There is a branch of the Beggars' Gang in Xiangyang. At this time, all the foreigners who fled with the refugees were temporarily arranged here.

Although it is not imprisonment, it can be regarded as a disguised form of house arrest.

It can be seen that these refugees are not very old. They seem to be only fifteen or sixteen years old on average. Although their clothes are dirty, the icon of the Wings of Freedom can still be seen on their cloaks.

Each of them is a member of the 104th Training Corps.

At this time, a handsome boy with golden hair kept shaking another person with a wooden face and said,

"Eren, you are the commander appointed by Captain Erwin. You have to cheer up. Mikasa is the strongest among us. She will be fine."

"Why..., why is this happening..."

Even though Eren was being shaken by Armin, he still looked a little dull.

Obviously everything was planned well, and the recapture operation went smoothly. Although he lost control for a while after turning into a giant, he finally regained his sanity with the help of Armin and successfully blocked the gap with a boulder!

This was the first victory against the giants, and the lost land was recovered!

However, at this moment, the aurora appeared in the sky, and a flash of lightning appeared, instantly splitting the entire city in two!

The three walls that could block the giants were useless. The cages that originally imprisoned everyone and blocked the protection of the giants disappeared instantly. The back half of the city seemed to be completely wiped out, and a grassland appeared out of thin air!

Fortunately, there were no traces of giants on the grassland side, and only some cattle, sheep and horses could be seen.

There were also some men riding horses speaking incomprehensible words.


The giants in front were able to slowly come to the grassland along the gap in the city, and then bypassed from the back to enter the city!

Although there were not many at the beginning, they only appeared sporadically.

But as the gap was opened, it was only a matter of time before the entire city fell!

Escape to the south...

This was the first decision made, and then as members of the 104th Training Corps, they were assigned a separate fire mission, and the only mission goal was to ride south and survive.

All members of the Survey Corps blocked the Titans, restrained them, and delayed their pursuit.

The reason why they were not arranged to protect others and go south together...

That was because after the wall was destroyed, ordinary people had no possibility of escape, and could only find ways to survive in the Titan area!

In this way, this group of new recruits of the Survey Corps relied on the convenience of horses, their mobility and three-dimensional mobile devices to gallop all the way across the grassland, across the grassland, across the plains, across a muddy giant river, and then go all the way south.

They couldn't speak the same language, so it was difficult to communicate.

But later, I don't know where the other party found a few people who knew a few words, so they had some reluctant communication.

It was just that Eren, who was originally appointed as the temporary captain because of his power of the Titan, seemed very depressed because Mikasa disappeared on the road. Now it all depends on Armin to deal with it.

"Why bother with this cowardly guy! He doesn't deserve to be the captain at all. He has wasted his power to transform into a giant. It's useless at the critical moment!"

A fellow student with a black face shouted angrily at this time.

"Let him go!"

Armin turned back and glared at his companion.

"Am I wrong? If he could transform successfully that time, would Mikasa need to stop him?"

Jean Gilchristan also refused to give in. He actually had a crush on Mikasa. He was also very sad and irritable when facing such a thing.

But he couldn't stand Eren's negative attitude towards the problem.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

A woman with a strong aura whispered.

"Someone is coming. I wonder if we can find someone who knows more this time."

With the help of a few poor translators, they actually learned a few daily expressions. Although they are somewhat useful in daily life, it is too troublesome to understand them in detail.

When everyone heard Ani's words, they also looked towards the door.

Then they saw Guo Jing and his wife walking over accompanied by a group of people.

After seeing Guo Jing, the most rebellious students at the scene behaved very obediently, and even the dazed Allen turned his head to look over.

This was a hero they met when they went south, and he was the one who brought everyone here in the end.

But these were not the key points. The most terrifying thing was that this guy did not rely on the three-dimensional maneuvering device, but killed three small giants with his bare hands!

This was simply incomprehensible in their eyes.

Although it seemed that the giants' recovery ability was much worse after coming to this strange place.

But the size and strength were still there.

The visual impact at that time made them still feel nervous when they saw him in person now.

The opponent didn't even know that the back of the neck was a weakness, but kept attacking the head, and used a kind of shock to force the giant to death.

If Allen could become a giant, it was already amazing.

Then this hero Guo was a humanoid giant in their eyes...

"Junior brother, it's up to you."

Huang Rong was still wary and distrustful of Tao Yu. Anyway, Tao Yu had always felt it in his spiritual perception.

But I have to say that beautiful women know how to act, and on the surface they won’t reveal any problems.

Guo Jing next to him was much more straightforward. After knowing that Tao Yu was Huang Yaoshi's disciple, he had no other distracting thoughts.

However, this was also Huang Rong's character. She didn't show it on the surface, and Tao Yu didn't think it was a big deal. Or maybe it was just his inherent understanding of Huang Rong.


Tao Yu responded first, and then used his willpower to translate, speaking fluently that Allen and the others could understand.

The words were completely smooth, which made the members of the 104th Training Corps on the scene all look happy.

Finally, there are people who can understand what they say!


Tao Yu communicated with this group of refugees heading south for a whole day. It can be said that he asked about everything from the original situation of their world to what happened on the road.

In order to facilitate the explanation of his familiarity and understanding of their world, some questions were deliberately guided by Tao Yu himself, so the communication took a little longer.

Even Tao Yu didn't expect that the people who fled this time seemed to have taken the protagonist and important characters in one pot.

But thinking of the attributes of the "chosen one", Tao Yu didn't think it was so strange.

It's not that Eren became stronger by killing monsters, but that he was blessed by fate and escaped, and then was saved by Guo Jing, who was also the Chosen One. All this was natural.

"I understand. You arrange two representatives to come, and we will continue to talk tonight."

Tao Yu pointed to Armin and Eren after he finished speaking.

"I'm really sorry. My friend was stimulated on the way. I don't know if it's okay for me to come alone."

Armin stood up and apologized.

Tao Yu actually didn't expect that Mikasa's disappearance would be such a big blow to Eren.

"I, I can be a representative."

At this time, a blonde girl with blue eyes raised her hand coquettishly, and another female companion with freckles on her face kept pulling her, as if she wanted her to let go, but she remained unmoved.

"I also want to do something within my ability."

Christa looked weak, but after making the decision, she was quite persistent.

"Then I'll go too."

Ymir immediately decided to protect Christa.

"Okay, then you three."

Tao Yu recalled and probably identified the three people.

After all, I have watched the animation.

Then he glanced and saw the Marley trio.

It was the giants transformed by these three people that destroyed the wall, leading to a series of subsequent plots.

Although they are not necessarily "luck thieves", they also have good things on them.

According to the short video supplemented by the final ending, Tao Yu knew that Eren had the power to control those giants.

It's just that he can't use it now.

It can be said that the difficulty of solving the current problem lies with him.

But how to solve it and how to activate it, Tao Yu is a little confused.

However, as the chosen one, it will never be wrong to keep getting stronger, and the power of will will help him activate his potential!


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