
Tao Yu was not surprised to hear this.

Why did he team up with Panda?

In addition to Panda being a native of the inner city, he has a higher appeal and a bigger face, mainly because the threshold for this transport job is too low and it is too replicable.

Las Vegas is not dense with zombies, and it is not as dangerous as Henderson.

It is most important to get the first soup, so it is best to expand the transport capacity as soon as possible.

As long as we can grab the earliest batch of the most valuable goods, it will be fine. Panda's promise was also directly reduced to 50,000 in the second month.

However, Judy said it alone, and also said that some other individual teams suffered heavy casualties, which should be some conflict outside.

"Is Brother Panda here? Let him talk."

"Yes, I'll call him."

Not long after, the intercom was buzzing again.

"Brother Tao, you are back. Is everything going well?"

"I'm fine. What's the specific situation now?"

Tao Yu got straight to the point.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry, I promise you the minimum guarantee. But it should have been more. Now I may only give you 110,000 or 120,000 in the first month."

Panda seemed to feel a little unlucky, and then continued to talk to himself

"Two more guys from the inner city came. Originally, I was thinking that we should work together first, right? We can make money together, and there is no need to waste money internally.

"But those two guys are a bit wrong. They split into two groups. It's not easy for me to cooperate with one of them, so everyone is doing their own things..."

After listening to Panda's words, Tao Yu also shook his head.

Panda currently thinks that Joseph and Wino, who Tao Yu has contacted, are a little different, and are more mercenary.

But this is not a bad character. Everyone has their own personality. At least with this character, the cooperation is still quite smooth.

So when new people come, it is not unacceptable for everyone to work together to make it bigger and stronger and share the fruits.

The profits can be divided according to their respective abilities and efforts.

Or different teams can divide the area and do their own things!

Anyway, the total profit is only so much, and it will be gone after digging.

But this is the result.

The rest of the things are much clearer. The inner city pioneers are also careful about their feathers. They did not directly fight, but the transport team outside suffered.

In addition to giving Panda some face, some individual players were also affected.

"Didn't attack us?"

"Not yet..."

When Panda said this, he was a little solemn, so Tao Yu could hear it.

"You mean, they might attack us? "

"They are a little angry. Actually, it's not a big deal. I don't know how they made it like this. Young Master Sun is a little annoyed, but Young Master Sun can't take care of everything."

Sun Shiyu and Sun Shiqing are the backbone of the base, but they don't have the ability to clone themselves, and it's really impossible for them to take care of everything. They must delegate power.

Anyway, those two groups are honest in the gathering place, and they make all kinds of troubles in places that outsiders can't control.

"There are already mines on the street now, you should pay attention to it yourself, hey."


Tao Yu was also a little depressed. This is eating and smashing the pot.

"I know, pay attention to safety."

"Well, you should also pay attention, some young men in the inner city have bad personalities. "

Panda reminded Tao Yu tactfully.

He is a mercenary who likes to weigh the pros and cons, but not everyone in the inner city is like him.

He has some relationship with the Sun brothers and sisters, which may arouse jealousy in the eyes of some people...

"I know some people have bad personalities."

Inner city people with bad personalities?

Yoseph, who sets a trap for himself as soon as he meets him, and Weino, who is more straightforward, Lizard who values ​​his beauty, and those who don't care about the lives of others in order to raise aliens.

It can be said that in Tao Yu's eyes, people like Panda are rare goods at present.

"I hope you can have a worse personality..."

Tao Yu put the walkie-talkie back on the folding table and muttered something like a whisper.

"But Sun Shiqing seems to have a headache now, mainly because of the lack of people under her. ”

I had heard Sun Shiqing’s broadcast before, and was obviously a little angry, but as a young master of the floating city, he did not deal with it directly because of his own preferences, but took the overall situation into consideration.

Now that he is short of people, he does need more people from the inner city to build a makeshift team for the base.

“Now the registration of materials and so on depends on the original inhabitants of the base, but in the end, I feel that power should be delegated to some pioneers. "

Tao Yu doesn't understand the art of weighing and controlling people.

But those who have read history know that an emperor must have the means to check and balance the court in order to sit safely.

Those trusted aborigines are like eunuchs. The power in their hands comes from the power given by the Sun brothers and sisters. They can only follow them in groups and handle some things such as materials, logistics, and internal affairs.

But if it comes to external exploration, it must be handed over to the pioneers, and the inner city pioneers who are generally strong and have good strength in the early stage can indeed take on some important tasks.

Just like the outer city pioneers have not started the cannon fodder mission, if the inner city pioneers are too harsh, they may not choose to come to the new development area later.

"Even if one's great power is attributed to oneself, and one has the unequivocal power here, it is still the person who does the work..."

As a social beast in his previous life, Tao Yu clearly understood that if all his subordinates were united, they could easily resist or even sideline the leader.

Although the Sun siblings have the ability to directly solve problems physically, they still have to worry about some physical issues sometimes.

If it is too strong, it may force some people who originally did not want to join a group to actively join a group, or not come at all.

"However, I don't have any worries about this. It's none of my business. I just want money..."

Tao Yu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, but still did not choose to run all night.

Who knows where they are, and they haven't reached that level yet. Let's digest what we have gained first.

"It shouldn't be a big problem to ask Panda to advance some of your willpower in advance..."

After drinking a bottle of ice-cold Feizhai water from the RV refrigerator, Tao Yu burped...

Three days later…

At an intersection, seven heavy trucks majestically occupied the entire street.

Next to it, a group of motorcycle gangs were constantly patrolling.

In addition, on the roof of each heavy truck, there are still some figures with guns and ammunition standing on guard.

The zombies nearby have been cleared away, and the air is full of putrid smell.

At this time, with the roar of an engine, an off-road motorcycle came out from the corner of the intersection, and then rushed directly towards the convoy.

The arrival attracted the attention of many people, and some armed men on the roof of the car were holding guns on guard.

"Don't touch the gun, this is your second boss."

Panda's scolding voice came, causing many new members of the team to look curiously at Tao Yu, who was riding over on a motorcycle.

The second boss is said to have a good relationship with Master Sun, and as an out-of-towner, he occupies the second largest share of the company.

"Is this the Xiao Tao you are talking about?"

Next to Panda's motorcycle, a figure riding a punk-style motorcycle of the same style as his turned to look at Tao Yu.

A mechanical sound flashed in his eyes, and his pupils seemed to be locked on something.

"Initially, it seems that the strength is not bad, the muscles are very well-proportioned, isn't it A-level [dynamic vision]?"

"I told you that you have a good relationship with Master Sun and have taught him skills. Don't mess around with me."

Panda relied on the long hands brought by his two-meter-three body shape and patted his companion's mechanical head.

"Tch, I just want to see why he holds more shares than me, and I work hard to escort him every day."

There was a metallic sound from being slapped on the head, but the guy being slapped didn't seem to care.

"Just ask Master Sun to come and ask for leave for him, okay?"

Panda rolled her eyes at him, and then took the initiative to get out of the car and step forward. Tao Yu also slowed down the car and stopped next to Panda.

Tao Yu is now over 1.8 meters tall, but riding a motorcycle is still inconspicuous in front of Panda.

Panda took out a wish power magnetic card and began to inject wish power into it, while saying to Tao Yu

"Is 50,000 enough? I don't have a lot of money on my body. I have some supplies that I have stored up. Some of them can be slowly transported to the present world and sold, so that I can earn more."

"That's enough, thanks."

In total, the full cooperation period has not passed ten days, and Tao Yu is still very satisfied with his willingness to advance 50,000 yuan.

Now that due to nutritional supplements and entering a period of steady improvement, Tao Yu has also chosen a more cost-effective mode of consuming will power, which is still sufficient for the time being.

If you collect another wave next time, I guess you can try to deify the [Latent] ability a second time.

Although the price-performance ratio of the second deification is much lower, [Latent] is the skill that currently generates the most shadow power, and the price is not bad, so Tao Yu has already put it on the queue.

If you are willing to have more strength, you can also consider pile work to continue to lay the foundation and enhance the three dimensions.

"And this, Miss Sun has brought the terminal back from reality. I went to complete the company registration. This is your authentication chip. Don't lose it. It will be very troublesome to get a replacement."

Panda handed Tao Yu a chip similar to a mobile phone card, which could also be inserted directly into Tao Yu's watch. He also took it over without politeness and inserted it into the watch.

"Oh, Miss Sun is back."

Tao Yu asked casually.

"They're back. These are our three shareholders. Open the door. After the two gangs join forces, I'm afraid that one person won't be able to cover them."

Then Panda introduced the three shareholders to Tao Yu.

Tao Yu welcomed anyone who could bring him income, and nodded to the guy on the mechanical transformation side with a smile on his face.

However, Qimen did not show the same expression as when communicating with Panda, but said hello with the same smile.

"I've only heard of you by name. I heard that you are working for Master Sun. Don't forget to support us when you get rich."

"No way, that's ridiculous."

Just as Tao Yu finished speaking, his watch vibrated, which surprised Tao Yu.

The abyss side is only covered by broadcast signals for the time being, not communication signals.

After I clicked on it, I also heard Sun Shiyu’s voice.

"Where have you been, and why is that insect of yours here?"

Good guy, are you coming here on a motorboat to find me? Perhaps her motorboat has the effect of a short-range signal base station.

Tao Yu could only politely apologize to the stunned two people.

"Sorry, I have something to do, so I have to leave now."

While talking, he also made a voice reply.

"I was just here with the team, I'll be back."

After saying that, he rode his motorcycle, turned around, twisted the accelerator, and drove away with a roar.

And Qi Men, who had his mouth wide open next to him, couldn't help but swallowed.

"That was Miss Sun's voice just now, wasn't it? Didn't you say that he and Master Sun have a good relationship?"

"Ah, it was Master Sun who asked for leave last time. Maybe he has a good relationship with them both..."

Panda was also a little speechless at this time. A man from outside the city, let people come directly to his door?

Shouldn't he be able to go back as soon as he's summoned?

Sure enough, it would be wise to get him to invest!

Qi Men next to him also touched the non-existent sweat on his mechanical head.

If it were just him, he would have really prepared to say something nice, just to give Panda some face!

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't talk nonsense, and the first meeting was quite harmonious.

"Should I change my bad mouth?"

After experiencing this incident, Qimen also began to examine himself. Many people can only truly change themselves after experiencing an accident and hitting the wall...

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