
A tiger's roar rang in Huang Yaoshi's ears, seeming to completely subdue his thoughts.

Huang Yaoshi, who had asked Da to stand on the railing and wait for Tao Yu to make the first move, immediately secretly thought something was wrong!

But as one of the Five Ultimate Skills, he also masters methods such as Blue Sea Tide Song, and his internal strength is also top-notch.

Although he was slightly distracted, he quickly put an end to his thoughts, and then without holding back, he struck out at Tao Yu's Demonic Claw with a splitting palm.

Even before the two sides came into contact, the force in the air was already rampant.

Tao Yu felt the air in front of his palm become thicker for an instant, and then a force surged out from the air.

Feeling Cheng Lixue's internal force in his own meridians, Tao Yu felt that if Cheng Lixue put in the internal force close to his body and went all out, he would be seriously injured. But this time, even if it came from a distance, Tao Yu felt a raging force. !

But the next moment, Tao Yu felt the changes brought about by the fist.

The power that came from the air had not yet poured into his body, but it began to wither and decay.

Although there are many overlapping pressures, they are constantly being resolved by themselves!

The remaining power was also blocked by its own concentrated strength.

Huang Yaoshi was originally mentally frightened, so he subconsciously regretted throwing out his air-splitting palm. He felt that he might have struck too hard, and he was still thinking about how to remedy the situation.

But then he felt that the power of his palm was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it began to disintegrate quickly before he even got close.


His eyes lit up slightly, and Huang Yaoshi knew that what the other party said about his confidence in strength was true!


The palms and claws intersected, and with a click, the guardrail of the pavilion under Huang Yaoshi's feet broke. The soles of his shoes firmly attached to a railing and floated back two or three feet like a fallen leaf, and then landed firmly on the ground.

Tao Yu, on the other hand, kept stumbling back, each step causing a crack in the granite on the ground. He took a dozen steps back before he managed to steady himself.

At the same time, blood was boiling all over his body, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Although the damage caused by internal force has been greatly reduced, his body and meridians are still strong enough.

But the internal force did add a lot of penetrating damage, which was completely different from the kind of head-on confrontation. Just one slap made Tao Yu feel sore all over.

On the other hand, Huang Yaoshi can rely on the light body technique to retreat and almost dissolve all the strength.

However, his physical fitness is strong enough, and with the [One Permanent Certificate], it is not a big problem.

In the past, ligaments and tendons collapsed from time to time, and bones were broken countless times. In comparison, this time it was just a little more uncomfortable.

"Good boy, I lost because I shot too hard."

Huang Yaoshi shook the numb palm behind his back without any trace, then jumped forward, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and poured out a fragrant elixir from it.

"Come on, eat it, don't leave any hidden wounds."

Looking at the elixir on his lips, Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly, Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill?

He really wanted to stop taking it, so he kept the elixir secret until it was more critical.

But thinking of Huang Laoxie's character, he finally took it. The elixir melted in his mouth and turned into a warm current that spread from his stomach to his limbs.

The acupuncture-like pain all over my body was immediately relieved a lot. It is indeed a miracle medicine.

"Thank you, senior. This junior is actually fine. He is very strong, and the abyss environment is very harsh. This kind of injury is a bit of a waste of this magical medicine."

Tao Yu stared straight at Huang Yaoshi's bottle, and Huang Laoxie slapped Tao Yu on the head, and then handed the bottle to Tao Yu angrily.

"Take it as an apology for hurting you."

"This is not very good. In fact, this junior still wants to learn the exercises more."

Tao Yu held the porcelain bottle with one hand and spoke righteously.

"I think I'm going to default on my debt. I'll make a list for you later, and you can choose it yourself."

Huang Yaoshi felt the force on the porcelain bottle and couldn't help but feel speechless. Could he let go first before saying such harsh words?

Don’t you even know how to show off?

However, Tao Yu's behavior made him feel quite comfortable.

He didn't even doubt whether the poison in his bottle was poison, and he even praised the medicine for its effectiveness, so he just took it away.

That’s right!

Why don't you want something good if you come across it?

He doesn't like those pretentious people. If he likes them, he likes them and be direct.

"Hey, junior, don't be in a hurry. We can first talk about some information that seniors are interested in."

Tao Yu didn't really ask Huang Yaoshi to start writing immediately, as if he didn't trust him. It just happened that the two sides communicated about the current situation first.

The best technique in Huang Yaoshi's hands is of course the "Nine Yin Manual".

However, the 'Nine Yin Manual' involves Huang Laoxie's deceased wife, and he has not practiced it himself, so it is very difficult.

Fortunately, there was an ancient tomb with the information, so Tao Yu didn't have much pressing pressure. He just did it casually. If he could get it, it would be the best. If he couldn't get it, he would settle for the next best thing...

"Is there chaos over there on the grassland?"

After Huang Yaoshi tinkered with the pistol for a long time and heard Tao Yu say that it could be mass-produced and that there were even more powerful ones, he had a heavy expression on his face.

However, because of this, the subsequent communication between the two parties was much smoother, and at the same time, Tao Yu learned about the origin of this three-dimensional mobile device and the new situation.

Time-wise, this should have been the early stage of the Divine Eagle. Yang Guo had already received it and sent it to Zhongnan Mountain.

The Kingdom of Jin has been destroyed, but the grasslands to the north are still eyeing it. Guo Jing sits in Xiangyang and takes charge of the overall situation.

But suddenly the tense situation in the north disappeared. The grassland army retreated overnight, and then more and more refugees began to flee from the north, saying that some cannibal giants appeared in the northern grassland.

Anyway, the description is as exaggerated as possible.

Some say that there are houses that are taller, some that are higher than city walls, and some that are higher than mountains. The smallest one is said to be three or four meters tall.

Because the information is too confusing, the court is currently trying to settle these refugees as much as possible and strengthen Xiangyang's defense.

This three-dimensional mobile device was carried by a group of foreigners who had escaped from the north. However, there was a slight language barrier between the two parties, and the other party seemed to be speaking Japanese.

"This device is different from your gun. It seems to have a mysterious power. Even if I completely copy it, I can't achieve the same effect."

Huang Yaoshi was a little sad, and his face looked a little solemn at the same time.

"I originally thought that the words of those outside the territory were mostly exaggerations. How could there be a giant over ten meters in the world, let alone fifty meters? But judging from the situation on your side, it is not impossible, little one. Friend, I wonder if there is a way to transport the firearms and artillery you mentioned in large quantities?”

I have to say that Huang Yaoshi's vision is really first-rate.

After inferring from Tao Yu that the rumors about the giant might be true, he also began to think of ways to deal with it.

"With the sea separating us, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

Tao Yu also roughly understood what was going on.

It should be that the world of giants is bordering here. Maybe the barrier power of this world is probably used to block the sea water, and it does not intercept the entry of giants, or not all of them.

This caused the giants to begin wreaking havoc on the grasslands.

"Based on the situation of [Demonization], there is a high probability that the giants will not have that strong recovery ability after leaving their world, so in theory, the human sea tactic can be used to encircle and kill them, but this loss..."

Tao Yu pondered the current situation in her heart.

Although he had only watched the first two seasons of that giant's anime, when it ended, he also watched the short video to the ending. There should be some kind of ancestral giant who could control the Unsullied Giant.

It seems that the ancestor of the giants, the person named Yumia or something, has been protecting the giants somewhere? Give giants the power to recover?

But even so, considering the size and number of giants, the defeat on the grassland side is probably only a matter of time.

If there were only Innocent Giants, then after the grassland army overcame their fear and figured out the rules, it would really be possible to rely on numbers to resist, such as tying locks and making some specially made knives for cutting off legs.

But the army of the Unsullied Giants was mixed with Qixing Seeds, which would have a huge impact on morale.

There are also some dexterous small giants, which actually make up for the lineup.

With the current scale of Xiangyang City, it may be difficult to resist ordinary giants. However, there is a natural barrier on the Yellow River further north that can block it a little. Coupled with this long strategic depth, it has not yet come into contact with giants...

"Hey, even if it can be transported, no matter how much it can be transported, water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the nearer."

Huang Yaoshi also sighed a little and looked at the pistol in his hand in silence.

"Maybe using existing things to make some earth cannons can also be a threat to those clumsy giants."

Tao Yu casually suggested that without that kind of recovery ability, earth cannons could actually be considered an effective way to kill giants.

But it might be difficult to completely stop it.

The best way is to find the ancestor giant.

Tao Yu didn't covet the giant's power much. After becoming a demon, he felt that this kind of physical change should not be too complicated.

But if there is a way to obtain items with the power of a wise giant, then Tao Yu thinks that they should be able to sell them at a good price.

"You're right. I'm about to leave for Xiangyang. It looks like you guys are gone. Do you need to go with me?"

Because they are pleasing to the eye, and both Tao Yu and Cheng Lixue are good-looking, Huang Yaoshi seems to be easy to talk to.

"It would be great to be able to give us a ride."

Tao Yu cupped her hands to express her gratitude...

"He is indeed a genius..."

Huang Yaoshi withdrew his palm from Tao Yu's body and showed a hint of shock on his face.

He has had many apprentices, and they all have pretty good talents, and he has also seen geniuses.

But so far, he has never discovered that someone's innate meridians can reach such a tough level.

"Jinger practices hard every day and has never slacked off for a day. But even today, it is not much tougher than your meridians. As long as you find a suitable internal skill and mental method to accumulate internal power, your internal power will be strong within a few years." Comparable to the best players in the world, comparable to the Seven Quanzhen disciples..."

Huang Yaoshi also had a love for talents at this time, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and sighed and said

"As I promised you before, how about changing it to a book of inner strength and mental methods?"

"Thank you for your love, senior. However, I have learned from Cheng Nuxia that internal forces may conflict. You also said that I am highly talented, so I want to learn the best skills in the world."

Tao Yu knew Huang Yaoshi's temper and said it in a conceited tone.

If he had the attitude of an incompetent person, Huang Yaoshi might just be taken over by a big force.

But Tao Yu is not only gifted, but also very strong. He was frightened and subconsciously took the palm strike without holding back. His palm was numb due to the recoil.

Moreover, his personality has always been very suitable for him. Huang Yaoshi admires his arrogance.

"There are many martial arts in the world, but there are only three that can be called first-class internal skills."

When Tao Yu heard Huang Yaoshi speak, he knew that he was about to start "teaching others", and he quickly added at the right time

"Oh? Which three are they?"

"The first one is naturally the Xiantian Gong practiced by Wang Chongyang, who was invincible in the world. This Gong is upright and peaceful, and it emphasizes accumulation and persistence. The more you practice, the stronger you will become. It should be the most suitable for you."

Hearing this, Tao Yu also realized that he was indeed an old senior.

I originally wanted to learn the Nine Yang Magic Skill and the Nine Yin Manual, and then I would look for the Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill. If there was a chance, I could also think of ways to learn the Yi Jin Jing and some Shaolin unique skills. I could even go to the Ming Cult to find the Great Shift of the Universe.

I forgot about the other martial arts book that was a supernatural power back then!

It seems that it is indeed suitable for me.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill is also an accumulation, but it focuses more on the body and strength, while the Xiantian Skill should be based on internal strength.

Or can both be practiced at the same time?

"The second is the Nine Yin Manual that we took away back then. This is indeed a supreme martial arts."

At this point, Huang Yaoshi looked a little sad. He should have thought of his deceased wife. He had held the Nine Yin Manual for many years, but he did not practice any martial arts on it.

"The third is the Shaolin Temple Yijinjing, which has been closed for many years. Although Shaolin has been closed for many years, their foundation should not be underestimated. These three are the foundation of the world's first-class martial arts. I only have the Nine Yin Manual, or..."

It was unexpectedly smooth, so smooth that Tao Yu was a little overwhelmed for a while.

With Huang Laoxie's insistence on his deceased wife, he would never easily teach the Nine Yin Manual. Although his daughter and son-in-law have practiced it, he himself has never touched it.

Tao Yu was planning to get the Nine Yin Manual before, but he really felt that it was too difficult for Huang Yaoshi.

Mainly, he was eyeing the ancient tomb, and then there was the Shaolin Temple's Nine Yang Magic.

These two can be deified once, and then with the acceleration of 100,000 wishes on his body, after completing the accumulation, he can go to King Jinlun or the Mingjiao to reason, which should be smoother.

But now, Huang Yaoshi, who didn't try hard at first, just wanted to make connections and get familiar with his face, actually asked him if he wanted the Nine Yin Manual?

This was a bit unexpected.

But Tao Yu was not a coward. Although he knew there would be some explanation, he still said openly

"Since it is the top martial arts recommended by the senior, I naturally want to..."

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