All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 166 Geniuses from the Outer City

‘Gourmet City’ is different from a comprehensive city like ‘Hound City’.

The main thing that this walled city can offer is a variety of chefs and various delicacies. It has the channels for breeding willing creatures in the old development area, and there are a large number of chefs gathering together, making this walled city a food street.

The sky is getting darker and the 'Food City' has hung lanterns on each machine gun tower, and there are many torches lit inside. There is a smell of pine in the air, and the interiors of several restaurants that are still open are brightly lit.

However, the consumption level in the outer city is here, and only some members of the security team have money to eat in small restaurants occasionally.

There are several relatively better restaurants inside, targeting people at the level of leaders of various organizations in the outer city.

The per capita consumption of a meal can reach dozens or hundreds of wishes, or even higher.

This is absolutely unacceptable to most people from outside the city.

Being rich is not so easy.

Those who can come to these restaurants for dinner must be considered capable in the outer city. At least they must be core members of gangs or captains of the security team.

"You are very rich. I chose this place for a dinner party. I don't know how many people were invited. They should only have A-level talents and those who are comparable to A-level. If B-level is included, it will make me feel sick."

Tao Yu came to the gate of the walled city. Even if he wasn't wearing his partner's uniform, it was quite easy to enter the walled city with his current appearance.

The 'No. 1 Restaurant' where the dinner is held is a small courtyard, separated by wooden partitions. There are some green plants and flower beds inside, which makes it feel like a quiet place in the middle of a bustle.

Four wooden lofts are located at the four corners of the courtyard, guarding the largest hall in the middle.

There is a corridor connecting the attic and the middle hall, and even when the sky is getting dark, it is still full of oil lamps.

This kind of environment appeared in the outer city. It can be said that Tao Yu felt a little out of place, and his painting style had changed.

"Sure enough, no matter how bad a place is, rich people still want to enjoy it. No wonder there are so many people who don't go to the inner city even if they have the qualifications."

Tao Yu had been baptized in his previous life, so this style of painting didn't have any impact on him, but he just felt a little emotional.

"Sir, do you have a reservation?"

A good-looking greeter at the entrance of the courtyard asked in a gentle voice when he saw Tao Yu coming.

"Let's go to B21, Mr. Niu booked it."

"May I ask your name, sir?"

"Tao Yu."

"Okay, sir, please come with me."

The smile on the beautiful welcoming guest's face suddenly became brighter. She stayed very close to Tao Yu when she was guiding him, and occasionally touched her body.

Regarding this situation, Tao Yu neither resisted nor took the initiative. Compared with the little rich woman's seductiveness, there was no comparison at all.

The reserved place is not the central hall, but an attic next to it.

On the second floor of the attic, after going up the stairs, Tao Yu also saw seven or eight people who had already come here chatting. Judging from the situation, he arrived late.

Lin Chao is also here.

After seeing Tao Yu, he took the initiative to say hello with a smile.

"Brother Tao, we meet again. Every time we meet, it makes me scared."

Hearing Lin Chao's words, Tao Yu also smiled

"That's because you have great talent."

The exchange between Tao Yu and Lin Chao also attracted the attention of others.

In fact, it can be seen that Lin Chao is currently in a relatively central position among this group of people.

[Intuition] This talent is great as a teammate, especially when pioneering an unknown world.

"Brother Chao, is this the Brother Tao you mentioned?"

A pockmarked girl who looked short and a little out of her depth asked Lin Chao.

The other party looked at Lin Chao with a look in his eyes, as if he was looking for something to say.

"Yes, a genius whose abilities and talents are far above mine."

While talking, Lin Chao also introduced Tao Yu

"This is also a member of our club, Wang Xiaoli, with A-level agility talent. She can kill aliens in close combat and has good combat power."


Tao Yu nodded to the pockmarked girl who jumped away and looked at the dagger on the opponent's waist. Using short weapons to kill aliens at close range was indeed a sign of good strength.

At least this is the case for this group of newcomers in the newly developed area. It may be a bit tight for her to earn money on her own. She should also have the support funds and even skills of the society.

Everyone present did not take Lin Chao's honest comment as "far above me" to heart.

Once you get to know Lin Chao's character, you will gradually understand him, and you will think that he is just humble.

But even so, most of the seven or eight people at the scene looked at Tao Yu with good intentions. Many of them smiled and nodded when Lin Chao introduced him, or exchanged some pleasantries with him.

They are all geniuses from the outer city, and they don't have the bad habits of those young men in the inner city.

I would have been invited to come just to make friends and form a team.

Only a fool would make enemies here.

Therefore, the atmosphere at the scene was indeed quite harmonious. Except for the two people, whose family status was relatively good in the outer city, most of the others had climbed up from the real bottom, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Actually, it's pretty good. Four boys and four girls. We all probably haven't gotten married yet. Why don't we just divide it among ourselves and digest it internally."

A tall and thick-set man seemed to be having a very interesting conversation at this time and laughed.

He winked at another tall beauty next to him, with a height of about seven inches.

Among the eight people present, the two of them are considered to be the two with the best conditions in their families. The man is the son of a certain city affairs officer, named Zhang Lei, and the woman’s father is a captain of the security team, and his status is similar to that of Uncle Hu before. His name is Zhao Yan.

Hearing this, the woman named Zhao Yan was not too repelled, she just said

"Come on, now is the time when subsidies are highest in the new development area. I don't want to get pregnant now."

As long as your talent is in place, being ugly doesn't really matter!

However, she still glanced at Tao Yu's face.

Among the men present, Tao Yu was the most handsome.

It would be better if talent and good looks can coexist.

"I haven't thought about it yet, it's up to you."

Tao Yu didn't want to continue to extend this topic. The conversation was already going well, so don't let this kind of thing ruin the atmosphere.

"Me too."

Lin Chao expressed his stance immediately, making the pockmarked girl look a little disappointed.

Looking down at her washboard, she felt that she was just malnourished and there would be a chance to save her when conditions improved.

"Well, if two people don't want to, then there's no chance."

The rough man who made the suggestion yelled a few words, but didn't insist on it. Then he asked inquiringly.

"Do you know anything about this S-level eldest brother? I have some gossip. His father seems to be from Gourmet City. Although his status was not high before, now that his son with S-level talent appears, he suddenly surge."

"Oh? Now we only know that this big brother is an S-level talent. Do you know what he is specifically?"

"It seems to be [Fighting Intent], a comprehensive talent that takes into account both physical and spiritual abilities. If the level is low, it will be a bit embarrassing. If you are not good enough, you will not be able to do low. But if the level is high, it is excellent."

"[Fighting Intent], although the essence is not as good as Chao Brother's [Intuition], it is also a dual-cultivation path. It is not easy to leave shortcomings after the potential is developed, and S-level is a bit exaggerated."

Another man who looked a little thin also spoke at this time.

Although Lin Chao's [Intuition] is only B-level, it is almost equivalent to ordinary A+ to S- combat talents. He is the second-best genius on the scene second only to the S-level talent.

In addition to his good personality, at least people here don't reject him.

At this moment, the sound of wooden planks going upstairs was heard again from the stairs.

Arrive before anyone arrives

"Thank you for your compliments. I, Niu Changchun, invite you all to get together this time just to enhance our relationship and facilitate our mutual help in the new development area in the future. When we enter the inner city together in the future, we can also form a mutual aid club. "

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