Mas looked at Tao Yu's figure disappearing again, his whole face looked extremely solemn.

It's not like I didn't pay the price for dodging the attack before!

At this time, he kept backing up and leaning against the statue, saying in a deep voice

"Friend, your abilities are not serious. We don't need to fight to the death. I only believe in the evil god for power. There is no conflict between you and me..."

There was no sound in response. Mars remained highly alert, vaguely feeling that the other party had been looking for loopholes around him.

"This ghost world is not peaceful. It's just for strength. There's nothing wrong with that. There's no need to sacrifice your life for the big shots in the floating city. People still have to do it for themselves! Isn't it?

"I only joined the Church of the Evil God to protect myself. I can quit. I still have sense. How about we shake hands and make peace?"

The bewitching voice in Mas's mouth did not stop, and it seemed to have a strange effect that made it easy for others to believe him.

But this is meaningless to Tao Yu in the shadow!

He kept moving around, but found that Mas could face him head-on every time.

Thinking of the blow that the opponent had used to cut off Wei Nuo's head, Tao Yu knew that he could not withstand this blow.

After several tests, the next moment, Tao Yu began to retreat quickly. Wei Nuo, who had lost his head, and Cao Shaolin, whose body was still hanging on his body, rushed towards Mas at the same time.

Tao Yu himself drew out his AT200 and started firing at Mas from a distance.

If you can't get close enough, just shoot!

Shadows are attached to the bullets, causing the bullets to be instantly coated with a thick layer of ink!

The moment Tao Yu retreated, Mas turned around and hid behind the statue, and shouted sternly at the same time.

"You forced me to do this! You are looking for death!"

Many bullets hit the statue, but were completely unable to penetrate it.

The power of shadow like ink spattered, seeming to seep into the many cracks of the statue, and the cracks continued to spread.

It's just that even with armor-piercing bullets, it just can't penetrate the statue.

However, there were several bullets that Tao Yu had concentrated his mental power on, but they started moving in an arc when they came out of the barrel. When they arrived near the statue, they had opened up a sufficient angle, and at the same time, they were moving towards the horse behind them. Cover and go!


While the statue was cut off by Mas with a knife, continuous bullets also penetrated Mas' head.

Before Mas's body fell, Tao Yu's pupils shrank and he saw the broken center of the statue, and a strange arc-shaped ripple appeared in all directions at an extremely fast speed!

The key is that all-round coverage mode, which made Tao Yu unable to find any place to hide even in [Bullet Time].

There is no other way except to rely on [Bullet Time] to barely escape into the shadows and rely on the deformed buffer to resist.

The bear shape superimposes the strength of the whole body, and the energy and blood pills are activated to cover the whole body.

The mental power is highly concentrated, and the will power in the body is always ready to be restored.


"That's it?"

Immediately penetrated by this ripple, Tao Yu blinked as if nothing happened.

It turned out to be a mental attack, I was shocked...

But in just a moment, the contact between two zombies at close range was broken, which is enough to show the strength of the mental impact.

After returning to rely on blood essence and blood to complete the restart of the zombies, Tao Yu also saw Mas lying on the ground dead.

"Mas, the pioneer of the inner city, doesn't seem to be very famous. He has always kept a low profile, but his strength is not inferior to that of Taff. Is it a gift from the Evil God Church..."

Tao Yu also felt a little solemn in her heart.

"I just have many methods. If one method doesn't work, I'll try another one. I just fight in close combat. His high perception, high speed and high damage are really a bit overpowering for me. The sword is too long, and the impact of the fist's intention through the air should be It won’t make him lose his fighting ability..."

Picking up Wei Nuo's head and looking at the smooth opening, Tao Yu couldn't help but feel a little emotional. The power of this blow could split an armored car apart. The zombie's body couldn't stop it, and he certainly couldn't stop it either.

After placing the head on Wei Nuo's head again, and then letting it turn into a shadow and return to the shadow to recover, Tao Yu controlled the eyeless Cao Shaolin to start touching the corpse.

The one closest to the statue was Mas. At this time, not only was he hit by a bullet in the head, his eyes widened with eyes wide open, but he also withstood the strongest mental impact at close range, which was considered a last-minute hit.

But even so, Tao Yu continued to control Cao Shaolin and stepped on his head, and then began to look for some props on his body.

Then Tao Yu discovered that the physical blood vessels on Mas's body were squirming like black worms, and they actually still had some vitality!

I just don't know if it's a trace left by his previous prayers, or if it was activated by spiritual shock from being too close to the statue.

After carefully checking the dead objects and other corpses nearby, and confirming that there were no major problems, Tao Yu finally chose to let Cao Shaolin stack several corpses on top of each other, pour gasoline on them and light a fire directly.

Looking at the blazing fire in front of him, Tao Yu saw Xiao Hei who was coming back. Through the 'mind connection', he could feel that Xiao Hei still suffered a certain mental impact even though he ran far away before.

The people who passed out in this temporary camp were probably all injured to some extent. The nearest tents had no sound of breathing.

Tao Yu went in to inspect the corpse that had been recently shocked to death. Tao Yu was slightly relieved after finding no traces of distortion on the corpse.

That's right, it's just that an ordinary statue of a god wouldn't be so exaggerated.

"The distance attenuation is very serious, but the self-destruction of the Evil God Statue may also cause the liquidator to throw a rat weapon..."

Tao Yu estimated that if it weren't for his own [mental immunity], other pioneers, even if they were stronger than him, would be hard-pressed to escape unscathed!

No wonder Sun Shiyu was so solemn in his instructions to him.

"Build a temporary camp, maybe do it every night and don't know what it is for. Is there a chance to convert it into a believer? Or can it absorb and collect something?"

Tao Yu thought of the woman she met in the first tent before. Judging from her terrible appearance, she might be dreaming of some indescribable dream.

Amplify desire? Kill your will?

Or is it just to please?

"I heard about the blood sacrifice before, but Maas seemed to have stopped it. It seems that he wanted to lurk for a long time..."

Thinking of this, Tao Yu actually felt some pressure.

Internal and external troubles!

But if I think about it carefully, if I were a believer of the evil god, I would probably start from the new development area first. After all, the management here is the weakest and the strength is not strong enough.

It can definitely be used as a breakthrough point.

"I just don't know how many more people in the inner city are joining the Evil God Church. What are you trying to do..."

Tao Yu sighed.

In fact, he felt that the outer city really had fertile soil for the Church of Evil God to breed, and the situation of the people in the outer city was indeed difficult to describe.

But Mas, as an inner-city person...

"It may also be that their family started their business in this way. Judging from their strength, joining the Evil God Church may bring certain benefits."

Although Tao Yu has [divine nature] and [mental immunity], when it comes to evil gods, abyss demons, etc., he has no intention of testing his limits.

Who knows how powerful those things will be?

There is already a way to reach the sky, so there is no need to take risks.

"I'd better leave it to my thighs to have a headache. I'm just a little Karami and there's no need to mess with me. Tsk~, are we going back again? I wonder if we can find the telegraph machine or radio station..."

While Tao Yu was thinking about this, Cao Shaolin had already come over with something to touch the corpse.

Fortunately for now, this guy Mars is not a self-destructive maniac.

Well, maybe the self-destruction of the statue is more dangerous for other people, but it is good news for Tao Yu.

"This knife is pretty good..."

The first thing Tao Yu got his hands on was Mas's long sword similar to a tachi. It was undoubtedly a willing item, and its attributes were quite good.

[Blade of Rebellion]: [Strong] [Sharp] [Armor Breaking] [Self-Repairing], can absorb one thousand two hundred points of wish power.

Four features, and they all work well together.

In fact, the [Giant Lizard's Fang] currently used by Tao Yu is also very good, but [Giant Lizard's Fang] is a short weapon, and having an additional long weapon to match each other is quite complementary.

After his first close attack failed, the biggest reason why he never got closer was actually the length difference between the weapons.

The airborne influence of the fist intention is greatly reduced beyond the range of the opponent's arm plus the length of the blade.

After all, the maximum lethal impact of the fist intention is after a successful hit, and the distance will decrease with the distance.

So I temporarily changed the gun.

"If you bring an evil god's lair, the reward won't be less. You can't kill less aliens than me..."

After playing with the [Blade of Treason] for a while, Tao Yu hung it on his waist without any ceremony and showed it in front of him.

Compared with some equipment that is inconvenient to see the light, this one is absolutely aboveboard.

Is there any more legitimate way to get the loot from destroying the Evil God's lair?

But then Tao Yu thought with a frozen expression

"Well, will that trigger revenge from those lunatics of the Evil God Church..."

Thinking of this, he quietly tore off some strips of cloth and wrapped them around the scabbard and handle of the Blade of Rebellion. It was better to keep a low profile...

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