All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 214 Paying Homage to the Mountain

"Old Na Jin Lun, I have met lay people..., cough cough..."

Jinlun Dharma King was lying on the hospital bed, his face was like gold paper, and his breath was like gossamer. But fortunately, he had a good foundation and managed to survive.

"The attack was too heavy, and you were too fragile."

Tao Yu looked at Dalba who was boiling medicine next to him. Little Prince Huodu seemed to have disappeared.

"The layman's magical skills are unparalleled. It is my blessing to be able to compete with the layman without dying in one move."

Who said Jinlun Dharma King can’t speak?

Now that I'm so sick, I can still talk pretty well.

"Haha, you are so nice to talk to. The main reason I came here this time is to ask for advice on the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu. I also want to ask you, the Dharma King, to be the instructor of our gym."

Tao Yu looked at the Jinlun in front of him that was about to burp up after being slapped by him, and he regretted not taking back one more.

This injury must be repaired on a monthly basis at least, and it may also lead to the root cause of the disease.

I just don’t know if it is possible for Jin Lun Dharma King to become the ‘Chosen One’.

Although Jin Lun Dharma King seems to have always been a villain and is more compatible with the 'Luck Stealer', this is not the case because he has not done anything extremely sinful.

If only based on his own position and what he wants to protect, then Jinlun Dharma King is also a hero on their side.

It's not impossible.

"Ahem, a layman with such magical skills would like to learn about my humble skills. This is my honor. However, I am currently ill. This is my disciple Dalba. He also has certain attainments in Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu..."

A friend in need is a friend indeed, Huo Dou likes to flatter others, and Dalba is honest and honest, but at the critical moment, only Dalba is willing to stay and take care of him, and Huo Dou has already escaped.

Jin Lun Dharma King also wanted to help his disciple.

With that kind of unheard-of magical power, why don't you hold your thigh like this?

In the past, grasslands swept across the land, but now there are overflowing giants, but I feel at a loss about the future...

"Good guy, this is too simple. My initial guess was indeed correct."

Tao Yu looked at the Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill that he had already obtained.

Because of his strong true energy, tyrannical energy, blood and body, Tao Yu had already started the [Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique] within half an hour.

This is indeed a technique that even a stupid person with low qualifications can easily learn.

In an environment where the meridians and acupuncture points themselves are already very complex, and in an environment where profound internal forces such as the Nine Yin Manual also require Taoist knowledge, Tao Yu had difficulty finding a Shaolin basic practitioner before.

It can be regarded as an ability with relatively low qualifications and prerequisites.

However, although Shaolin's basic breathing can be upwardly compatible with the seventy-two stunts, its potential is still limited and is not as convenient as [Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu].

Ordinary pioneers just concentrate on one skill so as not to distract their efforts and energy.

After looking at the deification requirements, one thousand wishes is not a small amount, but compared to [Beidou], it is still far behind.

Tao Yudang even completed his deification.

[Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu·Modification]: Each level can increase the upper limit of physical body, internal strength, and spirit.

Bland, without any special features.

But it was this simple and unpretentious ability that made Tao Yu's eyes light up.

"Haha, it's very good. It also adds spirit. My current system has become increasingly complicated. It is not suitable to train too much on each side. This ability to strengthen the foundation is the most suitable."

It's like I've had the Nine Sun Magic Skill for a while, but I haven't tried it because the conflict hasn't been resolved yet.

If the Great Shift of the Universe cannot solve the problem, then we can only regret giving up for the time being.

But [Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill] is completely different. It has no requirements for internal strength. Any kind of internal strength can be used to strengthen the physical body, widen the meridians, and nurture the spirit.

Unpretentious, simplifying the complex!

This even puts [Dragon and Elephant Prajna Skill] on the order of Tao Yu’s second deification!

"Actually, wishing power can really be transformed into a god for the second time now."

Tao Yu looked at his current wish strength of more than 200,000 and hesitated for a moment.

As my strength improves, I am now consuming more and more willpower to accelerate. If I only have tens of thousands of willpower left after deification, I am afraid I will not be able to reach the Bright Summit.

"Let's wait for a while. The company has saved up its efforts for several months and has not paid any dividends. Next time, I will ask Sun Shiqing to help me take care of it, and then I will find a way to sell these grassland people..."

Tao Yu hesitated.

Now there is another window period for improvement, and the overall improvement that I am willing to invest here is obviously much greater.

It’s not too late to wait until it reaches a stable period again before deification.

Let’s leave it alone for now.

After stretching his muscles for a while, Tao Yu also looked at the mountain road up Zhongnan Mountain. He could vaguely see some people wearing Taoist robes looking down from a distance, seeming to be somewhat concerned about the previous commotion here.

But it is obvious that with the current number of disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, they will not arrange for disciples to come down to take risks to explore. The main thing is to guard the main roads.

Tao Yu didn't care about this. After obtaining the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, he should visit Quanzhen and the ancient tomb.

"If you just entered this world and went straight here, it would still be a bit troublesome, but now..."

Tao Yu chuckled lightly, and then said to Cheng Lixue, who had been guarding her like a female guard.

"Let's go up and have a look."

"Okay, what about the children? Will they stay here? Will there be any problems?"

Cheng Lixue looked at the half-grown teenagers in the training corps with some concern.

Now that these three thousand soldiers have just surrendered, I am afraid something might go wrong.

"With Alan here, it won't be a big problem."

Tao Yu is really not worried, not to mention the spiritual seeds on Boyan's side.

Although these grassland soldiers are elite, their morale has dropped for two consecutive times, and they will definitely not be able to withstand Alan's transformation into a giant.

Besides, Ymir can also transform into the Jaw Titan, which is also a guarantee.

Tao Yu does things according to his own mood. Although Ymir has a bad personality, she has no bad deeds, and he did not take the initiative to do anything to her.

Then Tao Yu took Cheng Lixue to the Zhongnan Mountain.

The road of Zhongnan Mountain is rugged, but relatively wide, enough for several people to go up side by side. Even if the army below wants to come up, as long as no one blocks the key points, it can be relatively stable.

"It should be the difference in this world. I hope the road to Kunlun can be smooth."

If it is normal, there may be no official roads in many places to Kunlun, but if it is a world where six major sects besiege Guangmingding in the future, there may be some corrections.

As he walked past a corner, Tao Yu also saw a pavilion in front of him. There was a broken stone tablet next to the pavilion, which was very conspicuous. It was probably the one that Guo Jing broke and caused misunderstandings. It has not been repaired for several months.

At this time, there were seven Quanzhen Sect disciples in Taoist uniforms resting in the pavilion. When they found someone coming up, they all stood up and raised their guard.

When they saw that there were only two people and no army behind them, they relaxed a little.

Looking at the tight clothes on Tao Yu and Cheng Lixue, the handsome man and the pretty woman were dressed like people in the rivers and lakes, and the handsome man was carrying a slightly exaggerated big sword on his back.

They seemed to discuss quietly for a while, and then a man in Taoist robes who looked to be in his early twenties said with vigilance

"This is the territory of Quanzhen Sect. May I ask why you two are here?"

Tao Yu also bowed and responded

"Eastern Evil disciple Tao Yu, come to pay respects to the mountain."

Eastern Evil disciple!

This is a big title, which makes Tao Yu's status jump to the same level as Qiu Chuji and others...

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