The LAS6 warehouse area has a large area of ​​white warehouses.

There are a wide variety of supplies inside.

Because of the complete range, there are many things that are needed in the gathering place.

Even transporting a lot of things to the present world can bring back a lot of willingness.

In the past, this warehouse may have been surrounded by a large number of zombies because some survivors wanted to come and get things.

It is one of the most zombie-dense areas in Las Vegas.

But after all, Panda was a good player in the inner city. He attracted a group of aboriginal speedsters and many pioneers from the outer city. With the cooperation of each other, the cleanup went smoothly.

But today, there are three teams facing each other here.

Each team has several heavy trucks, and Panda's eight heavy trucks are still the largest, which is enough to equal the other two teams combined.

But at this time, Panda was closely connected with one of the convoys, and together they faced off against a convoy with only four heavy trucks in front.

Qi Men, who was originally Panda's partner, lay on the ground next to him with sparks flickering on his body, being taken care of by Judy.

If you take a closer look, you will see that the two sides are very different. There are some fully armed pioneers from the outer city standing on the roofs of the cars, but the stewards standing in front of the convoy are all inner-city pioneers.

"Taf! What do you mean? Master Sun has repeatedly emphasized the need to exercise restraint!"

Panda looked in the direction of the Warehouse Square with fear on his face. There was an ordinary-looking figure standing there casually, about 1.7 meters tall.

He has blond hair and wears equipment on his head similar to face protection during boxing. He has a black fiber body armor on his body and tactical gloves on his hands.

It was this figure that forced him to temporarily join forces with another group of people at the scene!

"Ha, if it weren't for Master Sun, do you think that idiot would still be alive now?"

The figure standing in the center of the field sneered, his face full of disdain and indifference.

"I gave you a chance. I wanted to join your side at first, but you didn't know how to praise me."

Taff just spat.

This made Panda's face look a little ugly.

"If you ask for half of our income, you are a new member and have not helped at all. Why should I give it to you?!"

"Oh, why? Why can you still say such childish words? Isn't it because of your strength?"

Taff looked sarcastic, then looked up at the armed men standing on the other side's trucks, and increased his volume.

"You mud-legged people in the outer city, please listen up. The inner city is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. The gap is even wider than that of you in the outer city. Decide first whether you want to take a trip into this muddy water."

Tafu's voice was a little unscrupulous and his attitude was very arrogant.

But the more this happened, the faces of the fully armed pioneers from the outer city became ugly.

In a newly developed area with such a high death rate, they would still choose this place because they have some ability and wealth, but compared to the big guys in the inner city, it is far behind.

Normally, it’s nothing to escort, fight zombies and move goods, but this time I have to get involved in the battle between the big shots in the inner city...

"Captain Panda, this... we are just living together. We never said we would be enemies with other inner city adults..."

One of the pioneers spoke up.

After all, I don’t want to get involved.

Panda looked back coldly, but didn't say much.

In fact, in terms of numbers, our side still has a huge advantage.

If everyone is willing to pick up a gun, even Tafu will be afraid!

Although he has a set of equipment on him, there are always areas that cannot be protected. Coupled with grenades and grenades, it is enough to contain him.

But now, he opened his mouth and directly destroyed his biggest numerical advantage.

Although he behaves arrogantly, he is not as brainless as he seems.

"Brother Panda, we all said that we worked together to kill the opponent. Look, this guy Tafu is here. It's a headache."

The figure next to him, with a face that looked like crocodile skin, holding a composite helmet in his arms, and wearing a high-end tactical uniform, but only reaching Panda's shoulders, sighed.

He and the guy behind Taff didn't deal with each other, and the two sides kept tit-for-tat.

Unexpectedly, this guy Tafu suddenly came to the gathering place and joined the team of his mortal enemy. This was really cool.

"Bullshit, when the time comes, Taff will join your team. It's useless. The problem is still his."

Although Panda has temporarily cooperated with the crocodile man, he still sees the problem clearly.

Before, Tafu came directly to find him and asked for half of the profits, which he would definitely not agree to. As a result, he later joined another team and relied on force to suppress others.

Turning his head and looking at the open door, Panda also sighed.

Qi Men was deliberately spared his life, because if he were really beaten to death, he would probably anger Master Sun, but now he was able to handle it to a certain extent.

"Ahem, brother Panda, when will the background brother come..."

Although Qi Men fell to the ground, with sparks still coming out of his body from time to time, the mechanical transformation route made him feel little pain, and his words only produced some electronic sounds.

"It should be soon."

Panda sighed in his heart, even if Brother Tao Yu came over, the best he could do was to ensure that he escaped unscathed, and the warehouse would probably be gone.

"Oh? Are there any foreign aids? It's interesting."

Taff raised an eyebrow and smiled.

At this time, a slender figure wearing close-fitting metal armor behind him walked up and said with a sweet smile.

"Brother Tafu, I know who that person is. He should be a man from the outer city who is rumored to have some friendship with Master Sun."

When Ta Fu heard about Master Sun, he was stunned for a moment, but when he heard that he was from outside the city, he laughed out loud.

"Do you have a friendship with Master Sun? Are you crazy? If you just complete a task and do a favor, can it be considered a friendship? Idiot, I can scare you with a big banner."

Taff's face outside of his protective boxing hood was full of amusement.

"When I came here, I asked Master Sun to meet me in person. I didn't say that I had any friendship with Master Sun. When employing people, you should treat them with dignity and courtesy. You guys still took it seriously."

Speaking of this, Tafu also had a look of understanding on his face.

"Oh, so it's because of him that you have the confidence to reject me? It's interesting. If he really comes, break his limbs and see if Master Sun will punish me for him."

At this moment, the roar of the motorcycle came from far to near.

With a drifting sound, Tao Yu, who was riding a motorcycle, stopped in front of the motorcade and stopped next to Panda.

Then he looked up and saw Taff standing alone in the middle.

"Brother Panda, is it him?"

Panda just nodded, and Tafu opposite him waved to Tao Yu.

"No, boy, come here and take a look. You seem to have a pretty handsome face. Don't you think you can make noble people look at you differently with this face?"

Seeing the other party's strange eyes and expression, Tao Yu suddenly felt a little sick.

This is similar to the look in the eyes of that guy Zuilin back then, but this guy is a man!

But after seeing the other party waving, Tao Yu reached out to stop Panda who was about to speak, and walked directly forward.

"Wait a minute, this guy is different. As long as he doesn't kill you, Master Sun probably won't say anything."

Panda quickly grabbed Tao Yu.

But Tao Yu's shoulder shook slightly, causing Panda to let go of his hand with numb fingers.

"I know it well."

This random shock made Panda's palm numb. At the same time, Tafu's expression on the other side also softened a little, and he said as if he was quite surprised.

"Power? Interesting."

Then he looked at Tao Yu who was walking towards this side and said with a playful expression on his face.

“Boy, don’t you think that mastering a powerful skill is really something?

"I really regard the noble person's approachability as the capital of my arrogance..."

Looking at Tao Yu who was almost in front, he also laughed and raised his hand towards Tao Yu.

"This may be great in the outer city, but in the inner city..."

Ta Fu's hands became claw-like and locked towards Tao Yu's shoulders.

Although it seems to be just an ordinary grab, but in line with his pace and rhythm, it is quite subtle.

Tao Yu would either disrupt his rhythm and retreat hastily, or he would fall under the cover of this grab.

Tao Yu, however, didn't even stop his feet. His hands formed into tiger claws, and with a sudden sideways step, he brushed against the opponent's claws to avoid them, and at the same time, he directly grabbed the opponent in the opposite direction.

Use the soles of your feet to explode with strength.

There were cracks on the cement floor, and debris was flying!

The sudden burst of speed made Taft slightly frightened. Is this someone from outside the city?

But before he could make serious adjustments, the sudden roar of a tiger shocked his mind.

It seemed as if there was a colorful tiger rushing towards him in front of him, and the entire field of vision was filled with the shadow of the tiger.

Before the claws came, the roar of the tiger arrived first. The purified thoughts were accompanied by the stimulation of [Fist Intent], and Tafu was completely suppressed before the official contact!

To an outsider, they could only vaguely hear the roar of the wind accompanying the claw strike, and then watched Tao Yu forcefully hit Ta Fu in the face with a claw.

The force exploded, instantly splashing blood.

Although Taff was wearing a wish-force item on his head that was similar to a boxing protective gear, his entire face seemed to be torn apart, making it dripping with blood and exposing his bones. The area where his eyes were was turned into two blood holes.

The whole person also fell backward.

Tao Yu casually threw the eyeballs he dug out to the ground, and shook the blood on his palms with great force.

Regardless of the shocked look of others, he pulled out the AT200 from behind, raised the muzzle of the gun and fired at the woman in metal body armor opposite her and the team behind her.

Da da da~

Blood spurted out, and screams came one after another.

There were also a few counterattacks with volleys fired indiscriminately.

But it's all meaningless!

[Intuitive Shooting·Modified] + [Basic Shooting·Modified], combined with the AP warhead of the AT200, can cause a river of blood to flow in an instant.


The woman in the metal armor had no idea that Tafu was so powerful that he would be knocked down in one encounter!

When he was shocked, Tao Yu was half a beat too slow before he fired.

He could only reluctantly pull out the short sword from his waist.

I am also thinking quickly in my mind

"AT200, it's probably an armor-piercing warhead, damn! We can't get hit too many times..."

As soon as the thought flashed through her mind, she kept retreating, trying to hide behind the truck.

But at this moment, a bullet hit the blade in her hand.


It felt like a heavy hammer hitting her head, making her feel as if she was being torn apart.

It was as if he was trapped in a giant bell and was being beaten continuously.

The shadow power attached to the bullet exploded like splattered ink dots, leaving a black crack on even the tough blade surface.

In conjunction with the armor-piercing bullets, the second and third rounds followed!


The blade broke and the bullet hit the forehead, leaving cracks on the armor!


Although there was tearing pain in her mind and double images appeared in her eyes, she still made her final desperate sound.


The subsequent bullets tore through the armor and penetrated directly into her head...

Just because of the initial shock, my reaction was half a beat too slow and I was hit by the first shot, but there was nothing more!

Directly shot to death!

Even the heavily armed inner-city pioneers ended up like this, and the others behind them were helpless to fight back.

The muzzle of the gun went off, and the sound of an empty shell was heard.

Tao Yucai leisurely took out the magazine and replaced it with a new one.

Then he loaded bullets into the empty magazine one after another.

Turning to look at his team, he pointed at Tafdao, who had his eyes gouged out and was still convulsing due to concussion.

"He's not dead yet, you come one by one, no one is left behind, understand?"

Looking at Ta Fu who was knocked out of combat by Tao Yu's blow on the ground, and the team over there that was wiped out within half a minute.

Everyone left, including Panda, kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Understood! I understand so well! Mr. Tao Yu...don't worry, leave the rest to me..."

Panda directly drew out his gun and shot Taff twice in the leg, then turned around with a grin on his face and said

"Everyone is an accomplice in what happened today. The boss is kind and spares our lives. Don't be disrespectful..."

The crocodile man also quickly stepped forward to perform a second last hit, and at the same time turned around and roared.

"What are you still doing? Do you want to die?"

Even Qi Men, who was lying on the ground, was supporting the ground with both hands at this time, relying on the mechanical arm to crawl over quickly with a devilish posture and speed, and let the blade on the mechanical arm stab Tafu.

Then he raised his head and said to Tao Yu

"Don't worry, Boss Tao. The Tafu family is indeed very powerful in the inner city, but the three of us combined are not weak at all. We are all grasshoppers on a rope."

"It's an abyss, it's normal for people to die."

Panda stared at the people behind, urging them to come up, and also spoke with some comfort.

If Tao Yu is from the inner city, he really has nothing to fear! In fact, everyone has a sense of proportion.

But the people from the outer city were so ruthless and didn't know the situation in the inner city. He was afraid that the other party would be too cautious and kill everyone present.

That person died unjustly...

There is really no need for us, there are many people in the abyss, we can handle it!

Many people in the floating city died in the abyss, let alone a new generation in the inner city?

In fact, it’s just that we have good talent, a good background, and more resources. We are not bad together. Not many people will go to a lot of trouble to stand up for the dead...

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