[Beidou? ? ]: A brief introduction. With the stars as the Daozang, one can draw a strand of Beidou star power to refine one's own internal power, and remove the dross and retain the essence to become the true qi.

Tao Yu was dazzled when he saw the deified thing.

Although he only had the first strand of Beidou internal power at this time, he still felt the qualitative change of that strand of internal power after the skill was deified.

It became deeper and more pure!

The internal power extracted from Beidou was far superior to Cheng Lixue's miscellaneous internal power.

But now, this strand of internal power was compressed again!

Tao Yu felt the basic breathing method of his second deification, and a completely different strand of starlight appeared in the free energy that was drawn.

It was clearly daytime and clearly in the house, but through the high-level perspective of the second deification [Meditation Technique], Tao Yu vaguely felt the starlight emitted by the seven dim stars in the endless void.

It was difficult, but it was still tenacious and rushed into his body, tempering the extremely pure internal force, making the pure internal force once again form a more tenacious change and turn into true energy!

"Is this cultivating immortals..."

Tao Yu was a little confused.

Although cultivating immortals is a bit exaggerated, it did cause a qualitative change in internal force!

[Beidou], which is already a top Taoist internal skill, showed a magical side!

"Speed ​​up for me!"

The skill has appeared, and Tao Yu will not hesitate to use the willpower.

Under the blessing of the willpower, the dim starlight in the dark suddenly flickered, and ten times and a hundred times the Beidou star power was introduced into the body!

"It is worthy of being a high-end product that consumes 5,000 to deify. The consumption of willpower acceleration is also terrifyingly high, but it is worth it."

After a small test, Tao Yu opened his eyes with some excitement and looked at his arm. It was fine!

Before [Beidou] was deified, it was the Daozang, and the birth of internal force mainly relied on itself to provide energy.

This acceleration must be satisfied by eating a lot.

But now that I have become a deity, at least when practicing, I can make great use of the high-level Big Dipper Star Power!

Although it still puts a load on the body, the load is smaller than that of breathing methods and even meditation. With my current strong accumulation of Qi and blood, I don’t have to practice while eating.

It should be enough to eat a big meal directly after the event.

In this case, what is there to hesitate about?

"One hour of 100 times acceleration will consume almost 1,000 willpower, but at least I don’t have to eat extra food, and before my meridians are filled and begin to develop, it is a window period for the improvement of true Qi!"

The 100,000 willpower on my body was originally saved for acceleration, inject it into me!

During the window period, 100 times acceleration is definitely not a loss!

When the window period is over, or there is not much willpower left, then return to 10 times acceleration to increase the cost-effectiveness. Anyway, you can ensure that you always have willpower to maintain acceleration!

“Slow down, no one is competing with you.”

Huang Yaoshi looked at the mess on the table. The waiter behind him was still urging the kitchen to speed up. The three big pots could not keep up with the speed of the apprentices eating here. He felt a little scared.

He really accepted a monster as his apprentice…

Cheng Lixue and Zhang Hao beside him also swallowed their saliva. They couldn’t believe how a person’s stomach could hold so much.

Tao Yu stuffed half a roast chicken in one mouthful, chewed the bones in a few bites and swallowed them. He reached out and touched the oil stains on his mouth and said,

“Master, I have briefly told you about pioneers before. We pioneers who live in the abyss have the ability to use willpower to accelerate. We just got the inner strength method and accelerated faster on a whim.”

Tao Yu has always been a donkey that goes with the flow. He doesn’t mind doubling back for good intentions, and he also likes to double back for bad intentions.

Although Huang Yaoshi accepted him as his disciple because of his talent, he would also let Tao Yu return the favor by teaching him the Nine Yin Manual and explaining it to him like an old man.

Originally, he liked to treat the Chosen Ones and some important plot characters with sincerity, and used sincerity as a killer move.

So he would naturally explain some information about the Abyss to Huang Yaoshi.

"So that's how it is. We can accumulate our internal strength through daily diet. Since you have accelerated, you need more supplements. However, you can eat so much at a time. Your consumption before is also terrifying. The strength of your physical body is higher than I expected at the beginning..."

Huang Yaoshi also understood it at once, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Master has felt it before. He took a palm strike from you and didn't die. He was as strong as a bull."

Tao Yu grinned.

"Oh? I thought it was your ability to become a demon, but it turned out to be all normal practice methods?"

Huang Yaoshi also realized that he was different. The other party's strange method of dissolving internal strength in the air surprised him.

But he was arrogant, and as a master, he couldn't bring himself to ask his apprentice about the details of his moves, and he always thought it was the ability of the demon.

"Master, your split palm was too strong before, and I used almost all my strength on defense, which was more of a passive recoil against you. How about you feel it a little more?"

Tao Yu asked tentatively.

"Okay, come on, I'll control the strength."

Huang Yaoshi stretched out his palm, and Tao Yu knew his ability, so he stretched out his hand and pointed at his palm.

Afterwards, he felt that after his strength was input, it was like facing waves after waves, and he quickly lost his strength.

But even so, a red spot appeared on Huang Yaoshi's palm.

"The ability is very domineering, and the destructive power is higher than the internal power, but it seems that the accumulation is insufficient and the follow-up is weak, and there is a lack of flexibility."

Huang Yaoshi looked at the palm of his hand with admiration on his face. He had actually heard Tao Yu mention it once before, but because of the demonized fight, he had some misjudgments. This time he could truly experience it in detail. A sign of strength.

"Indeed, my disciple, I am not weak in this aspect, but I still cannot accumulate it for a long time. I usually focus on killing with one hit, and I also have a specially matched [Jin-Swallowing Skill] when I eat food."

"Strength seems to consume more energy and blood. It does require special supplementation. Otherwise, even if you don't use the acceleration of willing force as you mentioned, the body may not be able to bear it."

Huang Yaoshi nodded. Internal energy is more about long-lasting and health-preserving, and it will become more popular as he gets older.

On the other hand, on the strength side, strength will also drop rapidly after Qi and blood decline.

"Master, if you want to learn, I can teach you. Maybe my meridians are so strong because I have practiced this method."

Tao Yu did not take things seriously, which made Cheng Lixue and Zhang Hao next to her very excited.

"I'll forget it. I'm old and my blood has declined. I can't stand this kind of torture."

Huang Yaoshi may not have any memorable skills, but in terms of erudition, he should be the best in the world.

I can already see the advantages and disadvantages of this ability, which is not suitable for my already old self.

This is where his character lies. He has been able to stop learning the Nine Yin Scriptures for so many years, so he can naturally put down his martial arts skills.

"However, in these troubled times, if possible, I hope you can teach this method to others."

Huang Yaoshi thought about his words, but he didn't want to force Tao Yu to do anything.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. He himself doesn't like moral kidnapping. When he was wrongly accused of killing the Five Jiangnan Monsters, he admitted on the spot that I was the one who killed him!

So he also didn't force Tao Yu to do anything.

And Tao Yu understood what he meant instantly.

The reason why I went out to sea this time was, to put it bluntly, that through my own understanding, I believed that the rumors about the giant were true!

If the situation deteriorates to this point, then any behavior that improves one's own combat effectiveness is acceptable.

From the current point of view, strength and internal strength are indeed complementary. When it comes to killing enemies and confronting enemies head-on, strength also has its own characteristics.

"Of course it's no problem. My senior sister and brother-in-law are both in Xiangyang. I can teach them first. If they think someone is trustworthy, they can also teach them according to their own needs. As far as getting started, this is much simpler than internal force... …”

As Tao Yu finished speaking, he stuffed the remaining half of the chicken into his mouth, and then a new round of food was brought up from the kitchen.

"That's okay..."

Huang Yaoshi smiled slightly, and the dark circles at the corners of his eyes seemed to have faded a lot.

He didn't like liveliness by nature. When Guo Fu was born, he felt noisy and ran away from home.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong also met Yang Guo when they came out to look for him.

But this moment was not the other moment. The grassland army, which was suppressed by the imperial court and could not raise its head, retreated hastily, but even so it seemed that it could not stop those giants from heading south.

With his son-in-law's stubbornness, he will definitely stick to this place.

But at this moment, a gentle voice came from the door of the restaurant

"Dad, you didn't even say a word to us when you came. If it hadn't been reported by a disciple of the Beggar Clan, I wouldn't have known you were here~"

A beautiful woman with a bright and graceful figure walked in from the door.

She was wearing a lavender silk shirt with a few patches on the shirt, her hair tied up with gold rings, and gold necklaces on her hands.

In terms of appearance, she is about the same as Cheng Lixue, but she has a more dignified and noble air than Cheng Lixue, and she is incomparably beautiful...

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