The next day, Tao Yu and the other five formed a team in the jungle. Chen Guan, who was holding a steel pipe and a machete, was at the front, followed by Zhang Wei, then Joseph, and then Tao Yu and Chen Guan, who was holding a machete. Wall after the shotgun breaks.

In the rainforest environment, only some sunlight shines through the branches and leaves. From time to time, you can see some small insects emerging from the thick dead leaves. There are also many colorful poisonous insects, which look very penetrating.

However, normal creatures in the rain forest, including venomous snakes, would usually be frightened away by their trip, but they did not encounter any trouble.

Joseph adjusted the receiving device on the robotic arm on the road. It was obvious that his receiving device was much stronger than Tao Yu's. He could receive the signal without climbing a tree.

And in addition to the broadcast from the siblings in the Floating City, he seemed to have also contacted another kid from the inner city, who was still close enough to complete the intercom.

"Weinuo, I received four here. The last two are quite lucky. They have a [Stamina] D+ and a [Dynamic Vision] B."


After a brief electric sound, a somewhat irritable voice came from the other side.

"Shit! [Dynamic Vision] B? The mud-legged guy from the outer city is lucky to have such a talent. Mad, why is my talent only D?"

"Haha, although your [Exclusion Optimization] is only D, its potential is still better than the ordinary B-level talent in the outer city. If he was born in the inner city, he might have a chance to compete with you."

Joseph was obviously a little gloating at this time.

During the break in communication, he casually said to Tao Yu next to him:

"This guy's awakened talent level is a bit bad, so be careful not to rush into him."

"Thank you, Brother Joseph, for the reminder."

Tao Yu behaved very well-behaved in attitude and seemed to listen to advice.

But there was some hesitation in my heart at this time.

Ever since Joseph gave him the 'miraculous medicine', the other party's face could be said to have been completely exposed!

If you are just an ordinary outsider, you may not know the threats and harms of this kind of thing. For example, that boy Zhang Wei is very excited and sincerely grateful.

Now Tao Yu also understands why so many people in the outer city have never seen any extra accumulation and savings!

My family's condition is poor. That's because my parents attach great importance to the day of awakening. The family's life and their own accelerated maintenance are completely excluded. They also have to pay the rent of the land. They want to save up this thousand surplus in bits and pieces. I'm afraid I have to tighten my belt and prepare for at least a year.

And many other families like Zhang Wei, who don't care about life and death at all, and don't give any will, probably have a lot of their spare money in the hands of this 'happy'!

Not only does it control the basic clothing, food, housing and transportation in the outer city, even if there is a little bit of surplus, it can be wiped away through "happiness", leaving not a drop left!

If possible, Tao Yu really wanted to hit the opponent directly, but through observation, he found that the opponent's head also had modifications, so he might not be able to penetrate the soul with one shot.

Once it fails, the other party will have an absolute advantage in panel attributes, and there is no chance of being spared.

And leaving alone seemed abrupt. Not to mention the sense of crisis after encountering the three snakes attack, it was hard to say whether the other party would let him go. He also needed to consider the risks when sneaking away.

After comprehensive consideration, they could only endure it for the time being. With the order on the radio, they still wanted to bring more living outsiders with them.

Moreover, my B-level talent is more valuable! He would kindly give himself 'happiness' for free, and he probably has his own ideas and demands.

At this moment, there was a sound again behind the roar of electricity.

"But since you have four over there, you can come over and add them up. Let's take over those giant python lairs and put together a set of skills."

"What? It's just a few big snakes with mortal bodies, so careful? This is not your style. You also have a start-up capital of 100,000, right? Isn't that enough for you to handle it?"

Joseph raised his eyebrows and said.

And what he said casually made Tao Yu suddenly feel like a lemon.

One hundred thousand willing units? Start-up capital?

This gap is too big!

My parents were frugal and managed to squeeze out a thousand units of Willpower from their teeth, which is pretty good. Next to me, Zhang Wei started with nothing, but here he had 100,000 units of Willpower activated just on the day he awakened!

Is this the world of rich people?

But then Tao Yu also sighed and figured out the problem. The wealth held by those in the inner city must be different from that in the outer city.

They must have a lot of the profits taken away from the outer city. The dangerous experience of entering the abyss for the first time on the day of awakening seems to give them more will power at once, and it is normal to quickly pass the weak period.

Really, my hard-earned money is not as good as other people’s pocket money...

"It used to be in the city. What happened to the madness? Now you can't be too careful when entering the abyss for the first time. Even if you and I are bitten or entangled by such a big snake, it will be a life and death dilemma."

Although Wei Nuo sounded grumpy before, when he said this, he knew he wasn't just being reckless.

They could not complete the transformation of skills like Tao Yu himself. They could only quickly strengthen various proficiencies and reach a mature bottleneck period in a short period of time.

After all, if one hundred thousand willpower is compressed and used in a short period of time, according to the physical fitness of ordinary people, it should be equivalent to more than 20,000 hours of training. If the time is stretched out, the effect will be even stronger!

But as their own strength increases rapidly, this acceleration effect will only become weaker and weaker, and there will be a marginal effect.

In addition, they must have mastered some more advanced skills to a certain extent, and the consumption ratio will be higher.

After all these, their strength is also within the estimated range. At the beginning, they have surpassed the end point of most people in the outer city, but it does not mean that they can fly into the sky and hide in the ground.

The giant python can kill Tao Yu in seconds, but judging from Joseph's current state, if he is really attacked by a sneak attack, even if he does not die, he will be skinned.

Thinking of his own talent, Tao Yu quickly balanced his heart.

Then his mind became more active.

It seems that Weinuo may have found the location of the blood orchid.

But unfortunately, with Joseph and Weinuo, two guys from the inner city, it is difficult to get the big head. Let's take it one step at a time. If the blood orchid is more hidden, they may not notice this kind of wish item...


It is difficult to locate in the rainforest, but Joseph and Weinuo both have short-distance communication equipment in their hands. Through some marks along the way and constant communication, they are getting closer and closer.

"I saw the stream you mentioned. Did you light a fire?"

"Yes, come here first. There is an uninhabited primitive village here."

Continuing along the stream, the group suddenly saw a thatched house built with branches and dead leaves, and then more and more, revealing a village full of primitive style.

It was already noon, there were few trees in the village, and the scorching sun was shining down, but even so, a bonfire lit in the center of the village could be seen, and black smoke rushed straight to the sky.

Next to the bonfire was a small pavilion built with branches, and three people were sitting inside.

One of them was a burly bald man with a physique of more than two meters, which attracted Tao Yu's attention.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Tao Yu could see that he had a rather exaggerated inverted triangle body shape, and his body was shining with metallic luster.

At first glance, Tao Yu thought it was a mechanical modification, but then he found out that it was a full set of metal armor!

At this time, he took off the helmet and put it aside, and there was a huge double-edged axe next to it, which should be his weapon.

Through the uncovered neck, you can see a kind of raised stratum corneum-like skin, which has spread all the way to the bald head, which looks a bit hideous and obviously different from normal people!

This should be the "alienation" mentioned by Joseph, choosing to implant some non-human tissues to complete the enhancement.

The implantation surgery was completed before entering, and after entering, it mainly depends on willpower to quickly adapt to the skills.

There are also mechanical arms in the outer city, but Tao Yu has never seen an alien body before.

Even if it may be related to their family's vision, it is enough to show that the number of alien bodies in the outer city is less than that of mechanical prostheses.

Maybe the side effects will be greater and more troublesome, but from the fact that the other party can wear the full body armor as daily action equipment without any care, it can also be seen that this can indeed bring a strong physique, a physique beyond the limit of the normal human body!

No wonder he wants to team up with Joseph.

This guy should be good at picking up heavy weapons and slashing, and confronting those giant pythons head-on.

The paper data brought by the exaggerated size of the giant python is here, which is indeed not very friendly to him. If he takes a gun and shoots, he will not be as good as Tao Yu.

Now with Joseph who has the ability to strike from a distance, it is indeed a complete complement...


When Weinuo heard the movement behind him, he also stopped chatting and turned his head to see a group of people at the entrance of the village.

The two people from the outer city beside him looked very different at this time. One of them was in rags, and in addition to some red packets bitten by poisonous insects, there were also obvious signs of beating.

The other one was much better, although he looked inconspicuous in front of the more than two-meter Weinuo.

But his height of 1.8 meters and his burly figure also made him look very strong. He was wearing a tactical suit, a bulletproof vest and goggles, which was considered to be quite top-notch equipment among the outer city.

After seeing the people at the entrance of the village, Li Le also said with a little attentiveness

"Lord Weino, my family used to come from the inner city, you should give them 'happiness', hehe~"

"Tsk, what's wrong with the inner city? I'm not using it either, forget it, it's boring."

Weino rolled his eyes at Li Le and said nothing more, which made Li Le smile while rolling his eyes in his heart. You don't care about the enhancement of your alien body, maybe you need to rely on this to suppress the rejection.

He knew what this thing was, and it was better to call it 'devil' instead of 'happiness'...

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