"Fortunately, the meditation technique has suffered a lot..."

Tao Yu looked at her arms that had lost weight, and felt a little nervous in her heart.

It is indeed a second deification!

The previous [Shadow Control] is not an ability on the body side, but focuses more on skills.

[Basic Breathing Technique] is relatively cheap and doesn’t feel so intense.

This time the [Wanliu Zhuang Kung Fu] has only been completed initially, it is already quite obvious!

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my Zhuang Gong is already level 4. You get what you pay for..."

Tao Yu quickly began to eat to fill up, while also thinking in her heart.

At present, the burden of the second deification on myself is still a bit heavy...

"After raising corpses, this wave of improvement is almost over, and you should be able to hunt aliens more freely..."

After making a plan in his mind, Tao Yu's eyes flickered.

The dividends of transportation companies will definitely plummet in the second month, and this plummeting will definitely continue.

In the future, it may mainly be some income from traveling back and forth between the current world and the residence.

Now that the aliens are still valuable and there are many of them, I will complete the second deification of my talents!

If you are lucky enough to catch the Alien Queen, you can make some money...

"Actually, I should be able to apply for the Queen's job, but there will definitely be some corresponding restrictions when the time comes, so I'll have to do it all on my own..."

Then Tao Yu set his sights on the second deification of the [Wanliu Zhuang Gong].

Very good, very strong!

[Wanliu Zhuang Gong·Change 2]: Containing blood into a pill can activate the whole body's strength, greatly increase the training effect, greatly enhance the adaptability and learning ability of various moves, and can slowly restore oneself when stepping on the ground. Physical strength, greatly increasing the upper limit of the body. As your skills improve, your physical limit will increase.


Every effect is quite outstanding and worthy of the second deification.

It greatly increases the training effect and saves more time. In addition, the pile exercise itself also has the characteristics of reducing the difficulty of the movements and completing a qualitative change.

The most important thing is that after absorbing the blood into a pill, it can activate the whole body's strength at the same time, and the superposition of strength with the Wanliu Breathing Technique leads to a qualitative improvement in the destructive power of melee combat.

"It feels a bit like the chapter of Yijinguoduogu. In the future, you will be able to master other similar abilities very quickly, and your whole body will have the same strength. The strength can be stimulated by the Qi and Blood Pill, and both the quantity and speed will be greatly improved."

Tao Yu's punch sent a burst of explosions in the air.

"And stepping on the ground can slowly restore physical strength..."

Tao Yu maintained the stance of Zhuang Gong, feeling the trickle of water entering the body from the Yongquan point, and then participating in the body's microcirculation, and then opened his eyes.

"It is somewhat similar to the free energy absorbed by the basic breathing method. The effect is slightly better. After superposition, it is enough to cope with daily activities. This function is just a bonus. I will never starve to death in the future."

Very good, now it’s time to squeeze out all the potential!

The full moon is in the sky, and although it has entered the middle of the night, there is still a certain degree of visibility in the city without lights at night.

Dark buildings are rising one after another, without any life at all. Now, even the number of zombies on some main roads has been greatly reduced.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, a figure performed a set of boxing skills smoothly. The strong wind danced, and the originally scattered weeds in the park were also lifted up. An alien turtle shivered beside it.

"The foundation of the Five Forms is that the pile skills are not lacking. With the pile skills as the framework, the Five Forms Boxing can be practiced and fought at your fingertips..."

Tao Yu looked at the lv5 level achieved by each of his five-shaped boxing techniques, and even the [Five-Shaped Integration] reached lv4, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Unexpectedly, these skills were the first to reach level 5, all because of the strong foundation of the pile skills themselves.

"On the last day, it's time to raise the body."

Tao Yu came to the corpse raising place.

With the help of this ready-made corpse raising ground and the feeding of his own essence and blood, the Yin Qi nearby has become more and more gloomy.

Especially now that the full moon is approaching, one can even feel a sudden drop in temperature.

"If you don't ask for comparison, the one who was beaten to death by the Sun siblings can't be worse than the one who was beaten to death by me."

As Tao Yu made the secrets with his hands, his mental power surged.


With his fingers raised, the two corpses burst out of the ground in an instant and stood upright on the spot!

There was no clothes, but the needle-like black hair all over his body was well covered, which made Tao Yu's face show a look of joy.

"The wait was not in vain, it even started to grow hair."

I went over to feel it. Although these black hairs were not as hard as the broken corpses I saw before and could be broken, they were already very good, similar to the reactive armor worn on the outside.

Tao Yu then closed his eyes and performed the Corpse Control Technique.


The black hair flowed back into the bodies of the two corpses like shadows, and then Tao Yu squeezed their stiff bodies.

"Good guy, although your strength is not as good as mine now, your body's defense should be much higher. This time was not wasted."

Tao Yu was also very satisfied when she felt the metallic sound after knocking on it.

It's just that ordinary corpse refining definitely doesn't have this effect, but the land itself is too excellent.

He picked up an ordinary pistol and fired a few test shots at the two zombies. All the bullets with sparks bounced away!

Then he switched to an assault rifle and started firing. Looking at the bullets that could only penetrate the skin, Tao Yu nodded.

AP bullets should be able to penetrate into the flesh, but that's all, and will hardly have much impact on the body.

"Although I still have a big flaw in flexibility, I just lack a meat shield, and I can turn into a shadow when necessary..."

Tao Yu is self-aware. His attack has been seriously overflowing, but in terms of defense, he is far from being able to block bullets without wearing this bulletproof vest.

The tail sting of the alien may not be blocked even with a bulletproof vest.

But the two zombies in front of him can achieve such excellent results through specialized refining.

"The fragments of the zombie in front are also very important as nutrients, and the effect of this land has also been reduced a lot."

Tao Yu has the knowledge of refining corpses. Looking at the black land after breaking the ground, he also knows that the effectiveness of this land has been significantly reduced.

The people of a city can only achieve this effect. To be honest, this efficiency is really low.

But for the 'stealer', I am afraid that he doesn't care at all. It can bring a little improvement, and it doesn't matter how many people die!

Tao Yu focused on Cao Shaolin, and then with a twist, the black hair appeared again, and unlike the beginning, these black hairs seemed to have become the shadow of an invisible object.

Cao Shaolin's originally stiff arms softened and swung like noodles.

"The shadow effect is good, but it consumes too much mental energy. If it weren't for [Meditation], it would be difficult to use it in actual combat. It can be unexpected."

Tao Yu made a judgment in his heart, and then changed the two zombies into the sportswear and bulletproof vests that had been prepared.

Then the body of Weinuo next to him began to be gradually wrapped by the shadow, turning into a pool of black water and directly merging into the shadow.

Closing his eyes and sensing it, the shadow power absorption speed was twice as fast as the seven-day quick version of the zombie!

Half a day is enough to fill up the shadow power.

In the future, Weinuo will be a personal bodyguard, responsible for passively absorbing the shadow power to charge, and as a means of protection in emergency situations, and openly use Cao Shaolin.

"Only by showing a certain strength can you get better benefits, just grasp the degree."

Before killing a troublemaker, the income of wish power increased by tens of thousands directly, which is all the benefits brought by strength!

"Go back to the base and lend the car to Jack or Miss Sun, and then you can start saving resources for talent..." Tao Yu exhaled slowly. The first time he entered the abyss, he already had the ability to fight against the aliens. But at that time, he could only withstand the power of a single blow from the aliens. It is safest to start hunting now! You can let go and do whatever you want. As long as there are enough aliens, the efficiency can be greatly improved. "Although the transportation income has dropped in the second month, it should be able to get at least 50,000 or 60,000. If you catch another queen, you can try to save enough resources for a talent in a month. I hope the reward for the hunting mission has not dropped..." Looking at the sky, Tao Yu did not rush overnight. After working so hard for so long, it is better to have a good rest for a night to adjust your state. Looking back at Cao Shaolin, Tao Yu was also wondering if he could let this thing learn to drive... "It seems that letting Xiao Hei learn to drive is more reliable than letting zombies learn to drive..."

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