As a thousand-year-old temple, Shaolin does have its own cards.

Beidou has always been the Taishan of the martial arts world.

The seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin and the Yi Jin Jing are all well known.

During the Tianlong years, these seventy-two Shaolin stunts alone could lead to a lot of bloodshed, involving grievances and grievances.

It was just that too many incidents had happened to the monks of Xuanzi's generation, including the scandal involving Abbot Xuanci. They were severely hit and began to practice in isolation.

After a few generations, his reputation in the world gradually weakened a lot.

In addition to the influence of martial arts, as a thousand-year-old temple, Shaolin has an endless stream of incense. Coupled with loan sharking and annexed land, the entire Shaoshi Mountain even continues to radiate outwards with a large amount of Shaolin's land.

The temple also maintains enough warrior monks.

Whether it is the Jinting or the grassland going south, the main focus is on appeasing local big families like Shaolin who have built-in warrior monks and have fields and food.

The power of the government is far less effective than Shaolin on the territory of Shaolin Temple.

Most of the farmers here are also tenants of the Shaolin Temple.

When necessary, not only warrior monks, but also these tenants can take up arms and strengthen their momentum.

And Shaolin itself can be considered to be aware of current affairs. For example, this time when Huo Du came to visit, Shaolin opened the door to facilitate people, sent out five thousand shi of food...

"Those Tatars fled back in embarrassment from the north of the Yellow River. They didn't have time to bring much luggage. They were in short supply of food and grass. When they arrived in the Central Plains, they started burning, killing and looting. They were even more hateful than the Jin people."

Wu Se indeed still had a strong aura of arrogance in his body, and he kept talking to Tao Yu about the nearby situation while going up the mountain.

Although Jin Ting also started out as a nomad, he actually began to be fully Chineseized after he entered the Central Plains and was fascinated by the colorful world.

Some of the bad habits of the nomadic period have been reduced a lot, but they have also caused a sharp decline in combat power.

Today's grassland is at its peak, and because of its sparse population, it adopts a 'contract' model. The big households in each place can hand over as much stuff as they want on a regular basis, and they themselves cannot change the pattern of burning, killing, and looting. bad habits.

Simple and crude!

They didn't bring any baggage this time, which was normal for them. Fighting to support fighting has always been their characteristic.

So after they were forced over by the giants, the situation in the Central Plains area became even worse.

"So, to avoid trouble, Shaolin Temple only prays to the destined ones?"

"That's right..."

Wu Se couldn't help but sigh, and Tao Yu nodded.

It is actually a good thing to be aware of current affairs. Since you think the steppe Tatars are troublesome, you know you are afraid of them.

Am I not in trouble?

Shaolin has a very special status. It is a martial arts sect and a Buddhist holy land. It is also a big local business. You cannot avoid them when doing business here.

However, as Tao Yu came to worship as a disciple of Dongxie, Shaolin naturally had to treat him as a fellow martial artist.

But when they came to the mountain gate, a monk came down and blocked the way.

"Dear donors, Shaolin is a foreign land and weapons are never allowed inside. Please store your weapons here and return them when you go down the mountain."

Tao Yu nodded when he heard this and just asked a question.

"Then Huo Dou also stored it when he came up?"

These words directly made the Zhike monk's expression stiffen, and then he quickly explained

"Little Prince Huo Du only brought a folding fan and no weapons."

"Why don't you just bring it with you?"

Tao Yu curled her lips, but was too lazy to show off in front of the minions, so she turned to Cheng Lixue and said

"You take them and wait here, I'll go around alone."

Tao Yu's words made Cheng Lixue look a little worried.

"Are you going alone? This..."

"Don't worry, monks don't like to fight and kill."

As Tao Yu finished speaking, he untied the Dark Iron Heavy Sword and threw it to Zhang Hao next to him. Zhang Hao almost lost his grip. In the end, he lowered his waist and braced himself, using his internal strength to stabilize the sword.

"Keep an eye on me, Master Wuse, let's go."

Wu Se felt a little strange when he saw Tao Yu put down his weapon so easily.

When he first saw the dark iron heavy sword that looked a bit exaggerated, he was a little strange, but he didn't expect to put it down right away.


Even if there was no Shaolin figure in the previous two Huashan sword debates, and there was something embarrassing like Huo Gong Tutuo, now is the most difficult time.

But when Tao Yu paid homage to the mountain, the Shaolin masters in the Main Hall still gathered together, which not only showed their reputation as a martial arts school, but also gave Tao Yu, a disciple of Dongxie, face.


Abbot Tianming still looks like a middle-aged man, which can be considered young among all previous abbots of Shaolin.

Shaolin martial arts also focus on accumulation, and the older you get, the stronger you become.

Seeing Tao Yu step into the Main Hall, many monks began to look up and down.

What a handsome and handsome man.

After Tao Yu cultivated his inner strength and developed an extraterrestrial temperament, combined with his appearance, his first appearance always attracted attention.

"Junior Tao Yu, I have met all the masters."

After Tao Yu entered the door, he was the first to cup his hands and greet him loudly.

"Alchemist Tao is a disciple of Wujue. He is really young and promising."

Abbot Tianming clasped his hands together and spoke slowly.

Calculating, Yaoshi Dongxie Huang should be equal to his predecessors from Ku Zi generation. As a disciple of Yaoshi Huang, Tao Yu's seniority is also equivalent to that of his abbot.

"I have two things to do when I come to Shaolin this time, and I would like to ask Abbot Tianming to fulfill them."

Tao Yu got straight to the point, causing Abbot Tianming to slowly nod and say with a smile.

"Donor Tao said it doesn't matter. If you can provide convenience, I, Shaolin, will open the door for convenience."

If the Five Jue disciples come to visit in person, if it is not a troublesome matter, Shaolin will give it a try.

"First, I want to use some information to exchange knowledge with Shaolin. This information involves people from outside the territory and the giants in the north, as well as the connection between this world and the abyss."

Tao Yu was the first to throw out some information that none of the Shaolin monks could ignore.

Almost everyone was shocked when they heard Tao Yu's words.

"People from outside the territory?"

"Information about the Northern Giant?"

"What is the explanation for this world?"

"One sand, one world..."



Even years of Zen practice cannot calm down the many monks in the Mahavira Hall.

You can tell by looking at Tianming's age. Most of today's Shaolin backbones are still in middle age, so much so that they need to recruit half-way monks like Wu Se to support the scene, and their concentration has not yet reached their peak.

"Amitabha, how unbecoming is it that there is so much noise in the Mahavira Hall?"

It was Abbot Tianming who chanted the Buddha's name and suppressed the voices of the monks.

Although he is a new abbot, he has begun to gain authority. He immediately calmed down the chaotic voice, and then Tianming took the initiative to ask

"What is the explanation for everything that Alms Master Tao said?"

Tao Yu didn't give them a chance to think about it. He caught their attention before opening his mouth. After Abbot Tianming also asked, he slowly said:

"Everyone, please listen to me carefully..."

Tao Yu had never considered the news about the abyss or related intelligence to be any secret. Whether he met Cheng Lixue or the others, Huang Yaoshi or even Jack at the time would have easily revealed it.

The will of the world has never prevented the transmission of any information. Most of the confidentiality of the indigenous people was done by the pioneers themselves for the greater benefit.

If you are heading to other worlds further away, you can still worry about the fact that no pioneers will arrive.

But there may also be neighboring worlds where other pioneers come, and Tao Yu feels that the benefits of being sincere to some important people are greater.

Otherwise, if we keep it a secret, and then another new pioneer comes to make up for the goodwill and break the news, it will be a waste of time, and the gain will not be worth the loss.


For Cheng Lixue and others, Tao Yu felt that they were the chosen ones.

I also felt that Huang Yaoshi had the right temperament and that he was an important figure, and later he became his master and disciple.

There is no need to say more about Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

But in this Shaolin Temple, this information must be exchanged. As for what is exchanged?

"...As I said, the world here has fallen into an abyss. The abyss can be seen on the shores of the East China Sea. The giant disaster has also appeared in the grasslands in the north. Therefore, it has caused consequences to the entire Shaolin, the entire martial arts, and even the entire world. Totally disruptive change.”

Having said this, Tao Yu also paused to let them digest it.

"Amitabha, Senior Dongxie can find out the secret of the abyss, which will really benefit the world. Thanks to Donor Tao for clarifying the confusion. The previous benefactor wanted to exchange with Shaolin, but I don't know what he wants to exchange for?"

Abbot Tianming was also quite shocked by this bombardment of information.

Things have really changed!

Even with Huang Laoxie's character, he saw Tianyuan in advance and knew about giants and people from outside the territory. He was also shocked when he was baptized by Tao Yu.

Although the Shaolin monks had known about the giants in the north before, in their eyes, the giants should also be from this world, but they were monsters that ran out of nowhere.

But after Tao Yu introduced the information from the abyss, they immediately refreshed their worldview.

Fortunately, today's Shaolin monks are relatively 'younger' and accept new things faster.

And One Sand One World itself understands them very well.

In fact, the ancients had a stronger ability to accept such mysterious and mysterious things.

And Tao Yu also has the endorsement of the title of 'Five Jue Disciple', otherwise it would not be so smooth if they had to believe it.

Tao Yu saw that the monks were already digesting the important information he had given, and a smile appeared on his face, and he said calmly.

"Such important information is naturally valuable. The equivalent knowledge of Shaolin is naturally the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion and the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin. This is also one of the reasons why this junior came..."

The monks who were waiting for Tao Yu's request, after hearing Tao Yu's words, even though they were still under the impact of the previous information, one monk couldn't help but scold him.

"How presumptuous! The dignified disciples of Dongxie actually care about my Shaolin inheritance. Aren't you afraid of the world's ridicule if you spread the word?!"

After all, he was an eminent monk. Even though he didn't care about a young boy like Tao Yu, he was still concerned about Dong Xie behind him. He took the commanding heights when he opened his mouth and did not just insult him blindly.

Just hearing this, Tao Yu chuckled softly.

"Seniors, times have changed..."

It's no use venting your anger on minions, it's better to go directly to the real owner...

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