"Yes, you are more aware of current affairs than I thought."

After Tao Yu injected spiritual seeds into the ugly bird, it could be considered that the taming was initially completed.

Originally, he thought this guy might be unruly and would rather die than obey.

At that time, I thought that if this was the case, I would send it to be a companion for Dugu Qiubai. It would be a sign of respect for it if I didn't capture it and feed it to aliens to cultivate special aliens.

I didn’t expect the process to be surprisingly smooth.

In this case, Tao Yu is not a devil. He should first control him and come to Taobao, and then let him be the guard of the snake farm if he has the opportunity.

Tao Yu didn't have any feelings for Dugu Qiubai. Anyway, the filter in his eyes was not as good as Guo Jing's.

Of course, as a senior in the martial arts world, Tao Yu would also give the deceased the greatest respect. Although he had to sweep it all away, in the end Tao Yu still erected a monument for Dugu Qiu and engraved his name on it.

"Take the senior's sword and erect a monument for the senior."

After squatting in front of the monument and bowing with his hands clasped together, Tao Yu also patted his butt and stood up directly.

I didn't find any secret skills of Dugu Nine Swords, but I found two wish-power items, the Qingguang Sword and the Dark Iron Heavy Sword.

[Azure Light Sword], [Strong], [Armor Breaking] and [Sharpness] have three major characteristics. Although these three characteristics seem to be stronger than the same characteristics of [Blade of Rebellion], the lack of self-repair is a pity. Practicality On the contrary, it is not as good as [Blade of Treason].

Tao Yu is going to sell it or give it to some plot character to get some benefits.

In addition, the [Black Iron Heavy Sword] has the four characteristics of [Sturdiness], [Bludgeoning], [Thickness] and [Yu Shen].

If it is purely used as a weapon, it has its own advantages, but because it is too large, Weinuo cannot transform it and hide it in the shadow, so it is not as practical as the [Blade of Rebellion].

But the ability of [Yu Shen] made Tao Yu's eyes light up slightly. It is an auxiliary ability that can be carried around to make it easier to concentrate. It is somewhat similar to the recovery of [Concentration Necklace] and the spiritual power of [Warlord's Gun]. Sleep.

Tao Yu briefly tried it, and found a certain practice speed bonus for [Meditation Technique].

Although the bonus is not large, it can definitely be regarded as a treasure that can greatly increase its value, far more than the Azure Light Sword.

"Take it for yourself first. If someone pays a high price, you can sell it. If no one wants it, just keep it for yourself."

Tao Yu carefully calculated the detailed information of the new world, as well as the intelligence information of the four ‘Chosen Ones’ not counting Yang Guo, and then added the wish items of the three wise giants.

Even if you don't sell the Bodhisattva snake galls yourself and plan to breed them, you can still get a guaranteed sum of money.

"Well, I can maintain the five-fold acceleration of my wish power for a while. I'll do something else. Then I'll deify the Wanliu Breathing Technique and see if I can bring out the gang energy."

Tao Yu thought in his mind that there was no conflict between the strength side and the internal strength, they could be superimposed, and the blessing to the body and blood was great enough that Tao Yu was not ready to let it go.

The value of the Wanliu Breathing Technique itself is actually very high, because there are many shapes that it can belong to, but the five Wanliu shapes are the simplest and easiest to integrate and capture the energy and blood.

"You can go back and see if there is an easier way. If the five forms become one, you won't be deified for the second time..."

Tao Yu re-ranked some of his abilities, and the Wanliu Breathing Method to be deified next was ranked first because it cost less than [Beidou] and [Demonization].

Next is [Beidou] and [Demonization]!

Others can be deified temporarily, and their importance is not as important as the daily consumption acceleration.

"As expected, we still need a new world..."

Thinking of the harvest so far, Tao Yu sighed.

Regardless of whether it is breeding or a company, it is still in the start-up stage for the time being. Except for the money collection at the beginning of transportation, the other cycles are quite long.

It will take time to really make a profit.

At present, the fastest way to make money is still to conquer the new world!

At least for me now, this is the most cost-effective profiteering!

"Next, you can go to the world's largest treasure trove..."

Tao Yu looked at Dugu Qiubai's tombstone for a moment, then turned around resolutely.

Leave the sacred eagle to guard this mountain forest.

There is another one or even two chosen ones in Zhongnan Mountain.

But the direction Tao Yu chose next was Shaoshi Mountain!

Not to mention that the Nine Yang Divine Art and the Yi Jin Jing may be of use to you, or you can practice them directly.

Just say that if you can get all the seventy-two special skills, whether it is selling or opening a martial arts gym to make money, it will be a huge wealth!

"It took me so long to learn the Nine Yin Manual with the guidance of a master. The seventy-two stunts don't seem to be easy. It would be best to have a great Shaolin monk as a coach."

Tao Yu scratched his head a little.

Although he didn't know what happened in Shaolin recently, Huang Yaoshi and the others knew.

Since the closure of the Shaolin Mountains, although Shaolin has paid less attention to Jianghu affairs, after all, the cards are still here, and the big melons produced are also talked about.

Now Shaolin is at its weakest. A few years ago, Huo Gong Tutuo secretly learned martial arts and killed Ku Zhi, the leader of Bodhidharma Academy. Ku Hui, the leader of Luohan Hall, left in anger and founded Shaolin in the Western Regions.

The abbot retired after a hard time, and the current abbot is a new man named Tianming.

"It seems that there is no reason to stir up trouble later? Well, that should be after the Shendiao generation. Under the Tianzi generation is the Wuzi generation. The temporary worker Jue Yuan seems to be from this generation. He should be about the same age as Yang Guo. Now I guess I haven’t found the Nine Yang Magic yet.”

Tao Yu thought in his mind.

So, now there is really no one in Shaolin who can fight.

After Huogong Tou Tuo beat He Zudao, Zhang Sanfeng popped out after He Zudao beat him. Everyone wants to use Shaolin to gain experience.

But it is undeniable that Shaolin is really strong in the gold martial arts system.

"I told my family that I will go far away and will be back in two to three months. I have to go back to report my safety after visiting Shaolin."


About fifty riders were galloping on the official road. Along the way, more and more refugees could be seen heading south, fleeing towards the south.

There was no fear in their eyes, but more numbness and confusion about the future.

The descriptions of refugees in the dynasties were only a few words, but now they are presented in front of us as a real picture!

Many students in the 104th period sighed when they saw this.

Cheng Lixue and Zhang Hao also seemed a little reluctant.

Especially Zhang Hao, after discovering that he was really the "chosen one", he felt that he had an extra burden on his shoulders to save the people of the world.

As a young man, Zhang Hao, who has been taught chivalry, has not been led astray during the critical period and can still meet the character of a standard upright person.

Now with the addition of the ‘Chosen One’ buff, he has almost given him another ideological stamp.

“Brother Tao, can’t you think of a solution?”

“The solution I can think of is to finally solve the giant disaster and solve the problem fundamentally. Otherwise, without the support of the farmland in the Central Plains, everything else is meaningless.”

Tao Yu’s tone was indifferent.

He never minded the kindness of doing things by chance, and he saved many people by chance.

But in the same way, after seeing the end of the zombie world and the killing in the demonized world, he also understood that if he could not solve the problem from the source, he would not be able to save many people, and even those who had been saved would die!

Even a standard good guy like Lin Chao chose to leave directly when Jack and his team had to take the old, weak, sick and disabled on the road surrounded by aliens.

People living in the outer city know that human power is limited!

Now that the food on everyone is divided, it is just a drop in the bucket!

Tao Yu himself doesn't need to eat when necessary.

The basic breathing method of the second divine transformation, the second divine transformation of the standing practice, and the Beidou that can draw in the star power, even if they can't provide him with the supplement to support training, but now his daily activities have been greatly eased.

Throwing away the food, the only ones who will suffer are the new recruits in the training corps.

"It is impossible for the Southern Dynasty to take food relief from the rich families for a long time, but the place we are going to may really be able to accommodate some..."

Shaolin Temple, a first-class wealthy family, with countless fertile fields and mountains of grain.

Anyway, it's something on the way, Tao Yu doesn't mind helping. If he wants the 72 unique skills, he will eventually tear his face apart, so it doesn't matter if he tears it apart a little more...

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