There was no light in a dark cave, and there was something sticky like snot scabs under the feet, which made a clicking sound when stepped on.

There was a strange sour smell in the air.

However, this was nothing to Tao Yu. The pitch-black cave did not affect his vision.

Tao Yu felt a little speechless just looking at the two aliens on the ground who were beaten with sore blood all over the ground.

"Next time, get some paint to paint the special shapes so they can be easily distinguished..."

With the locator, it was natural for Tao Yu to find the alien nest.

With the cooperation of the younger brother who temporarily captured the strong man, there was no chance for the alien to rush over in this narrow range.

It wasn't until something was noticed inside the alien lair and the amount of exploration increased that the casualties of alien cannon fodder began to appear.

But the worst thing was the one in front of him, which struggled with another alien and came to Tao Yu, its tail still swaying wildly.

Because they were captured temporarily, the contact was far less close than that of Xiao Hei, and Tao Yu was a little confused for a while.

A tiger-shaped shot was superimposed and blasted forward with great force, and the second choice directly selected his own end.

The bad alien that was fighting with it was also a little confused, and then Tao Yu conveniently punched it again.

It became a mosaic of two groups.

"That is to say, the connection between minds has disappeared, otherwise I wouldn't know it was a wrong call."

Tao Yu looked at the makeshift man on the ground and observed a moment of silence for three seconds. Then he crossed over the corroded area that was sizzling with acid and blood and continued to move forward.

Along the way, there were alien corpses bleeding with acid everywhere. Although he had taken care to step on their shells, Tao Yu's big toes were still exposed from his tactical boots.

"I hope you can wait..."

Tao Yu hadn't even finished his thoughts here, but suddenly his spiritual sense brought a sense of crisis approaching quickly.


The next moment, Tao Yu's dynamic vision saw a flash of silver light passing by in this dark environment.

【Bullet Time】!

Started without hesitation, and quickly entered the frame-by-frame picture.

I saw a boomerang spinning at high speed, automatically turning towards me along the corner of the passage with a superb throwing technique.

In bullet time, you can clearly see the trajectory of the boomerang, as well as the twisted airflow attached to the boomerang.

A cannon fodder alien was brushed by the boomerang and cut in half like butter.

Then the force continued unabated and came straight towards me...

Tilting his head, the fierce wind flashed past, picking up a few broken hairs.

A blood stain also appeared on Tao Yu's earlobe.

"This is Weino's remaining boomerang..., big guy..."

He reached out and touched the blood stain on his earlobe. Feeling the slight pain, Tao Yu's breathing began to change.

It seems that the pumping sound of the heart can be heard directly, with the heavy impact of blood plasma.

The qi and blood pills in the Dantian are rolling, and wisps of warmth spread to the limbs and bones, giving birth to the strength of the whole body!

The strength is not as strong as the internal strength, it is fierce and domineering, but its existence time is very immediacy.

Just like the huge energy released by the instant dehydration of ATP when an ordinary person performs anaerobic exercise.

Before [Wanliu Zhuang Gong] was deified for the second time, Tao Yu could use it both as a booster and as a booster. Even if [Wanliu Breathing Technique] could superimpose strength after its first deification, this was actually the case, but it was equivalent to an instantaneous burst of strength. Stack more and become stronger!

But now that Qi and blood have become a pill, although it is not said that it can retain its power for a long time, it is not difficult to activate the energy of the cells in the body to transform it at a critical moment.

It consumes a lot of money and must be used up in a short time, but it can also complete short-term savings!

"Since Qi and Blood became a pill, I haven't used it with all my strength once, but I still have to look at your weight..."

Tao Yu stuffed a handful of Qi-boosting pills into his mouth and slowly walked forward. The next moment, he was like ink droplets melting into the water, dissipating in the wind!


The explosive air flow swept across, and when Tao Yu appeared again, he was already behind a tall alien, and then shook off the acid blood on his hand in disgust.

The green acid blood accompanied by the dissipating black mist on Tao Yu's hand was easily dispersed by force.

In addition, the [Owl Leather Gloves] that were always worn on my hands did not leave any trace at all.

"I'm so well prepared. I'm not strong enough."

Tao Yu murmured, and the tall alien corpse whose head opened a blood hole directly fell to the ground as Tao Yu shook his hand.

"Don't let me lose money by wasting my Qi-boosting pills."

Tao Yu knelt down and took a closer look at the dead alien shape.

Different from the slenderness of ordinary aliens, this alien gave Tao Yu the feeling of being 'strong' when it appeared.

It's a bit similar to the parasitized end of the Predator.

And the accuracy of swinging the darts before was indeed quite strong.

It was that dart that made Tao Yu choose a very cautious fighting method. The energy and blood stirred up the whole body and the whole body was used to superimpose the strength. Coupled with the stealth and [Shadow Control], this time he spent nearly Half physical strength.

I even took Qi-boosting pills in advance just in case.


One hit!

"This alien was born out of Wei Nuo. In terms of strength, it is even stronger than the original Wei Nuo. However, it died so hastily..."

Tao Yu flipped his fingers, and an extra dagger appeared. Then he cut open the alien's chest along the place where the will power gathered, and let the ordinary dagger pick out a heart-like thing with a sizzling sound.

This is the product of this thing's will.

“I don’t know if I have the right skills.”

Tao Yu shook the heart clean with some anticipation, then took it in his hand and felt it on the spot.

The wish power is about four hundred, and the amount of twenty ordinary aliens is higher than that of the queen that was killed earlier.

"Does this mean that this thing is stronger than the Queen? But the power of wish is not purely about strength. Maybe it is more functional?"

Tao Yu was quite surprised. The output of the giant python alien was not as high as this thing.

Tao Yu flipped his hand and swatted away a facehugger that was trying to attack him, and Tao Yu picked up his heart.

Then he called Wei Nuo, Cao Shaolin, Xiao Hei and the last cannon fodder alien to protect him, and Tao Yu completed the absorption of the heart's willpower without hesitation.

A stream of messy information was suppressed by [Mental Immunity]. You can feel that the information impact here is quite chaotic and complex, and it is highly polluting.

"Ordinary people who haven't learned meditation and don't have any related talents may not be able to bear it..."

Tao Yu felt the flow of information and was a little surprised in her heart.

Then I also sensed the general situation of the skill information. It should be an ability to strengthen the heart. It is almost complete, but it is still a little short of it. However, the rest can be completed directly with the power of will.

Tao Yu didn't hesitate, and just filled in the hundreds of willing power he had just absorbed to complete the skill.

[Heart Enhancement]: The product of the fusion of the pioneers of alloplastic implants after being parasitized by aliens, which can increase heart function without rejection.

"Hey, not bad."

Tao Yu also felt that this ability was an unexpected surprise. Although it was not top-notch, it was quite practical.

Allogeneic implantation and mechanical modification are quite powerful, and can even be regarded as shortcuts!

After working hard to improve and practice various abilities using breathing methods, it is easy to be overtaken by one of these implants.

After years of hard training, reaching the limits of the human body, and continuing to break through the limits, someone might be born with the strength of a brown bear and be slapped to death.

Uncle Tiger is actually a good example.

The hard training in the past is not as good as changing your arms at once!

It's just that Tao Yu has always been indifferent to these things. If he has the opportunity to repair his own zombies, he can forget about it.

But now, after these implants have been optimized by the alien, they have turned into products of will power and eliminated side effects!

"My dear, if different foreign bodies are implanted, will other organs be strengthened? This..."

There was some thought in Tao Yu's eyes. None of the Sun siblings had caught this kind of prey so far. Some special alien information released was that the giant python was the strongest alien.

I'm afraid this skill can be useful to both their siblings.

"Forget it, just pretend you don't know."

Tao Yu's eyes flickered for a moment, and Tao Yu sighed after all. It would be up to him if he would be offended by another foreign body implant in the future.

Seeing the deification consumption of one hundred wishes, Tao Yu also knew that the deification of this ability might not bring much surprise.

With the injection of will power, Tao Yu also felt that his heartbeat began to become more and more obvious and violent, the blood flow all over his body accelerated, and his blood pressure increased.

But after a while, it slowed down again, even beating slower than before!

It's just that the blood pumped out with every beat has increased, but it has actually surpassed the previous efficiency.

And when necessary, it can speed up again, making the heart rate exceed the limit that the heart can withstand!

[Heart Strengthening·Modification]: The first strategy is to increase the speed of qi and blood production, increase the speed of physical recovery, and increase the upper limit of the body to a certain extent.

The increase rate is not very strong, but the two aspects are very important attributes, and it can be considered a small masterpiece.

What confused Tao Yu the most was that this lv1 skill did not have any training skills!

Even if you want to invest your willpower, the efficiency is quite low.

Trying to use basic breathing techniques to mobilize, Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly.

"It's more like a solidified ability, but it can be improved with daily exercise. Although it is not cost-effective to use the will power to accelerate, daily practice is incidental, and the potential is not small..."

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