"...Follow the route I mentioned and you can get to Las Vegas first. The zombies there have been almost cleared. When you get to the nearby area, there should be someone rushing to escort you to the base..."

Tao Yu stuck his head out of the window of the RV at the height of a truck and said to the driver of a pickup truck next to him that looked very sturdy after being modified.

There should be a family of five in the car, and there was no hostility. Tao Yu reminded them and briefly explained the route he took. At least this road was relatively unobstructed.

Because of the height of the vehicle, they did not see the black man driving, otherwise they would not be able to be so calm.

"Thank you, thank you."

The bearded driver with a vicissitudes of life kept thanking Tao Yu.

"Well, I have something to do and I'll leave first. I wish you a safe journey."

"I wish you a safe journey too."

After saying goodbye, the two cars passed each other, and Tao Yu continued to drive in Canada.

The temperature had dropped significantly at this time.

Las Vegas is a desert environment. Although the temperature difference between day and night is large, the daytime temperature is not low even in winter.

But now we are heading north to Canada, and the temperature is getting colder.

"I hope it won't snow. There aren't many people shoveling snow here..."

The weather in the abyss is a bit chaotic, so Tao Yu is not sure whether it will snow ahead. However, Alaska is in the Arctic Circle. If the climate remains the same as before and does not warm up this year, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to reach his destination by simply driving the RV.

Although snow tires and anti-skid chains are also prepared, and the horsepower of the car is enough, after all, no one has maintained it for so long, and it is unknown what the snow on the road will be like.

Xiao Hei continued to drive forward, and Tao Yu picked up the map again to determine the next landmark.

"Just now, the other party said that there were two strange people on horseback in front, but they could not communicate because of the language barrier. I don't know if there are people from that world coming over. The world of Peach Blossom Island does not have an obvious world barrier, and the barrier of the zombie world is one-way. I don't know if the zombie virus will be transmitted..."

While flipping through the map, Tao Yu was also thinking in his heart.

However, if we can meet them, we can meet them and learn about the situation, such as whether it snows on the road, and then determine what time it is in that world.

After all, the time span of Peach Blossom Island is actually quite long.

Tao Yu did not see any strange people on horses along the way, maybe he missed them, and slowly snow did appear on both sides of the road.

But the snow was not thick, there was only a shallow layer on the road, and the sky did not continue to snow.

"It should be due to the weather change..."

Tao Yu looked at the snow scene outside, crossing here alone, with only aliens and zombies accompanying him. He felt lonely and relaxed.

"The scenery is pretty good."

However, not long after driving along this road, Tao Yu vaguely saw smoke from cooking in the distance, with a little fire.

"Someone, drive slower."

Tao Yu ordered Xiao Hei, and as the car approached, he also saw two horses hanging by the tree through his eyesight.

In this already somewhat cold climate, the two horses would snort and spray white air.

A man and a woman can be seen sitting next to the fire, seemingly roasting squirrels.

There are cloth packages and swords hanging on the backs of the horses, which are most likely from that world.

"But that's not right, isn't it Linhai? Did they also transport the horses on the ship? These don't look like local horses."

Tao Yu hesitated.

But since he saw it, he was ready to take the initiative to go over and find out.

"Park here and don't move."

Tao Yu comforted Xiao Hei from a distance, then opened the door and walked down.

As soon as the door was opened, a cold wind blew in, and the temperature outside was much lower.

The size of this RV was placed here, and there was nothing to cover it up when approaching, and it also failed to hide it from the man and woman.

At this time, they looked at Tao Yu who got off the car with some vigilance.

The man and woman were both dressed in tight clothes and carrying swords. The woman was about 27 or 28 years old, with a melon-seed face, willow-leaf eyebrows, fair skin, and a hint of mature charm at the corners of her eyebrows. She looked very beautiful.

The white coarse cloth outfit, with the waist tied, could not hide the exquisite figure at all.

Although the man was burly and had a rough appearance, he could still vaguely see a hint of youthfulness. He was probably no more than 20 years old, and his brown outfit was also bulging with muscles.

However, although they were both dressed as a chivalrous woman and a knight, Tao Yu did not feel that they could bring much threat.

To be honest, when she first saw this beauty, Tao Yu thought that Huang Rong had sneaked out of the island.

Because her appearance was indeed very high, although she could not compare with the little rich woman, she was much better than the other beauties she had seen. The faces of those in the Green Family were obviously not as good as hers.

Even though Tao Yu had experienced the baptism of the little rich woman, she still looked at him twice more. He should be an important character. I wonder if he is the chosen one.

But the man next to him, why can't he match the character? Guo Jing, he is too young, Yang Guo, the style is not right.

"I don't know where you two came from, and I don't know if you already know anything about this world."

Tao Yu saw the two people's alert expressions, raised his hands and clasped his fists.

After hearing Tao Yu's words, the two people's eyes lit up, and finally the beautiful woman stepped forward and clasped her hands and said

"Cheng Lixue is sent to Xiaxue Mountain. This is my junior brother Zhang Hao. We were originally ordered by our master to go to northern Sichuan to pick up our senior brother and eradicate the Skeleton Gang that was rampant in the area. However, when we left the mountain gate, we suddenly encountered a mist and lost our way in the mist. After waiting for a long time, I came out but no longer knew where I was..."

When Tao Yu heard Cheng Lixue's words, she couldn't help but look confused.

In the gold system, the Snow Mountain Sect seems to have a presence in the Xia Ke Xing, but Peach Blossom Island seems to be a bit mismatched.

Moreover, they did not come across the sea by ferry, but came here when they encountered the fog after leaving the mountain gate. They always felt that something was strange.

"...After arriving here, I discovered that there were strange things that could move without horses and at surprisingly fast speeds. I also encountered some living dead who feed on humans. I also met the living by chance. They were all strangers from the Western Regions and could not understand the language. Sir, he knew the Central Plains Yu, can you tell me where this is?"

Although Cheng Lixue tried to act calmly, she was still a little anxious inside.

Encountering such a completely incomprehensible thing, if she didn't have a junior brother to take care of and had to be strong, she would almost collapse.

"This place is called the Abyss, and it is the place where all realms end. You may have happened to encounter the world falling and were dropped here at will."

While Tao Yu was deep in thought, he briefly explained the situation.

She is so beautiful, she must be the protagonist of some world, right? He fell into the abyss without incident, and seemed to be protected by luck. The possibility of being the chosen one cannot be ruled out, so it is a good thing to be sincere and explain clearly.

However, Tao Yu also needed to collect information, so he first told a piece of explosive information. When neither of them could react, he continued to ask.

"I wonder if you two know about 'Peach Blossom Island'?"

While talking, Tao Yu also concentrated on the expressions of the two people.

Sure enough, both of them looked a little confused.

"Among the seven overseas islands, I have never heard of this name. Maybe it is an unknown island."

Cheng Lixue said steadily.

Yes, it fell nearby accidentally.

Snow Mountain Sect and Skeleton Gang, these names are really popular. There was a Skeleton Gang before this world, but it is gone.

"The fragment of the world ahead is the boundary of Peach Blossom Island. Maybe you can get familiar with the environment there. I wonder if you are willing to go together. I can also tell you more about the current situation and changes."

They were already here. Before Tao Yu got what he wanted, he wouldn't have taken them back home. The journey was not short.

What if he is a fake chosen one? Isn’t that a loss of blood?

So why not just go on the road together.

At present, most of these aborigines are much more trustworthy than the pioneers, not to mention that the two of them are also knights. I just don't know whether the upright people from the famous family are the kind who go up side by side, or whether they are really upright.

In short, in terms of strength, I can still hold it down.

You can also listen in and ask questions about internal strength.

At least when learning, you must know the acupoints and meridians, otherwise you may not know how to practice even if you have magical skills.

It didn't matter what mental techniques or moves they had. Tao Yu felt that the two of them, who couldn't even give him a threatening aura, didn't have any advanced martial arts skills, and they were definitely not as good as the ones he was eyeing.

In the case of uncertain conflicts between internal forces, Tao Yu didn't want to learn some rubbish skills and waste them.

Anyway, we are about to reach the other side, so I happened to ask for some knowledge on meridians and acupuncture points on the way, which is quite fulfilling.

Cheng Lixue and Zhang Hao briefly discussed it with each other, and Cheng Lixue finally agreed.

"Okay, please sir."

Cheng Lixue looked Tao Yu up and down. He was a very handsome young man. He was about the same age as his junior brother. He had a well-proportioned figure and a stable lower body. He should also be a practitioner.

However, through the experience of walking in the rivers and lakes, looking at his temples and other places, it seems that he has not practiced internal strength, but only practiced external kung fu. This does not pose any threat. I can control the situation, so it is not a big problem...

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