With the relationship of interest, everyone was tied together, and the subsequent chat became smoother. Tao Yu also briefly talked about the updates in the new world, focusing first on Nanbang's military strength.

Then he mentioned the skills of this new world.

"This ability is still good, even without the blessing of the world."

Tao Yu simply attached cuticles to her fingers, forming claws and scratched Panda's tough skin, directly drawing a bloody mark.

"Can it cover the whole body?"

Panda felt a little shocked and happy after feeling it. This is quite suitable for the ability of the allogeneic implant side.

Although he already knew from Noson that the alien body implanted in that world would be quite active.

But originally they have been in the process of fighting against rejection. It is actually not bad to rely on drugs to adapt to it as early exercise.

"Yes, but the [Demonization] skill is based on everyone's deepest desires, and it needs to be completely suppressed for fifteen days before it can be considered safe. Otherwise, you may lose your mind and need to spend extra willpower to kick it out... "

Tao Yu [Demonized] was like this before he was deified. As long as Tao Yu doesn't reflect some of the additional functions after being deified, it doesn't look any different at all.

Moreover, [Demonization] originally follows individual differences. Everyone is different and does not have exactly the same abilities. Tao Yu also briefly stated the advantages and disadvantages of [Demonization].

"I have a vaccine here that I can lend to you first. Use it if you can't bear it anymore. But you have to figure out how to deal with the contamination during the previous absorption."

Tao Yu took out a vaccine and lent it to Panda. If Panda used it, he would naturally replenish his willpower. If it didn't work, he could just return it.

He had advanced many wishes in the past, which was a return favor. Tao Yu could see that he was very excited about the ability of [Demonization].

"Haha, thank you Brother Tao."

Panda is not polite. Isn't the relationship between you helping me and me helping you getting to know each other?

Except for the parents, it is impossible for any party to pay blindly for a long time.

"It's no big deal, I'll take them back to hand in the mission first."

Tao Yu waved his hand indifferently. The remaining vaccine cooperation information and researchers were more than enough to hand in as tasks.

If I hadn't collected an extra set of [Demonization] skills to prepare for my third brother, then it wouldn't matter if I just sold them to him.

"There are a lot of people. Let me help Brother Tao arrange a ride."

"Hey, this base has also invested in it?"

"Brother Tao also has a share in the name of the company. There were cultists here before, but this location is really good, so everyone met together and bought a share here. Mainly for convenience and benefits. Maybe it’s just average.”

Panda's words did not surprise Tao Yu much. The business of buying low and selling high here is also risky, and with more people participating, the profits that can be shared are indeed limited.

But with the convenience of buying shares, it will be more convenient to collect intelligence or collect materials at a specific location.

And the same is true for the situation in front of us, where vehicles can be arranged immediately...

A modified bus was driving on the road. The front bumper of the bus was welded with steel bars, and the windows were also covered with barbed wire.

Twenty soldiers from the Crow Squad, a dozen survivors from the Green House, and four researchers including Dr. Ren almost filled the entire bus.

A soldier from the Crow Squad was driving the bus, while Tao Yu was sitting in the co-pilot, commanding and practicing meditation.

Xiao Hei lay on the roof of the car to rest, while Da Hei kept running with the car along the way.

On this road where the speed is too low, it seems quite harmonious.

Occasionally, a car would drive forward with a Trailblazer. Many people would curiously look at the big black man next to him and the little black man on the roof of the car, but no one made any extra move.

In addition, he also passed some pioneers walking towards the base along the way again and again.

It seems that they may all be new arrivals, and all of them are tired of travel.

When I saw the base again, I found that there were some changes in the appearance of the base. There were more tents in some places, and many people were digging some ditches, which seemed to be expanding the drainage system of the base.

Tao Yu, who had listened to the radio on the road, looked a little strange at this time.

It may be that more and more people are coming, which has caused the health condition of the base to deteriorate sharply.

Sun Shiqing was even a little annoyed and specifically stated on the radio that public defecation was not allowed, and later even threatened to confiscate the crime tools.

"I don't know how effective it will be, but this is a military base. Even if tens of thousands of people eat, drink, and eat, there shouldn't be any problems. It should still be some habits..."

Tao Yu knew that not only were there some bad habits of the pioneers from the outer city, but the surviving aborigines here in Damei were not necessarily any better.

"Don't let this place turn into the ghostly environment of the outer city again..."

A bus came over from Tao Yu's side, and the Alien Queen was also there. It really attracted the attention of the base guards from a distance.

A pioneer who took over the task of guarding came over with two armed aborigines with some anxiety. Looking at the Alien Queen, he swallowed his saliva.

"Dear Master Pioneer, can this Alien Queen be chained?"

The pioneer came up to discuss it.

Then he took out a sign from behind. There were a few eye-catching large characters written on the sign. There was nothing profound about it, it was just easy to understand.

For example, it prohibits open defecation and so on, and it also comes with abstract pictures.

There is another one where the alien is chained up, painted on the picture, and takes full responsibility for biting people regardless of the reason.

"That's just about aliens, not the alien queen. Don't worry, she won't bite."

Where can Tao Yu get the chain temporarily?

But soon a sharp-eyed pioneer came next to him with a chain.

"Sir, do you want to buy a chain? A 10-year-old chain, strong and durable, guaranteed to be replaced if it breaks!"

Good guy, and this business, it seems that many people have tried to domesticate ordinary aliens.

When Tao Yu tamed Xiao Hei for the first time, he had no skills at all and was just tough and reckless. It seems that the aliens are indeed a group that is relatively aware of current affairs and can be domesticated.

"Two of them."

Tao Yu didn't want to worry about this little income, so she took the opponent's wish metal and injected it with wish power, then threw it out for Xiao Hei and Da Hei to put on themselves.

There were many whispers among the people watching as the alien tied a chain to himself and even hung the other end on the guardrail of the car.

"You're well trained to be obedient."

"They are the most obedient ones I have ever seen. Many of them even prepare their own muzzles and tie their tails to their bodies."

"Master himself has been bitten by aliens many times. This task is not easy to do."

"The Alien Queen is here, and there are no two ends of the farm, right? It's the boss..."


In this way, Tao Yu successfully entered the base with a group of people, and directly took the two aliens and led them towards the mission hall.

Hand over the task first and then talk!

Each of the two 'Chosen Ones', the latest intelligence, vaccine information, researchers and vaccine samples can earn a lot of money in exchange.

The second deification of [Fist Intent] should be more than enough.

In addition, the Alien Queen can also see if there are any special tasks that can be cooperated with to lay eggs here. Tao Yu does not necessarily have to bring Dahei.

Although it is true that it can be used as a mount, it is too big and cannot enter many places. If you can make money in a steady stream, then use it decisively to make money...

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