Chapter 182 gets the real entity. [Seek full booking and follow-up].

And all that Su Yu is doing now is purely for him. It must not be possible to blame Su Yu. Because Su Yu did everything right.


Leaning in and looking, this worker bee did not care about Nuwa in the slightest, she seemed to be only interested in her own kind. But it’s normal, the queen bee’s order at that time was to let them kill each other.

If they weren’t of the same kind, they wouldn’t have any interest.

After another contact, Nuwa instantly returned to Su Yu’s side, and this body was actually quite good. And the power is also very large, but it still needs to be tempered to do it.

Otherwise, as soon as he enters, this body may collapse directly, which is not that he is lying.

How strong Nuwa’s spirit body is, you can see from his ability, but Su Yu does not dare to let him use his ability often.

The more his ability is used, the faster the energy in his body fluctuates, which is very poor for the stability of the spirit body.

“Wait a little longer, wait until you practice later, you can use it, I think it’s a good body” [.] ”

Since Nuwa already felt very good, Su Yu didn’t say much, just waited for these bees to finish slaughtering. No wonder the queen bee is very reluctant.

If it was Su Yu, he would definitely not let all the clansmen he had worked so hard to bring up die. But now there is no way, what he did after marriage is only a stopgap measure, in order to save himself.

It can only agree to Su Yu’s request, and as long as the queen bee still exists, then the entire bee clan will not be completely destroyed. Sooner or later, these worker bees will be created.

After staying on this planet for a week, the outside is already chaotic, but no one knows that Su Yu will be in the bee clan.

The bee tribe here is just a small race, which is usually not very noticeable, and naturally it is impossible for someone to come to the door. The Blue Star has already been turned over by the people of the Twelve Saint Races, and the Terrans have no way to resist.

Because Su Yu was no longer, but these people of the Twelve Saint Races did nothing to them.

“Yushen must have found a place to hide, otherwise it would not be very troublesome to be found by the two holy families at this time, looking at the way they were chasing after them, they definitely wanted to do something to the rain god!”

“I also think that Yushen only needs to hide well, we don’t need to worry at all, now the Holy Race will not do anything to me, so they also have to consider the situation of the Ten Thousand Races!”


Looking at the powerful body in front of her, Nuwa showed a satisfied smile, which was very good. After possessing this body, he was completely resurrected as a servant.

As long as he can be resurrected, then next, he can do whatever he wants.

But the fusion of spirit and body will take some time, during this time. He still needs to stay by Su Yu’s side.

Moreover, the momentum of the Terran is very good now, if he can support the Terran to become the first in this supreme realm, then his sense of achievement will also explode.

Su Yu watched Nuwa and the flesh fuse into one, and then saw the face that was originally a worker bee.

Suddenly it became Nuwa’s indistinguishable, but incomparably beautiful face, and the wings behind her disappeared instantly. The queen bee only felt extremely distressed when she looked at the back, but what could he do?

He doesn’t have any way… You can only let your children die like this.

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