just as Ye Chen was about to launch an attack, his talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding danger was triggered again.

【The best fortune, use the experience value reserve to upgrade the skill level of Fireball and Spell Wisdom to Lv6, kill all the Kobolds without injury at Lv1 level, you can get EX-level evaluation, the clearance reward is increased again, and the golden treasure chest is upgraded to a colorful treasure chest】

【If you use your experience points to raise your level to Lv10 or above, and kill all the Kobolds without taking any damage, you will get an SSS rating and the clearance reward will be increased by 50%, but you will lose 10 levels of attribute growth and free attribute points.】

【A bad sign. Without any improvement, he directly attacked the Kobold's lair. In the end, he was beaten up by the Kobold chieftain and his minions. He fled in embarrassment and his clearance rating was greatly reduced.

Looking at the words in his mind,

Ye Chen's face froze and he stopped.

He didn't expect that the strength of this Kobold's lair would be so strong. Even if he had a legendary combat talent, he still failed.

If it weren't for the talent reminder of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, his attack would inevitably end in failure.

The final clearance rating would also be greatly reduced.

Missing a lot of rewards

"It seems"

"After awakening the legendary combat talent, I became a little arrogant.

" After reflecting on his own mentality, Ye Chen calmed down and immediately opened the skill panel according to the requirements of the best fortune, preparing to use experience points to upgrade the skill level.

He was determined to get the EX-level clearance evaluation.

After all, it was a colorful treasure chest that could produce mythical treasures.

If he missed it, he didn't know how long it would take to get it again.

【Fireball (Normal Skill)】

【Skill Level]: 1 (0/100)


【Spell Intelligence (Rare Skill)】

【Skill Level]: 1 (0/300)


According to what he had learned, the required experience points would double for each skill upgrade.

In other words, to upgrade Fireball to Level 6, 3,100 experience points were needed.

And Spell Wisdom required 9,300 points.

The sum of the two was 12,400 points.

Ye Chen looked at his experience points reserve.


More than enough to complete the upgrade of two skills.


Without any hesitation,

Ye Chen directly selected two skills and said silently in his heart.

Experience value -12,400!

【Fireball (Normal Skill)】

【Skill Level: 1 → 6

【Skill Damage]: Spirit attribute*500%→1000% (increases by 100 per level)%)


【Spell Intelligence (Rare Skill)】

【Skill Level: 1 → 6

【[Spirit attribute improvement]: 10→60 (increases 10 points of spirit attribute per level)


"Fireball's power is doubled"

"The attribute improvement of spell wisdom has also been increased from 10 points to 60 points"

"Including own attributes"

"My spiritual attribute has reached 88 points"

"The mana also increased to 880 points, and the health reached a huge 4900."

"Under the effect of the immortal demon body"

"I can now completely ignore attacks with damage output lower than 490 points."

Feeling his own surge in strength, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction. With such a high immunity limit, he didn't believe that there was anyone in this kobold's lair who could break his defense.

After making all preparations,

Ye Chen immediately strode towards the kobold's lair.

He couldn't wait to complete the trial mission and get the extremely generous clearance reward.

…… ps: New book uploaded, please give me flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, and all data support

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