As the black mist emerged again, Tao Yu's outer armor was gradually absorbed by the body.

Except for the [Strength Belt] on her waist, she revealed a perfectly proportioned figure. Tao Yu didn't pay much attention to this and was still feeling the changes in her skills.

He has sensitively noticed that even if the outer armor is absorbed, it is completely different from the previous normal version of [Demonization]!

"It seemed to be a direct distortion of flesh and blood before, but this time it seems to be in a state of shadow superposition?"

Tao Yu stretched out her hand and pressed her skin. It was normal and there seemed to be no change. However, Tao Yu could vaguely feel that once she suffered enough attacks, some of her defenses would be triggered!

Although it is not as good as complete [demonization], it is almost half the effect.

The main thing is that this does not require additional consumption! Leaving this world is also a magical skill!


Satisfied with the current situation, Tao Yu grinned.

"I just don't know if I can control the inner armor and belt to be covered. It's not grown out of the body, but more like it was pulled out of the shadows. It should be fine..."

Tao Yu lowered his head and looked at his body. If it turned out like this every time he used it, would he be considered a pervert?

"Are you going to eat people?"

Xu Yijing asked cautiously after seeing Tao Yu recover.

At this time, she covered her face with her hands and could only blink and glance up and down between her fingers.

"Eating you?"

Tao Yu pulled down the [Strength Belt] to block the key position, and was somewhat annoyed.

What a loss, I was looked at in vain...

After sweeping through the entire apartment, he hunted enough wish fragments without any risk to complete his skills, and the practicality fully met or even exceeded expectations. Tao Yu was in a very good mood.

Clothes are easy to find in the apartment building, and it is not difficult to make them. Tao Yu even found some spare ones and put them in his bag.

Humming a little tune, he took the two zombies and Xu Yijing into the elevator and went downstairs.

"Are you going out later?"

Xu Yijing looked a little uneasy, and her pretty face was a little nervous.

"So you've been worried about this? I was planning to go. Then take me to the medical center. You won't need to follow me at the military camp."

Tao Yu said casually.

This made Xu Yijing relax a little.

While the two were chatting, Ding dong~

The elevator reached the first floor and opened the door.

"Boss Tao is back."

"Oh, Boss Tao, have you killed all the monsters? Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

"There are sports drinks here."


Tao Yu received a very warm welcome as soon as he came down, and many people seemed very attentive.

Because they were all going to be sold at the gathering place, Tao Yu didn't hide anything, and casually pushed through the crowd and spotted some new faces.

They should have gathered here during the time they were cleaning themselves.

But now the atmosphere on the first floor is a bit subtle.

At this time, the wheelchair-bound uncle was using electric welding to continuously strengthen some doors and windows. Even though he was a lame man, his manual skills were truly first-class. With this skill, he could probably live a good life in the gathering place.

In addition, among the new faces, there was an old man with a scarred face whom Tao Yu had a slight impression of.

Although he shouldn't be the protagonist, he is in the short video that Tao Yu remembers.

It's just that in Tao Yu's eyes, the scarred-faced uncle, who had the most powerful force among ordinary people, was now tied up with a rope and thrown here. He didn't know what happened during his absence.

"What's going on?"

Tao Yu asked, pointing to the scarred face on the ground.

"Boss Tao, this is a murderer. He also kidnapped one of our tenants before. Here, he is the victim."

Although the supermarket owner had been ridiculed by Tao Yu before, he still explained diligently at this time and pointed at another new face.

He was a very thin man with a somewhat handsome appearance, but there were many scars on his face that ruined his image.

After he saw Tao Yu, a flattering fake smile appeared on his face.

Just one glance made Tao Yu feel a little unhappy and inexplicably disgusted.

Although there is no sense of threat, there is always a reason for such prompts appearing in the spiritual sense for no reason.

So Tao Yu kicked the tied up scar-faced uncle and said

"What's the matter? Tell me why you want to arrest him."

When the thin man saw Tao Yu, he didn't ask about himself. Instead, he asked the scar-faced uncle, and the smile on his face couldn't help but freeze.

Then I wanted to explain.

"I didn't ask you, shut up."

Tao Yu glanced at him lightly.

It was precisely with this attitude that the scar-faced uncle, who had been silent and cold since he was caught, raised his head and looked at Tao Yu.

From some discussions, he actually already knew that this was the current person in charge, and he was still hunting monsters!

Although Scarface has also dealt with ordinary monsters, he still knows that this is definitely not an ordinary person.

"He is a perverted murderer. I just investigated him, but I haven't found any evidence yet."

Hearing this, Tao Yu raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual sense told him that the other party was not lying.

Although it is not impossible to be deceived, but combined with the disgust that the pervert gave me, it is almost the same.

"Are you a detective?"

Tao Yu asked curiously.

"No, I am a killer. I received a commission from the girl's father, but no evidence has been found..."

Hearing this, Tao Yu complained helplessly. He raised his gun and shot the pervert who had just opened his mouth to quibble in the head.

Blood sprayed directly to the ground, causing the pervert to fall into a pool of blood with a look of death, causing a burst of screams.

"Are you stupid? If you're not a detective, what evidence are you looking for? A killer..."

Tao Yu's words made the scar-faced uncle confused.

And many of the survivors nearby who had frightened faces forced out smiles.

"Ah, yes, yes, what evidence do you need to deal with the perverted murderer!"

"Yes, there are some guys who have done a lot of evil, but they can still be released."

"This is the best, once and for all."

"It was an advantage for him to die so easily."


No one was dissatisfied with Tao Yu's shooting. The small supermarket owner quickly took out a utility knife and cut the scarred uncle's rope.

The scarred uncle who had regained his freedom looked a little confused.

He thought that as a killer, he was already very good, but here came someone even more badass!

Moreover, the other party actually believed his words and even killed the pervert. This made Uncle Scarface feel a little strange in his heart, and then said in a hoarse voice.

"Do you really believe me?"

"My gut tells me you're not lying, and he smells really bad."

Tao Yu stretched out her finger and pointed at her temple, then looked at the key on the waist of the corpse on the ground and said

"If you don't want to, just go and investigate again. Most of the monsters in the apartment have been dealt with."


Uncle Scarface expressed his gratitude. He has been one since he was a child. He has never felt any warmth since a fire took away his relatives and left him disfigured.

This kind of trust is the first time!

"I'll go out later, just don't cause any trouble for me."

Tao Yu waved his hand casually.

"I'll help stabilize this place."

The scar-faced uncle said solemnly, and then picked up the key next to the perverted corpse.

"Boss, do you want to go out? There are cars in the underground garage. Uncle Han's modification ability is very strong. We can just modify a few commercial vehicles. The rainforest is not far away."

An Zhijie had been to the rainforest and knew a rough distance. He felt that as long as a few vehicles reinforced the distance, this distance should be enough.

Uncle Han is the cripple.

"I want to know something. It's going to be quick. It's time to modify the vehicle. Here, I'll give you two assault rifles."

Tao Yu pondered for a moment, then looked at Cao Shaolin and said

"Shaolin will also stay with you. I asked him to follow your instructions and protect you, but he is stupid. Call him about the fight. If there are still problems, go to the roof to find Dahei and Xiaohei. They are smarter."

"Oh, okay."

An Zhijie nodded repeatedly, and then Tao Yu temporarily concentrated her attention and ordered Cao Shaolin to temporarily obey An Zhijie's instructions.

Although Cao Shaolin wears a blindfold and looks like a blind man, he must be very strong if he can follow him to hunt monsters, but he doesn't look a bit like a human being...

"He doesn't want to eat. Just throw him aside and pretend he doesn't exist."

Tao Yu's casual words gave An Zhijie a chill in his heart.

Sure enough, this handsome guy with facial paralysis and that ugly guy are not human beings!

But then he felt relieved, the world was like this, it seemed that it was normal to not be human...

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